I'm about to start building a couple of practice jumps.
After a bit of research, the consensus seems to be to use a 30 degree up-ramp and 20 degree down-ramp and I have read about various construction techniques. What I haven't been able to find is some guide as to up-ramp and down-ramp height and spacing (apart from the up-ramp being at least a bike-length long). Does anyone have any rules-of-thumb to use as a guide?
A ratio of 4 or 5 to 1 seems about right; i.e. if your jump is 6' high, expect a distance of travel of 24 to 30 feet. If this distance will be open (double) make sure you use inside ramps of 3:1.
Tedkxkdx has all of the right numbers...are you there Ted?