

May 10, 2003
I own a 98 KDX200 and wondering if anyone can offer suggestions. I took it out last weekend on a long ride and it ran perfectly. During the ride it got drowned once or twice (I was set up!!) in some huge water ruts so when I got it home I gave it a good wash. After washing it tried to start it and it wouldnt, so left it over night went out the next night and then it started. Took it for a quick spin and the revs kept dying off whenever I clicked it out of 1st. I took out the plug and just wiped it and put it back in it seemed to run ok until I ride up a slope or the step up jump when the revs die again.
I have just drained the fuel and washed the air filter and am about to check the carby, Im thinking maybe theres water somewhere, anyone had this problem before, if so how do I fix it?


Mod Ban
Mar 15, 2003
Have you drained the carb? Sounds like it could be water in the carb to me. My X90 was acting like that a while back and it does not have a drain on the carb's bowl. So I took the carb off the bike and checked the bowl, it had about a tablespoon of water in it.


May 10, 2003
havent drained the carb but is next on the list, Im suppose to be riding tomorrow so will try it before I leave in the morning and see how it goes


Oct 14, 1999
Kinda depends on what 'got drowned' means.

If you got stuck in the mud with water just over the axles, that's one thing.

If you were standing on your seat, ankle deep in water, that's another.

Did the engine suck in any water (was it running or trying to run when it went underwater)?

You don't say, but I presume that after the 'set-up' you rode it for the balance of the day to no ill effect?

In which case, maybe it was indeed the washing off that caused the problem?

Clean your filter. An inspection of it should tell you to what extent it 'got drowned'. With the filter off, make sure the intake between the filter and the carb is clean. There is a 'well' before the carb that can accumulate junk.

If that area is dirty, certainly take the carb off and clean it up. CRC brakleen works great for that.

You can drain the bowl via the plug on the bottom (17mm I recall?) of the bowl.

Make sure everything is correctly assembled and correctly tightened....reed cage flange, carb boots and such.

Are the boots in good condition? No cracks that could have sucked in some water?

Check your tranny oil. Heck...just change it on GP. If it looks like baby poop or is milky, that's another indication you sucked in some water.

The 'set up' doesn't sound like a good thing. Depending on how bad it was, you could cause some serious damage to your bike and to yourself if you got in 'over your head.'

All puddles are the same depth gauged by their surface! Which of course has squat to do with what lies beneath.

Assume every puddle is over your head (literally and figuratively) until you know otherwise.

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