Having some teeth extracted!! Advice needed.


Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
Two weeks from today, I'm having all four wisdom teeth extracted, along with two molars on the bottom that cracked last summer. :yikes:

As some of you know, I'm a skinny guy to begin with, and that's when I'm eating well, if I don't eat, I pretty much disappear. Having three teeth from both sides gone with stitches remaining is going to make for some challenging eating.

I'm looking for advice from anyone that has had multiple extractions or oral surgery on what to eat to keep my weight and energy up during the healing process. I don't want to survive on jello and chicken noodle soup, damnit!

I think I will eat steak every night until I get this done :)


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
I've only lost one chomper so far and as you know i'll never disappear :laugh: but I think you could likely help keep some of your weight up with meal replacement or protein shakes from the local bodybuilder supplier.


Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
Hey Chili - long time no see. I've thought about the protein shakes, just gonna miss that full belly feeling for however long it takes for my gums to heal up. Liquid diets suck. Ack.


Moderator / SuperPowers
Jun 9, 1999
Roost, What ever you do, make sure you follow the Doc's instructions regarding after surgery care. My "X" had her wisdom teeth removed and ended up with "Dry Socket". The procedure to correct this is brutal. She likened it to hurting as much as "giving birth" :whoa:

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
Your oral surgeon should give you some recommendations on what and when to eat. Your appetite might be down for a few days anyways. I had my wisdom teeth out a long time ago when I was skinny. If you lose a few pounds, you'll be able to put them back on pretty quick.

Due to all the drugs the doc gave me in the chair, the surgery itself was not bad at all. The first day after also was not too painful. But 2 days after the operation, the pain got quite a bit worse and lasted a few days. Overall, my experience was not as bad as the stories I had heard prior to surgery.

Good luck!


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
About 10 years ago I had to have all of my teeth removed due to a dental disease. There was actually more pain from the disease than the extraction.

I had a limited diet for a couple of weeks... PB&J is great stuff!! It's soft and contains a lot of calories.

I was pretty skinny at the time, and I didn't disappear. As a matter of fact, I put on quite a bit of weight pretty quick. I think I gained 20 lbs in the next couple of months.

Don't worry about it. But do pay attention to what the doc tells you, dry socket is not something you want to deal with, as Mully said.


Mostly Useless
Nov 25, 2003
PB&J, macaroni and cheese, and anything cool. If the doc offers an anti-inflammatory injection, take it. I had 11 removed and mine offered one (I don't remember what it was), but it lasted for three days and it made the whole ordeal tolerable.



AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Just be sure to have the top four in front removed. Just for fun.

Oh, and I've often found a steady diet of barley wine does a good job keeping the weight on. Best liquid diet I know of.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Hey Rooster, that sucks. No advice for keeping that boyish body of yours but make sure Sam doesn't take advantage of you in your weakened state! :p

...maybe Keith should have some teeth pulled... :nener:


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
RM_guy said:
Hey Rooster, that sucks. No advice for keeping that boyish body of yours but make sure Sam doesn't take advantage of you in your weakened state! :p

...maybe Keith should have some teeth pulled... :nener:

Being the good wife that I am I have already told him that I will take good care of him. :p Of course, being the not so good wife I told him my horror story from when I had my teeth out. I didn't quite have dry socket - but close enough. Two vicodins and a shot of Motrin in the arm later, the pain in my face finally subsided - and I was legally high! WOOHOO!

Anyhoo - I think that pasta should be okay to eat after the first couple of days, if you overcook it a little bit to make it mushier perhaps? Thats got enough carbs and such in it. I would think bread would be good too, and eggs.

This may be a good dieting tool for me also - and I'm not having my teeth out!


It's been awhile...
Dec 1, 2004
Milk shakes! (with vodka, optional).
Last edited:

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
biglou said:
"My advice to you, is to start drinking heavily."
"You better listen to him, he's in pre-med."


I thought you were pre-law. "Same thing."


Sponsoring Member
Jan 1, 2001
I had my wisdom teeth pulled a couple years ago. I had laughing gas instead of being knocked out. That was the best part. 2 of mine were impacted, so they are sawing, drilling, and useing plyers, and 2 people holding my head in place as they wrestled the teeth from my mouth. Take all drugs they offer. My wife drove me to the oral surgens office. On the way home, I leaned forward and a big slurry of blood and saliva went pouring in my lap, I couldnt feel a thing in my mouth- jaw area. :yikes:
Have a nice day :p


Jan 30, 2002
Unless you're really squeamish, just get a local. The procedure isn't nearly as bad as some say. I had 5 pulled a year ago. It only took 25 mins or so. The first couple of needles were rough...but after that it was cake. One of things you'll have to do is wash your mouth with salt-water. Do that very gently the first few days. I lost one of the "plugs" by washing to rough.


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
WaltCMoto said:
On the way home, I leaned forward and a big slurry of blood and saliva went pouring in my lap, I couldnt feel a thing in my mouth- jaw area. :yikes:
Have a nice day :p

Looks like I'll be driving him in his own truck then :laugh:


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
I had all four wisdom teeth extracted a few years ago. The dentist said I was too smart anyway. He had to do the drill and expander deal to crack them and pull the pieces out. Honest to gawd Roosta' it wasn't any big deal. He gave me the NOS and shot me up with some local then got to work after I hung out and rode the gas for a while. I was so spaced out he could have extracted my head and I wouldn't have known! He sewed things up and put me on some O2 to clear my head then once they felt I was safe to drive turned me loose. I spit a nice blood slurry for a couple hours but it finally clotted and I just had some MRP shakes for 2 days then started eating regular food like hamburgers, PB&J, etc... I actually got tired of the loose ends from the stitches in my mouth and cut them out with an Xacto knife a couple days before I had to go back for my check up. He asked where they were and I explained the situation to which he smiled and said "So Mr. Toughguy have you ever stitched up your own cuts?" I replied "Yes" and he said "Well I hope you at least sanitized the blade!" "Yup with rubbing alcohol and then I swished with Listerene every few hours. So do I get some kind of kickback?"

Can ya' tell I knew my dentist pretty well LOL!

Don't sweat it buddy, maybe it will suck but I bet it will be just fine. Of course you can always make like it's killin' ya' and maybe the wife will take extra good care of ya'.


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Roo, I think Sammy is onto something with the mushy pasta - I would do a nice scampi saucewith lots of butter and garlic and olive oil to add calories. YUMMO!


Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
My oral surgeon is a pretty cool guy, about my age and doesn't throw down any BS. He said he's gonna hit me with a good bunch of novocaine, fire up the NOS and get er done. He told me to bring my walkman and some CD's, and all should be well. Says it will take about an hour, which I assume includes letting the novocaine and NOS kick in. I'll be riding the couch for a day, that's for sure.

I just don't like the thought of giving up good solid food for however long it takes to heal up.

The WORST thing is, I've been advised against drinking any barley pops afterwards!!! :yikes: How on earth is a guy to survive something painful without his buddy weiser? :laugh:


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Rooster said:
The WORST thing is, I've been advised against drinking any barley pops afterwards!!! :yikes: How on earth is a guy to survive something painful without his buddy weiser? :laugh:
Get to know your buddie's friend, Jim Beam. Had mine done when I had one abcessed. No fun but you'll survive. I think you weigh at least 1 bswift!


Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
Damn, I was re-reading some of the posts. I few of you had some serious teefs removed! I'm not worried about the pain or any of that, the strongest pain killer I have ever taken for anything is aspirin. My weight just fluxuates a lot depending on what I eat.

I think I'll get a big ole bottle of Cap'n and ride the couch for the weekend. :nod:

bswift - what was the formula for figuring how many bswifts a person weighs again? I'm at about 163 right now.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
you are approximately 1.12 bswifts right now. I believe that's the high end of how many bswifts you've been over the years.

and I still vote for the front top four teeth getting pulled. You'll fit in better at the Unabomber Shack . . .


This one just came to me:

Roo: "I'm having some teeth removed."
Lou: "Why, are you over the legal limit for NC?"

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