
Sep 22, 2000
The day care teacher holds up a picture and asks,
"What's this?"
"A horsy,"
one child answers.
"And this?" the teacher asks.
"A piggy." replies another youngster.
"And now this one?" asks the teacher, holding up a
picture of a male deer
with a beautiful rack of antlers.
There was no answer, only total silence.
"Come now,
children," she coaxes,
"I'll give you a little hint.
What does your Mommy
call your Daddy when he
hugs and kisses her a lot?"
"I know! I know!!"
exclaims one little girl.
"It's a horny b*stard!"
:eek: :)


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Okay, I'll put in with my son's favorite joke (he tells it to everyone!)

In first grade, the teacher draws a square on the blackboard. "All right class, what is this?"
Nobody answers, but little Johnny is waving his hand in the air. She calls on him.

"It's a naked lady" says Johnny.

Hmmm, thought the teacher. She draws a circle on the board and asks the same question. Nobody but Johnny seems to want to answer. Curiosity getting the best of her, she calls on Johnny again.

"It's a naked lady" says Johnny.

Well I never! thought the teacher. She then draws a triangle on the board, and asks the question again. The rest of the class is sitting there in a stupor, while Johnny is waving his hand furiously. What the heck thought the teacher, and she called on Johnny again.

"It's a naked lady" explained Johnny.

Frustrated, the teacher exclaimed, "Why Johnny, you have such a dirty mind!"

"But teacher," said Johnny, "You're the one drawing the dirty pictures!"


OK, I'll play too. My most favoritest non-dirty joke:

Q: Why does a chicken coupe have two doors?

A:Because if it had four doors it would be a sedan! (Groan)
Oct 22, 2000
Heard this one from a 5 year old:

How do you catch a Polar bear?

First you chop a hole in the ice, then you put 6 peas around the edge of the hole. And when the bear comes to take a pea, you run up behind him and "KICK HIM IN THE ICEHOLE!"

He didn't have a clue what it meant, but he loved watching his Mom turn beet-red! Ha ha ha!!! :)

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