
May 24, 2000
A couple of weekends ago, my lower back started tightening up during a break on a Sunday ride. Decided to pack it up and head for home. By that night, I could barely walk to the bathroom!
Next morning, I get a perscription for pain killers and muscle relaxants from the emergency room.
Next I find a good sports doctor, takes X-Rays to make sure there is no vertebrae movement (none, thank God!), so I start treatment on Prednisone and schedule an MRI.
Found out today from the MRI that I have a minor herniated disk at L5. Next step is some PT and exercise.
I was wondering if any other DRN members ride with a condition like this, or anything similar?
I just recently hit 30 and I'm already falling apart! Cripes!


Dec 18, 2000
Degenerated disc between L3 and L4. I have to stay in shape, never sleep on my stomach but always with a pillow between my legs and never sit on a wallet. At 42 I've had this condition for years but, like I said take care and stay in shape.


scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
Originally posted by Budda
I just recently hit 30 and I'm already falling apart! Cripes!

I'm 31, @ 30 I blew out my L4- L5 disk to 12 MM and it fragmented. Was just about paralized (due to the disc smashing the nerves into the bone) and needed manditory surgury. IT SUCKED. I've had a few other surguries and none was as bad as this one. You've got 2 things going for you. 1 your docs diagnosed the problem, mine just said it was a pulled muscle, until it finally blew out (never did an MRI untl after). 2nd. hopefully you'll strengthen the area and let it heal. Physical therapy really, really helps. as to the previous comment about never sleeping on his stomach. thats actually recomended fro me and a lot of the exercises I do are laying on my stomach. But the best tip is stay in shape and move correctly. Use your legs to lift etc. good luck. Oh yeah I still ride as often as possible.


Sep 20, 1999
partially degenerated disc at L4-L5, 42 years old. it's pretty scary at 1st until you learn to deal with it. i was told i'd never run again, i trophied at a 5k & finished a half marathon easily. i was told i'd never be able to ride a bicycle again, i raced them for years, won a few trophies. dirt bike riding hardly bothers it at all. the key for me, as for some others above, was finding the right physical therapist. i do my exercises every day, make sure i sleep right, use a special pillow that cost $100 (for arthritis in my neck from bike wrecks, but it also helps my lower back). every few years i really mess up my back doing something, the pain is pretty bad, then i call my neursurgeon & ask for a medrol dose pack & it's gone in a couple of days.there's a girl in our club who just had surgery on the same disc, had a fusion, now she's riding as hard as ever. don't despair!


Jul 14, 2001
I'm 36. A year and a half ago I was diagnosed with a ruptured disc between L3 & L4. It was pressing on the nerve and hurt like hell. First doctor wanted to do surgery. No discussion and no alternative. I got a second opinion. The second doctor told me surgery is only a last resort for him. After 2 epidural blocks I was much better. After some healing time and proper excercise I am recovered. I have been racing Hare Scrambles and Enduros, and even won a Hare Scramble a month ago. So.....dont give up! It is not always the end of the world. :)

Monkey Butt

Jun 1, 2000
I've had two herniated discs in my lower back and two bulged discs in my upper back for about 11 or 12 years now. I still have pain every day but nothing too bad. I always have the option of surgery but I've elected to live with it for now. I'm not going to be doing any nak-nak's any time soon, but I can still ride and race. I layed off of riding for a long time after my initial injury, but it seems as though riding is the best thing for my back now, as long as I stay away from hard flat landings. Early this summer, I over jumped a double two or three times and reinjured my back pretty bad. It still isn't quite the same. The strangest thing is that my back can be killing me all day but after I go riding it tends to feel much better, some times for two or three days. I think that I am actually readjusting my back while riding. I always wear a kidney belt now and that seems to really help. I guess the message here is that your riding days are not over as long as you stay active and in good condition. Be smart about it, but don't let this injury stop you from staying in shape. It will set you back and you need to be very patient, but you will learn to live with it and you will get stronger slowly.

Good Luck with the recovery.


Jun 14, 2000
Time and exercise really help

At 49 I have had problems with L4 & L5 for years. The MRI's showed slightly herniated and bulged disks. There were times a number of years ago that I couldn't get up off the floor the pain was so bad. Pain killers, muscle relaxers, and exercise did the trick. Never had any surgery. Feeling pretty good these days. (knock on wood) I think motocross actually helps the lower back by keeping the stomach and back muscles stronger. Does any one agree with me on that one?
I find it's the stupid things I do that throw the back out. Like bending over and twisting at the same time or lifting a heavy object the wrong way.

Try the PT and exercise BEFORE you consider surgery. The pain is a real killer in the beginning but allow time for the healing.

Good Luck!


Nov 12, 2001
slight herniations can heal. do not ride or do anything to put you at risk for worsening the injury. give it time to heal and have repeat MRI's to monitor healing. the MRI's are expensive but, they are the best way to monitor progress. at your age, a slight herniation probably won't keep you down for long. spinal injuries seem to produce pain that is out of proportion to the actual physical harm. the heightened pain response causes the muscles to lock up acting as a natural split. you may have already found that the muscle relaxers will provide the best pain relief. often, the worst of the pain is caused by muscle contraction more than the herniation itself.


May 15, 2001
I had an MRI on my back last Wed. 3 herniated discs. No need for surgery yet, just common sense. I started streching, working out a little less intense, pulling off the track after 15-20 minutes instead of 30. I got an electronic muscle stimulator and it is VERY helpful. TV and 15 minutes and presto...no sore back. I've been streching over one of those pilates balls and it's as good as a chriopractor. And I get massage twice a week. LUXURY! My advice is to mellow out,have fun and you will be pain free again. As they say...everything in moderation. Go easy in the whoops and don't flat land BIG jumps and you can ride till your hearts content. And buy one of those LIFT STANDS....lifesavers.


May 30, 2001
You guys got me wondering... I've been having lower back pain for years. Even mild pain right now. I get up in the morning and stand up to about 75 degrees where the pain hits, wait a few seconds and then stand up the rest of the way. I had been wondering about issues with the prostate, they say back pain can be a part of that as well. I might look into the herniated disc thing. 37 and falling apart like the rest of you... :ugg: :confused:


May 24, 2000
Well, I just started my physical therapy this week. It's all commen sense exercises, really. Basically, it is streching and building up of the muscles around the area (stomach and back). Now I have more motivation for losing weight! I've been lucky in that my back has responded well to the anti-inflammatories. I feel that I can ride again, but I'm going to wait until I'm in better shape (and I'll be using my kidney belt more, too). I was given some handouts of the exercises, send me a fax # and I can send them out next week. They are easy, some sit up's, squats, streching and a stabilization exercise.


Nov 15, 2001
Books and other info. for strength

Last fall I herniated L3 & L4 and decided not to have surgery. I went through months of therapy. The best advice I can give anyone is that exercise and strenghening is important. You have to build the muscles in mid-section (lower back and abs). I did find two books that proved to be very helpful in learning how and what to stretch. "Muscle Mechanics" and "Whartons Strech Book" are good resources. Each can be found at Amazon.com and bn.com. Another thing my therapist told me about was this new tool called the "Reebok Core". It's a whole new dimension that involves new muscle firming and balance-building workout. It really worked for me. However, I was already very fit and liber prior to the injury and this type of training amplified my workout. I don't usually promote any products unless I believe in them. Check out Reebok's website. The core muscles have been over looked more than anything. Most important thing is to continue to exercise even once you feel better. I starting back racing motocross in June and I feel good. I hope this is useful. Ride hard!


May 24, 2000
Thanks for book reference, extreme33, I'll definately take a look at those.
stormer94, I'll fax those out on Monday, I don't have a fax at home.


Apr 23, 2000
On the right track

26 yrs ago I compressed my L-5 L-4 and L-3 was herneated I was 20yrs old at the time and the Orthopedic dotors wanted to fuse my spine they set a date and all .I was ready to go ( young and dumb) my father suggested a Chroprator so I tryed it with instant results ( I could pee in the morning with out crying) he also had me streching a little . As I progressed I only had to go 2 times a week after about 2 monthes tretments.But the most benficial thing I have ever done was Yoga streching ( they can keep the Tantric stuff) it helps alot. Now at45 I still ride my back is not problem.

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
hey..i want in on this..the herniated disk club:D i've got 3, but the worst is the l5s1 disk. i was in a wheel chair for about ten days at age 28,wow, thought i'd never walk again. i took some prednisone and then started therapy. i've had some flare ups since then, but constant exercise/stretching and i'm a-ok. my sciatic nerve gets banged and tightens up my whole left leg tendon, it's bad, but riding actually helps. talked to the doc about it, showed him the standing attack position,and he agreed that this type of movement(leg hamstrings and lower back used for ballance) actually helps. this doesn't mean landing 100ft jumps won't possibly ding ya:eek: ha! once yo learn all the basics, the back thing is pretty managable.


May 24, 2000
Well, I'm in my third week of physical therapy, and things are going really well. I'm doing the basic streching exercises and the strength building of the back and stomach muscles. I still get some aggravation on my left sciatic nerve, buit thats usually after several hours of walking. I won't ride again next year, and hopefully by then I will be in better shape.

Stormer, did you ever get the fax for the exercises?

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