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Dec 10, 2002
Hi everyone,

   I just wanted to rant a little about how i hate my job, feel free to join in.

Almost 3 years ago, i was in contact with a commpany who offered an ok salary ( enough to pay rent ). But they offered lots of benefits, like matching 5% in my 401k, profit sharing, being fully vested in 3 years, 3 weeks vacation, Tuition re-embursement, and bonuses for getting certifications. Health insurance was also offered to me for like $40 a month, and I had a $10 co-pay.

Well, the salary wasn't that great but I knewi could take some certification tests if i need money, and they had lots of benefits, so i took the job.

Today, they have killed the bonuses, cut my insurance down to having to pay a co-pay and 10%, while doubleing the cost to me. And the best i can hope for as far as a raise is capped at 3.5% but i was supposed to get one in jan and i am still waiting. I freaking have to save up ahead of time just to go see the Dr.

Let me clarify that It's not like I made $40k or $30k and i got myself in debt and now I can't keep up. I make way less than that, and I have to struggle when I shouldn't. I mean I don't have a car payment, I do have like $300 on  my credit card, and I have to pay the basics, rent, utilities, car insurnace... etc... wich leaves me no money when i'm done. I just feel like i should  be able to take better care of myself, being that I do work fulltime, and I am not carrying any debt, nor am i living extravagently.

 Is anyone else in my boat?


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
sorry, I love my job. Only wish I got paid more . . .


Jun 5, 2001
I love my job too but the pay stinks. They are raising healthcare costs for us and wanted us to take a 5% cut.


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
If that is/was the case, then take full advantage of the matching and vesting (5% though is piddly), advance your degree and get it paid for, and get certified in the areas that are hot (assuming IT?). The sudden lack of bonuses for certs shouldn't deter you from getting them (and assuming the company pays for the cert prep and exams?).

Sounds like your current job is a stepping-stone, and it's time to step to that next stone! If you've used the past 3 years to your advantage, you'll have marketable skills and experience to land a new job with higher salary. FWIW, most people get the largest increase in pay by moving to another company as opposed to a pay raise with your current employer. You don't want to job hop just for the sake of job hopping; each move should be to increase opportunity, provide more/different challenges, and advance pay. You are at that point. Today's economy certainly doesn't help your situation, but companies are hiring for the "right person" all the time. Be that person.

I've worked for 5 main employers over the span of almost 15 years, and it was not uncommon to get a 30-35% increase for each move. Those kind of increases will be very hard to come by now, but you can certainly do a whole lot better than 3.5%.

FWIW, I also haven't gotten a raise or bonus in 2 years, and my health care costs went up 61% last year.


Dec 10, 2002
In order to put more money into my 401k, Or get certs.. etc... I'd have to have money. What I am saying is that I am horribly broke.... I have to eat ramen noodles ( literally ) and drink only water for 2 months, to get and extra $300. I had to stop going to the doctor for my asthma because, that's what i have to do to make sure I have a little extra in case something happens, like my car break down and stuff......


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
Wow. Can't you at least put the cert exam on a credit card, then turn in the receipt and get reimbursed by your company?

If you really are on a noodle and water diet, what the hell are you doing with a new bike? :think:


Aug 30, 2002
Well at least you have your priorities straight, like Smit-Dog said your riding a new bike.

I would start looking. I know the current job market isn't the best, but if have skills and a desire to work you will beable to find something better.

Good luck


Jan 30, 2003
I also agree w/Smit-dog on this. I was working my way up in a company until I got an offer with a different company doing the same thing. Ended up with a 30% raise.


Dec 10, 2002
I no longer get re-embursed for certs........ Yes I bought a new bike, I took my amazingly generous bonus from last year, and bought a new bike. If i sold my bike, that wouldn't cure my problem of not making enough money. IT would only leave me a slight savings to get slowly sucked out of me, and I'd eventually be back to being broke....


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Find a new job.

Being on the other side of some of this I can tell you that health care costs on the employers side have gone through the roof in the past few years. We still pay for all the employees coverage but have had to let the co-pay go up to $25 on doctor visits and the perscription co-pay is on a sliding scale dependant on the perscription with the lowest co-pay at $10, but we provide a killer coverage PPO to everone.

On the adjustment. Find a new job! We may blow an employment date but we make all adjustments retroactive so if your date was missed by 4 months you'll get a nice little "bonus" in you pay stub.

If the company did not adjust their employee manual and just word of mouthed the no certification or school pay backs then they are still responsible by what the manual says they will do. Employment Law is pretty convoluted but the majority of the time is very protective of the employee.

The bottom line is only you can do something about your noodle eating and bad investment planning (bikes are not a good investment, they are a toy). As a rule of thumb consider having at least 2 or 3 months of living expenses in the bank before you pull the trigger on a toy. It may not be the most fun thing but it's a lot smarter than having a new bike with no fuel and a cup of noodles to eat.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Patman is right.

Don't let the slow job market bring you down. Have confidence, make sure you are putting in the effort on your skills and make the attempt if you are unhappy where you are at.

I'm not saying the sky will open up and you'll be handed your dream job but as long as you are putting in the effort to find one you will be a step up on your competition. I'm not advocating job hopping but I am advocating having enough confidence in yourself to want something more for you and your family (if you have one).

Just remember, just b/c you get a job offer doesn't mean you have to take it so be picky and be patient.

Good luck.



Apr 13, 2000
Originally posted by Patman
as a rule of thumb consider having at least 2 or 3 months of living expenses in the bank before you pull the trigger on a toy.

This is the best advice I have seen in along time. Wheres that mojo button when you need it.

Im done with credit cards.Only going to be used when ordering online or absolutely necessary.


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
If it's been "almost" 3 years, stick it out for that full 3 and get your 401(k) vested!!  No point losing that money that you DO have in there.

Been there.  In the fall of 2000, I accepted a position with a new company-- 35% raise, great benefits, and they paid to relocate me from Illinois to New York.  Cloud 9!    Fast forward to June 2002-- the org that I originally got hired into was pretty much dissolved.  I got transferred to another division, doing the same work.  December 2002-- I was given notice that due to company restructuring I would not be employed after January, 2003.  :think:

I lost my 401(k) vesting as I just missed the 3 year mark.  I lost the good health benefits, but was able to get picked up under my husband's insurance (at significantly more cost to us). 

Severance was decent, and I was able to pick up another job within 4 weeks of getting laid off.  Unfortunately, it's a contracting position at 5-10% less pay than I got before, with a hellacious commute. (90 miles one way).  I'm not qualified for 401(k) yet, and have NO vacation time.  I hate being stuck in limbo like this, but figure that nothing is ever permanent.  Something better will come along.  My goal this summer is to work hard and get my credit cards paid off so I don't have that monkey on my back anymore.

Now, here's what you need to do, Zero:

First, stay at your present company at least long enough to get your 401(k) vested.  Then, look at other options for cutting back expenses until you get that next great job.  Can you get a cheaper apartment, or a roommate to share expenses with?  Don't know what you're drving that KDX around in truck, trailer, whatever.  Can you downsize your vehicle?  Get rid of cable TV, cellphone, or other non-essential expenses.  Can you pick up a second job, part time, pumping gas or stocking shelves or WHATever?  Doesn't have to be forever, just long enough to get a little nest egg saved up.  You have lots of options to help you kick your Ramen noodle habit. ;) 


Dec 10, 2002
I really just wanted to get a little rant out.....
My bike is the only luxury I have. I rent a room in someone's house, I don't have cable, I don't have any phone. I drive a 1988 vw fox, so i don't think downsizing in cars is gonna help.... I have looked at part time jobs, but with part time jobs you can easily get into a situation were you bust ass an extra 20 hours a week for $100. And then at the end of the year you get spanked on taxes.....

It's just proof on how things can slide downhill so fast... when I got my bonus, I bought my bike. I bought the kdx mainly because it was cheaper than one of the MX 250's but still had a good reputation. At the time I was living 8 blocks from work, so i rarely drove.. And I did have money saved up after buying the bike. But then were i was living, let some girl move in, and the clapp trapp proceeded to throw A month and a half long party, I adamently told the main guy of the house that either clapp trapp goes or I go. She was allowed to stay so I moved out, I probably coulda stayed, but I'da prolly killed someone. Moving took a chunk out of what i had saved up, then my medical coverage got changed so that sucked up more money... and then my car needed some attention....... etc... I just have slowly been nickled and dimed to death to the point of were i am now.... Plus I think my gf will eventually leave me if i get a part time job.....


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
You're driving 180 miles a day for work? :scream:
Surely you belong to a 'books on tape' club.

I thought San Diego was bad--about 45 minutes for a 19 mile trip on the constipated I-15.


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Nephron-- Yes, and it sucks.  Ok, it's technically 80 miles one way, 90 minutes.  I looked at books on tape, but don't feel like paying $24.95 for them.

Zero-- yeah, it doesn't sound like you have any extravagant expenses, car, rent or otherwise.  Hang in there, things will hopefully improve this year.



Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
401K, what's that?

i had to change positions within the same company after my injury last year. i've been whining alot about it because i don't like what i'm doing now.
but after reading some of the previous posts, i feel alot better.


May 21, 2001
Everyone will shrug me off and say "it's just high school", but here's my rant.
First off, I go to the best high school in the country. The price I pay for it? I've got a 19 mile drive to school (leave home at 7:00) that takes an hour in the morning and 90 minutes at night. At school I work very hard. Get home at 5:30. 6:00pm to as early as 9 and as late as 3am (twice this week) I do homework. This doesn't leave me much time to have a life, and when the weekends do come around I'm usually too tired or too busy with homework to do much. Even if I wanted to do anything because of the area the school draws from, I don't live close to many friends. Last saturday I had to drive 27 miles to do a project at a friend's house. Also, the pressure of the school compels every student (myself included) to take at least 7AP classes before graduation. That's a good twist!

The good:
  • Best high school education available in the US
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes (group I lead) is the coolest thing ever
  • Getting into college will be a breeze
  • It's preparing me for life - pressure management, time management, etc
  • The environment where everyone wants to learn is cool
  • Teachers trust the students and students trust eachother. In a school of 1600, nobody intentionally locks their locker
  • Only a handful of kids in the school do drugs
  • The students aren't idiots...
  • I got a 4.0 this year

Take it for what it's worth. Feel free to comment
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Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
Originally posted by yzeater
First off, I go to the best high school in the country. The price I pay for it? I've got a 19 mile drive to school (leave home at 7:00) that takes an hour in the morning and 90 minutes at night. At school I work very hard. Get home at 5:30. 6:00pm to as early as 9 and as late as 3am (twice this week) I do homework.



AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
whoopdefreakin'doo, yzeater. I dunno man, you keep dancing your little "Superior Dance" on the rest of us like the damn Church Lady. "My dad's car's the best in the world!" "My mom's minivan is the best in the world!" "I go to the best school in the world!" "I'm the smartest 16 year old in the world!" Boy, I shore wish I wuz as edumacated as you. :silly:

I can't wait 'til I get my copy of "yzeater's manual on how to make friends and keep 'em" :|

Call me back in 10 years when you're no longer living off mommy and daddy and are a wage slave working for The Man. :p


Aug 13, 1999
That's funny, no need to PM. I'm not sure how to say it without offending you but don't be so sure of yourself.

Over my many years I have had ample opportunities to meet the product of some of the "best schools in the country". I'll just say, I have rarely (okay never) been impressed.

Basically, it doesn't matter what school you go to, it depends on what you do with what you learn.

Now I think we've actually gone off-topic in the Off-Topic Forum.

Zerotact, you've received some good advice. All I could add would be to sit down & figure out what it is that you want for a job. Make a list of your perfect job. You might be surprised and find it.

Damn XRSweetie, you mean yer momma & daddy didn't send you off to the highest priced private school in Idyho either?
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May 21, 2001
whoopdefreakin'doo, yzeater. I dunno man, you keep dancing your little "Superior Dance" on the rest of us like the damn Church Lady. "My dad's car's the best in the world!" (no) "My mom's minivan is the best in the world!" (she doesn't have a minivan)"I go to the best school in the world!" (yeah) "I'm the smartest 16 year old in the world!" (no)
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