
Jul 12, 2001
that I'm now the proud owner of a 2001 KTM 200 EX/C :cool:
I bought it today, and the person that sold it to me owns House of Horsepower in Cottage Grove. He's going to dial in the suspension for me, and hopefully I'll have it in my possesion by the weekend!
I'm so excited, I can hardly stand it :)
Hmmm, maybe I'll have to think about changing my username?!
(wow, so happy that my grammer is suffering!)
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Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Congrats! We can keep each other posted on KTM upgrades. LoriKTM is way ahead of us though. Give us a ride report ASAP. :cool:


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Yet another convert...:cool:

Soon, very soon, we will TAKE OVER THE WORLD! (maniacal laughter)

Good choice, and enjoy the new scoot, KTMHolley!


Jul 12, 2001
Pumpkinheads Unite!!

I am hoping to get it by this weekend, so I can ride it on Sunday.... it's *almost* too pretty to ride though!
Maybe I won't crash as much on it as I do on the YZ though ;)
I know nothing about KTMs, so I better start learning ASAP!
I'm proud to have joined the elite ranks of pumpkinheads all over the world:eek:


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Whaaaa hoooo! Another female member in the punkin' patch! :) Congratulations! Excellent choice. You're going to love it. Man, I wish we all could be together at DW01!

We are definitely going to have to organize another women's ride. I have a feeling the favorite color will be ORANGE!! :)

T Bone

Feb 12, 2001
Where do you do most of your riding? I haven't ridden at all up in your neck of the woods and would love to come up and try it - any suggestions of where to go that doesn't have a lot of steep downhills? I'll bet your new bike is immaculate knowing Richard - think he cleaned it with a silver brush after every ride :cool:


Jul 12, 2001
T Bone....

we ride almost exclusively in the Tillamook Forest, since it's so close to our house. We stage at Browns or Rogers Camp, or Lyda camp. There are intermediate trails to totally gnarly trails as well.
We also ride the Trask, but it's over by Tillamook, quite a bit further. I like it better, there is nobody over there and the trails are in really good shape, but it does have alot of steep stuff.
You should come up and ride with us, are you down in the Eugene area?
I haven't got the bike yet, Richard is doing the suspension and swapping out rims and tires, but Mark took pictures of it...and it's almost too pretty to ride!
It looks like Richard is as fanatical as we are about keeping our bikes clean and maintenenced! He was horrified when Mark told him we ride in the sand though!

T Bone

Feb 12, 2001
Yes, we're down in Eugene and we'd love to come up and ride. I know that I've been to all those places at one time or another when my husband is racing. I'm game for going up anything steep just wimp out when it comes to heading back down. I'm working on that though.... someday I will succeed!
Your new bike is definitely sharp. I rode a KTM 200 a couple of weeks ago and really liked it - I'm envious!


Jul 12, 2001
T Bone, you'll have to come up and ride, we're not that far...just got the bike yesterday....
all I can say is ' WOW!'. I have only been able to ride it around the house, but I can't believe the difference between it and the YZ....I think I'll be able to get up the hills with NO problems!
As for going down hills, I don't know why, but I MUCH prefer it...doesn't scare me as much. Maybe cuz I used to race slalom skiing?! I'm used to going down steep things....just not UP them...
This bike feels like it was made for me, I can now touch on the tippy toes of both my feet...Richard took it down 2 inches for me. And we ordered the seat foam that will give me another inch, I think it will be perfect then.
I guess that's what happens when you have a professional sell you a bike :)
I can't wait to go riding...I'm calling in sick Wed. afternoon, wanna meet us at the Albany track?!

T Bone

Feb 12, 2001
Sorry for the late reply but we took a couple of days off and went salmon fishing. I've never ridden on a MX track and don't know if a Wed practice night would be the time to start - I'd probably tick off a lot of riders:p How do you like the bike? Richard said he lowered it and it turned out really nice - congrats! I was hoping to get a KTM 250 4-stroke but I guess they've put a hold on releasing them so now I think I'll check out the TM 250's.


Jul 12, 2001
I do love it....ALOT! I rode it for the first time yesterday, and found I was able to climb trails that I wouldn't think of doing on the YZ. Just rode right up them like a little orange mountain goat!
Need to fix the jetting however, something is really wrong with it.
And Richard did an AWESOME job on the suspension (of course!). I'm glad he lowered it a full 2 inches since I can still barely touch ....but it makes all the difference in the world. It's heavier than the 125 though, and I had to pick it up a couple of times....ugh! OTOH, I didn't fall all the time like I do on the 125 in the woods :D
Also, it has a steering stabilizer on it that I have no idea how to use. I cranked it all the way to the left, and it seemed to work best there. Any clockwise setting at all had the bike not wanting to steer...which was not good since it almost sent me over a cliff!
My bum wasn't sore at all either, nice cushy seat on that bike compared to the 125 as well. And Sharla, I'm not having trouble with the clutch at all, it's very easy to pull on, almost butter clutch.
I think it will be fun on the track if we stiffen up the suspension too.
I think I'm in love!


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Glad you like it! Did the previous owner do anything to make the clutch light?

As for weight, I removed the kickstand, headlight, taillight, and stock silencer. I think most of that was done to yours though. I don’t fill up my gas tank either unless I’m going for a looonnng ride.

Do you know what jets are in it now? I am running a 1468 needle on the 3rd clip, a 182 (or 185—not sure) main and stock 45 pilot. We have it pretty close. I’m not fouling plugs anymore and it starts easily but it still spooges a bit and Steve thinks we can get it closer. I’ll let you know what I end up with.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Good point, Bbbom—especially as I usually end up draining more out of my vent tube while the bike is upside down than I actually burn!


Jul 12, 2001
ha ha, I know what you mean, I dumped it on a steep hill, and must have lost almost a gallon of fuel, I'm glad it has a huge tank! LOL
I don't know if Richard did anything to the clutch, I think it's just the standard hydralic clutch. He already took the lights off, the kickstand is still on, but I've found it's more of a nuisance than anything, easier to find a tree like I normally do!
I'm not sure about the jetting, it's got a 170 on the 3rd clip I think...I think it's also a stock main. It was perfect with Richard's custom silencer on it. He kept it however, and ordered me one just like it. Right now it has the stock silencer, which I really hate.
I never rode it the other way but Mark said there is a very noticable difference in power and performance. I should have the custom one in a week or so. Then we'll have to figure out the jetting.
I've heard the KTMs are really finicky when it comes to jetting, it certainly seems to be so!

and thanks for the congrats Bbbom! I still can't see how you ride a 500, (I'm so impressed!) I rode Mark's yesterday just for a short way down a trail, scared me to death!
Of course, my feet are about a foot off the ground as well...it probably helps if you can stop it and not fall over!
He says it's the most stable bike though, he just loves it to death.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Here are some jetting tips: Stock is a 180 main, 45 pilot and NOZ H needle. It comes with a 182 main, NOZ I needle and a pilot I don’t remember extra. I remember now—I ended up with a 185 main. I tried the I needle but it was still kind of blubbery. The 1468 is out of a Honda and is a fairly popular KTM swap. There is a KTM 200 email group that has some fairly good info on it but I don’t have the link right now. Plenty of jetting questions and info.


Jul 12, 2001
thanks for the info. I've got the owners manual, but we haven't sat down with it.
And I think we had the stock one in it, but it was even worse...I can't remember now either!
Mark is going to work on it today, after he finishes replacing the head gasket on the CR500, which he blew.
I'll have to do something to it before I ride again.


Jul 12, 2001
what silencer did you replace the stock one with? what pipe are you running?
I've got an FMF Gnarly pipe, with the stock silencer...the silencer is full of junk, the guys looked at it last night..
I think we're going to put an FMF silencer on it as well, and go from there


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
I have the stock pipe and the FMF Turbine Core silencer. It's not much louder than stock, and significantly lighter.


May 22, 2001
How tall are you ladies that are riding 200 EXC's? My wife is 5'3" and "outgrowing" her TTR125L. We're not sure what the correct next step is. The suspension on the TTR is MUCH better than her previous XR100, however, there is obviously no comparison to the EXC. I read another thread where the outcome seemed to be that a KX100 might be the logical next step. Any help is greatly appreciated.

(of course I'm biased toward KTM, however, I really like riding with her, and I want her to have a bike she is comfortable riding)


Jul 12, 2001
I'm a 5'2" and my suspension has been lowered 2 inches. I can touch tippy toes on each side. Also, we ordered special seat foam that will give me another inch, although I'm ok where I'm at.
On the KX100 (I had a 2000), I could touch with the balls of my feet on both sides.
The KTM has alot more bottom end, and is much easier for trail riding, although the 100 wasn't bad. You don't have to be in the pipe the entire time on the KTM though, I found it easier to ride, except for the weight
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