
Jan 29, 2001
Well this weekend will be my first race in about a year, last was end of may last year, well anyways im damn nervous about crashing and re-injure my knee. I went on a trail ride last weekend and that was fine but it played on my mind pretty much all day, are there any ideas people have to get around this thinking?? Also are there any quick ways as to get back my speed from when i last raced or is it a matter of going out there and just doing it?



Mar 22, 2001
You'll know when it's time to start pushing as hard as you used to,and not much will over come your hesitation until you ride enough to gain back your confidence in your ability.It will help alot if you train as hard as possible,because nothing helps your confidence like being in shape enough to ride with out runing over your own tongue ;).Remember, you're most voulinerble to injury when your're tired!!

billy frank


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
I broke my collarbone last January and started racing again in March... but it took me about 4-6 months to really get my confidence back... which was way too long in my opinion... but it just came with time.

'01 YZ 125 - #32
2000 D17 Women's Motocross Champion
Sponsors: DGY, MX-Tech, Bell, Smith, Works Connection, Boyesen, Twin Air, SoCal/DeCal Works, Morris Trailer Sales, and Skyway Trucking


Jun 14, 2000
I don't race but had a hard crash last year at an intermediate MX practice track that I swear should have broken something. Turned out to be a badly brused right shoulder and as I went over the bars they caught me VERY close to some important anatomy. :o The shoulder took 4-5 months to feel better including some rehab time.

After I got back on the bike again (a couple weeks later) I felt somewhat scared that it would happen all over again. You kind of replay the moment over and over in your mind. I found that riding as much as I could at a slightly slower pace built up my confidence to continually go faster each ride.

No doubt, it's tough to get back in the saddle again and I'm sure many of us have been there.

So... get out there and ride, ride, ride. Slower at first... the speed will come back to you!

Mine '00 CR-250 - '95 Yamaha Virago XV-750
Kids '01 CR-80's


Nov 17, 2000
KIWI, if it makes you feel better, I damaged my knee last October racing down at Casey.
this last weekend was out season opener at Aztalan. ;) Of course, just getting back on the bike for the first time since Oct. I went out with a "I'm just going to ride, not race" attitude. Weeeeeeeeell, I was passing a slower rider on the out side, going into a deep berm. and he move into me, stood my bike up and over the berm I went :o. Didn't crash, but there went the knee again :( Oh well. As far as getting your speed back, it will come automaticlly. Once you get back on the seat and ride again a few times, you tend to forget the old injuries. (personal experience)

AMA Lifer
Aztalan Cycle Club VP
75 Rokon
350 Bridgestone
Road Toad & others


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
Originally posted by Michael Zimmerman:
KIWI, if it makes you feel better, I damaged my knee last October racing down at Casey.

Funny... that's where I broke my collarbone too :)

'01 YZ 125 - #32
2000 D17 Women's Motocross Champion
Sponsors: DGY, MX-Tech, Bell, Smith, Works Connection, Boyesen, Twin Air, SoCal/DeCal Works, Morris Trailer Sales, and Skyway Trucking


Jan 29, 2001
Yeah thanks everyone, as for making me feel better about you damaging you rknee, no sorry it doesn't. and injurys suck! But anyways saw the track today and it looks good, Im looking forward to sunday, it was groomed just today so it made it look even better, but also the soil is a deep dark brown, where i used to live was a much lighter color, but i couldnt see any carparking, a track but no parking, oh well who cares i just want to race!


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