
Sep 15, 2000
I've got about 20 hours on my 91 RM 250 and am having some probs. Not with the bike, but with myself.

I'm just starting now to try wheelies (I know, newbie loser trick), but I just have this fear of the bike flipping over on me. I can do one for about 4 feet from a stop, but when the bike hits hard in 3rd, I'm just terrifed to lift up on the bars a bit. Is there something I can do to get over it?

Second, when jumping my wrist has a mind of its own and always lets go of the throttle. So I end up getting about 2 feet off the ground. I am in the attack position, but find it really hard to properly use the throttle while standing/crouching. Any fix for this?

Maybe I am just getting ahead of myself a bit?

Thanks for the help :)


'91 RM 250

[This message has been edited by Hucker (edited 04-09-2001).]


Mar 19, 2001
my first question is,how long have you had this bike?its very normal to be afraid of the bike if you havent had it for awhile.if you have had it for a few months,then you should know the feel of your guess is,a 91 rm250 in 3rd gear wont loop on you if you tug on the bars careful when riding wheelies,i am too scared to try and ride them(on my 1996 kx500 with a ton of aftermarket performance mods.)before my 1980 yz465 got stolen,i was trying to ride a wheelie,and it looped,quick and hard.talkin about pain,i thought i was dieing for 2 weeks,and thats no bs.wear protective gear,take it slow,and be careful.



Sep 15, 2000
I've had the bike since last fall. I have gotten about 20 hours on it. I read a review on the bike, all they could say was "Crappy bottom end, but watch out on the top". I am getting very confortable with it, especially in the turns, leaning, going a bit faster. I guess I under estimate the speed I need to carry the 215lb bike, and my 225lb's over a jump. I'll give the wheelies a rest, I don't feel like messing myself up over a stupid move like that...


'91 RM 250


Jun 29, 1999
Originally posted by Hucker:
I am in the attack position, but find it really hard to properly use the throttle while standing/crouching. Any fix for this?

I would say if you don't feel comfortable standing, work on that before jumps or wheelies.

I remember when I started riding, I knew I should be standing, but when I did, it only seemed to make things more difficult. It took time for standing to feel natural.

Now I've been told by faster guys that I stand too much (ie, all the time), and that my cornering speed will increase if I sit in some corners.... so maybe a grain of salt would go well with my advice :).

Mental note: uncheck "show signature" before submitting next time :

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Knowing how to do wheelies is a good thing, but I would wait until you're more comfortable with riding in general before trying them. Same goes for Supermans and Can-Cans. :)

One thing that might help you with getting comfortable in a semi-standing position would be to make sure that the controls are all in correct positions.



Alowishus Devadander
Nov 10, 1999
Hey leave wheelies alone! I can't "ride" a wheelie to save my life. I can USE a wheelie in a lot of situations. It is better to be able to carry the front wheel while accelerating across rough terrain or to clear objects or obstacles. I ride the expert class in CC's but can't ride a wheelie farther than 20-25 feet. Then again the guys who keep smoking me can!!!

P.S. The bike won't land on you if you loop it out. You brain will make you step off the back, at least mine does.

Feb 24, 2001
Yeah well I'm not sure what everyone else has told you, but you should take your time. When you feel really comfortable you should try all these things. Just give time and it'll come to you. Just my 2 cents.

Special Thanks To: Socal/Decal Works, Vortex, RK Chain, ScottUSA, Excel Rims,


Sep 15, 2000
Hey, maybe I need some personal lessons. Nothing a trip up to Mississauga won't help :)

Oh yeah, I'm going to Hamilton friday afternoon for a ride, if your interested drop me a email..

[email protected]

'91 RM 250
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