I lost my snap--where is it?


Nov 1, 2001
I have a 2002 KDX 220. The first couple of times I rode it (when it was bone stock), I could lift the front wheel easily in second (and even third) gear merely by twisting the throttle.

Since that time, I've put on an FMF rev pipe and removed the airbox snorkle (just the snorkle, no drilling or anything). I've also put on stiffer fork springs.

Now my bike seems to run great in almost all respects. However, it won't lift the wheel on flat ground like it used to (I still have no trouble lifting it off of whoops?).

I'd appreciate any advice as to how to get that wheel-lifting snap back. Here is a bit more info that may be helpful:

-- Jetting is stock (I assume that it's probably rich, but it seems that, if anything, it should have been "more too rich" before I put on the pipe).

-- It's probably about 40 degrees warmer when I ride now, than it was when I first got the bike. I've been riding at the same altitute (about 3000 ft.).

-- I'm not great with a wrench, I've never taken a carb. off a bike by myself (I'm sure I could get it off, but I wouldn't know what to do with it once I had it off). Thus, if air screw adjustments could help (even if not as much as jetting changes), I'd appreciate tips.

Thanks, in advance, for any advice you may have.


Oct 14, 1999
Whew...I thought you might be looking for a wrist pin snapring!;)

A rev pipe on a 220 **edit**I swear I read 200 the first time**edit** will lose some of your bottom end. Well..it does on MY bike..and IT'S jetted correctly.

Your 'snap' will improve with proper jetting for absolute sure. Without actually CHANGING something, you should make sure your air screw is adjusted for best response.

From a walking speed, preferably with a slight (uphill) load, snap open the throttle from off-idle to 3/8 or so in 2nd gear. Adjust the AS in small increments until you get the best (immediate, hardest hit, no bog a'tall) result. Small changes can make a big difference. Change the AS 1/4 turn at a time and you'll be missing the fine edge of where you want to be.

Reeds have a huge effect on bottom end. While yours aren't likely to require replacement (withan '02 bike) you could still benefit from a set of boyesen power reeds...or a deltaforceII reed cage with the reed stops set to 'low' tension. THAT's a hot setup!!

Or..you could strap on a KG-35 torque pipe.
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Aug 25, 2000
Maybe it's with your mojo ;) (just kidding).

Something to consider is the wear on your rear tire. Although it does sound like you need to dial in your jetting - as your bikes rear tire wears it is more likely to spin as opposed to digging in.

Since you have a 220 - the REV pipe was probably a good choice. I do not think that you lost it purely due to the pipe.


Sponsoring Member
Mar 9, 2002
EBOD-I'm learning to wrench on my bike too, so here's my .02 take it for what it's worth, don't forget to check the basics; clean air filter, fuel:oil mixture, also, you may want to think about the air box mod if you haven't touched that yet. Do you still have the stock S/A installed?

Jim Crenca

Mar 18, 2001
I'd hate to admit that I agree with CC, but the air screw does help adjust snap; of couse if you REALY want snap, learn about mechanics, jetting, and consider the RB Designs mod, also, you need to re-jet the bike for pipe & air box mods (imo).
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