I want to learn how to wrestle.


Oct 4, 2003
I would like to learn how to wrestle, it seems if u wrestle or at least know how to then you can defend your self w/ ease. Im 15 and could do it in school but if i can do it at the gym id rather do that. My personal trainer at the gym wrestled and was good so ill probly ask him. Did anyone here do it? Any imput is helpful. Thanks

CPT Jack

Jun 27, 2000
Yep, It'll definitely toughen you up. It'll also get you in the greatest shape of your life in about 3 months. Join your high school team. You'll be sore the whole first week, but don't worry ... so is everyone else. It'll change you from a lump of jello to a tough SOB & the skills DO come in handy.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Just don't end up with an eating disorder, seems like a lot of young wrestlers do. If they want you to lose weight make sure you do it the HEALTHY way.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
I was a wrestler, still am to some extent. Just join the team. You'll learn lots fast, or get your nose shoved into the mat on a regular basis. As far as defending yourself in a fight, it's really only good for putting someone in a hold 'til they say uncle. Served me well as a bouncer :)


Jun 13, 2001
I wrestled through junior high. I was also a swimmer so I was in shape for it. It is tough, don't expect to use the skills to defend yourself though.

CPT Jack

Jun 27, 2000
Nope, IMHO it definitely helps when you're in close. Once you get ahold you can have your way. Helps even more if you go to the floor. You wouldn't want to go messing w/ a Tae Kwan Do types though. A black belt can still knock you out w/ one kick.


Nov 13, 2002
Wrestling is a great sport in high school they required us to train 5 days a week between 2-3 hours a day. Between running, running stairs mat work and weight training you will get into good shape. You'll learn speed and agility which will definitly help in a fight also knowing how to take someone down can put them in a compromised position to then beat the crap out of them. In my opinion there is no one ultimate art for fighting they all have their benefits but if your goal is to become a great fighter you will want to train in various arts. (ie. wrestling or judo for grappling, boxing to be better with your hands, Korean martial arts use a lot of kicking, Japanese arts concentrate on balance and power "one person one punch"...) If you think you will just enjoy the sport and as an added benefit will learn to defend yourself then have fun.


Jun 13, 2001
Because most of the skills are for either knocking someone down or holding them there. If you fight on the ground then there is some benefit. If you fight on your feet, like a man, then you need to learn how to strike. I don't get into a lot of fights but the ones I have seen end when the loser falls down. The ones on TV news keep going as all the gangsters kick the down guy in the head.

I really enjoyed the years I spent wrestling.


Jun 15, 2001
I wrestled for 5 years in shcool. It was a good thing. You get in and stay in great shape over the winter, at 15 the working out is fun, not like lifting weights, more running, and jumping, team drills that are fun. It will help you develope your body at a time when its important. It also increases flexibility and joints wich is great becuase it means you dont get hurt as bad if you take spills dirt riding. When you join the HS team everyone knows your a wrestler and that tends to keep the lame bully types in check in and of itself wich is really like 90% of the battle, just avoiding confrontation by deterance. As far as real fight skills, yeah it helps, as a wrestler the most anyone could get in at me was one swing before I had them on the ground, most fights, a guy would take a swing and miss and be on the ground before his swing was done. Once on the ground very painfull submissive holds had my opponents agreeing to behave once released. If a crowd was present, the banana split was always a humiliating compramising hold as it more or less threatens to tear ones crotch appart :) .
Word of caution, wrestleing was very hard on my knees over the years, I advise wearing soft knee pads from the start to avoid initial injury caused by repettitive abuse from practiceing shoting. Some guys would wear just one knee pad on their shoting leg, but that is a tactical mistake as it lets your opponent know wich side your shooting from, I wore two. Also, its YOUR call to try to gain or loose weight, if you become a decent wrestler, let your body dictate its own weight, I gained weight every year from adding muscel and just normal groth at that age, dont let anyone tell you to gain or loose weigh, if your good youll get a varsity spot at any weight class your in and other JVs can either get better skills or adjust their weight class around you.
Sign up and enjoy! its fun, gets you in shape, and you can whoop football players butts if it comes down to it, your a trained fighter.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
If you want to get in shape and be part of a team and you are INTERESTED then join the team. If you want to learn how to fight you need to look into more individual trainning in several of the various fighting forms. There is no one "best" fighting method and anybody that tries to convince you otherwise is dreaming. I wrestled all through school but it was for the sport not to learn to fight. Sure there is a chance in a scuffle to put some moves on a unprepared opponant but expecting to grab an arm and go for a submission move can very easily put you into a kick, elbow or hand strike where YOU end up being the one not looking so tough. Do grappeling skills help in a confrontation? Sure, just like knowing any other bit of information such as pressure points, kicks, boxing,... you name it. In the end it's not what you know but what you are willing to use and how much pain you are willing to accept to achieve victory. A fight is typically the meeting of two egos getting in the way of reason.


Jun 15, 2001
Bodge, Wresteling season runs with Basket ball season as a winter sport, cant do much outside anyway so might as well hang in the gym.

LOL GX, really I did it in elementery school for 3 years and then picked it back up for my 8th and 9th grade years, I was not bad, won some regional stuff almost every year, but after 9th grade, it was time to get a job to pay for the big boy toys, car, dirtbike, beer, girls, you know ;-) :). Who knows, if I stuck with it I might have made a collage team or something but not likeley, I did not fit the typical build as I was tall and lankey and they like short little ground pounder types.


Oct 4, 2003
Im probly going to do it but the main thing im thinking about is the mental aspect of it. That has always been my weak spot in sports. I know i can grit it out physically but what can i do to keep motivated? Ive played baseball my whole life(from t-ball to jr babe ruth or what ever u call it) and the thing that got me was as soon as baseball would start up everything else would also. That always bugged me. Has anyone here had that mental weakness in sports like i do? If so what helped?

Nevada Sixx

Jan 14, 2000
its hard to keep a "personal trainer", so join the school team. I think dan sevran (a ufc champ) was a school coach in michigan, so formal wrestling must be good for taking people out. You could also spend a few months with a karate class that does alot of sparring to develop great punching skills, but do alot of punching on your heavy bag as well. after you get good at the traditional wrestling, you can get a few videos on jujitsu off ebay to learn moves and strikes on the ground that finishes people off. The gracie self defense videos (all four of them) are great, also, isshinryu self defense vol. one was good too. good luck.


Aug 30, 2002
A wrestling season will develop lots of mental toughness, I wrestled in jr. high and had fun, quite when I got to high school to play and train for football, what a waiste of time that turned out to be. Anyways as a beginner in high school it will take alot of mental strenght just to make it throught the season, but good luck is will also give you a good fondation to learn to be a good fighter.


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
If you want to learn to wrestle, buy a four stroke. ;)

I won't take wrestling lessons until the '05 models come out.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Originally posted by Bodge
Lol the mental toughness will be hardest. As long as its not WIN WIN WIN ill be ok.
Winning IS what it's all about when you are involved in any type of competition and especially when it is a team effort. Wrestling is not an individual sport as your team gains points for each win durning a match. Do you think the coach or your team mates will be saying "It's OK that ya' lost because you just want to learn to fight anyway?" :laugh: As I said before, unless you are INTERESTED....

If you want to learn any of the martial arts then go and learn it because you are interested in the art. If you want to learn how to box because you find it interesting then go learn to box. If you want to learn how to fight then go get in some fights, you'll figure out sooner or later there is no easy way to learn how to be tough which is all mental.


Aug 30, 2002
Bodge keep us posted as the season goes on. I am telling you it will make a man out of you. I just read your sig line by the way in wrestling respect isn't given out it is earned with sweat, tears, and victories.

Good luck


Oct 4, 2003
Today was the 1st practice. My god! Ive never worked so hard in my life. I threw up my breakfast lol. What should i eat for breakfast? I was told a banana and gatorade. Sound good?

Red Rider 53

Jan 16, 2003
Yea, I wrestle. It's a good sport and gets you super strong but I am going to switch over to football. This is just my opinion but as far as self-defence I don't think it really teaches you about that. But if you ever get in a fight during wrestling season unless it is against another wrestler, 9 times out of 10 you'll out muscle your opponent.
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