Idiot drivers


Jul 11, 2001
Had a scary experience with an idiot driver during our vacation in August. We had the conversion van loaded, and were towing the trailer with three KTMs and an old Husky. We were making a grand tour of the Western states--Colorado, California, Idaho, and Utah.

We were driving north on I-5 south of Sacramento, at about 65 in the fast lane. A woman in a black, Japanese two-door pulled behind me angrily, looking for a way to get by. I was passing trucks at the time and couldn't get over.

The next thing I knew, she was in the median, going by at 85 or 90 mph. As she went by, she threw up a cloud of dust, gravel, and larger rocks; several pretty good-sized rocks broke the windshield. When she was past us, she moved over to get back on the highway, but she lost control in the off-camber gravel shoulder, and she pitched it completely sideways right in front of us.

When she hit the pavement, her rear tires bit, and she threw it sideways the opposite way, just in time for us to pass by safely.

As I looked over, she was spinning in the median at high speed, still throwing up a huge cloud of dust and rocks, now augmented by black plastic and chrome body parts. I don't think she rolled it, because when we hit the next exit and turned around to see if she was OK, she was gone.

The van's windshield looks like the back wall of a shooting gallery, the driving lights are broken, and there are huge chips and small dents all over the front and driver's side. So while I'm glad she wasn't hurt, I hope there's a lot of damage to her car; really expensive damage. And I hope she thinks about it before driving like a complete idiot the next time.



Isn't that the best kind of justice there is?!!! Give a jackass enough rope and they will eventually hang themselves. Totally worth the price of the windshield and driving lights, IMO.


Sponsoring Member
Sep 5, 2000
All you can do pretty much is shake your head in disbelief. Among the many things that amaze me about drivers is this incessant need to pass people during rush hour. . . or even when traffic is very heavy on an interstate in a city. If every lane is bumper to bumper and all lanes are flowing nicely, what's the point in weaving in and out of traffic just to pass a couple of vehicles? What usually happens, if the jerk doesn't cause an accident, is that he weaves in and out only to get caught in one of the slower lanes because the other drivers see what he's doing and they covertly box him in and he can't pass anymore. Like XR Predator said, people sure are in a hurry to die.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Just think, these same people think we're crazy for riding dirtbikes. Go figure.:think


Jul 11, 2001
I don't know; maybe it's because I ride dirt bikes that I don't feel the need to play Ricky Racer on the freeways. I just figure if I'm going to crash, I'd just as soon do it on a snotty downhill with a sharp turn at the bottom. I may break my collarbone, but I doubt that I'll get killed, or kill anyone else.

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