How far apart for front wheel chocks?


Jul 14, 2002
I built a sweet 5 x 10 utility trailer with an aluminum truck box going across the front. My question is how far apart are most wheel chocks from each other for hauling two bikes? I didn't have another bike to use when I welded the first two on. Until now, I have only hauled my bike on it using the middle chock. Now I will be hauling two bikes and I put my bike on and it looks like the front wheel holder will need to be moved over. Can anyone measure there trailer and tell how far apart their chocks are?


Aug 4, 2000
On that size trailer, the best setup is to place three wheel chocks, with the center one being a foot or so further foward than either of the side chocks. That allows you the option of carrying a third bike and, trust me, the situation always arises when you need to carry more bikes.

With that setup, you can put the chocks about 18 inches apart.

If you go with the two chock setup, measure from the center line of the bike to the end of the handlebar, double that number and then add the number of inches that you want to have between the handlebar ends of the bikes (4-6 inches should work). BTW, the measurement and doubling is the same as the width of the handlebars, so you can do it that way.


Jul 14, 2002
I have 3 chocks already welded on. I just have never had the opportunity to actually put 2 bikes on the trailer. I loaded my bike the other day so I could drill my tie down holes and noticed that even with the handlebars cut down to 30", that two bikes might be tight. So I have to reweld and was thinking that someone out there would be able to measure it for me, since I don't have another bike around to use. What you are saying is that 36" apart should do the trick. Thanks.
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