Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
KTM Mike and I have been gabbing off-line, and are shooting for a ride in his neck of the woods the weekend of June 11. We decided to open it up to the other MTR's, any interest? We haven't worked out the details, but realize the more the merrier! Let us know if you're interested by posting on this thread, we'll fill in the gaps as we go.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Sounds like a hoot to me!! I will put it on the calender and see what happens.. I have a guy that I am suppose to be making a longggg haul for (L. A.) but that is suppose to take place before then (hopefully). We talking overnighter (camping in Mikes yard) or a one dayer?? That area is wayyyy cool riding!
I will let Larry know too (if its ok)..

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
Woodsy - Blow off that LA trip!

This ride can be what ever you want it to be - I have ample room for "primative" camping here (just as long as we dont fill up the grass track area with campers! :yikes: ) , and some limited floor space available. I can even loan out a few tents if needed! Or just meet up with us for a day ride.

Like Mark said, a lot of gaps to fill in yet - but we can all work that out as we go.

As you know, we have a number of local trail systems to choose from, some we can ride to right from my place along the MCCT, or we can trailer to others. Plus I have been eyeing up some new sections in my woods loop out! If you have pretty plastic with no scratches - that will change with one ride at Camp Chaos! :p


QUOTE=woodsy]Sounds like a hoot to me!! I will put it on the calender and see what happens.. I have a guy that I am suppose to be making a longggg haul for (L. A.) but that is suppose to take place before then (hopefully). We talking overnighter (camping in Mikes yard) or a one dayer?? That area is wayyyy cool riding!
I will let Larry know too (if its ok)..


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
I would like to somehow get a ride in before the Wolverine/Harrison enduro (the following weekend). I couldn't drive up to Atlanta until early Saturday morning (3-4 hours away). Is this a Saturday-only deal? Or are you planning a Sunday ride too?

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
Well, thats an easy one Bill - do like our Mentor, Young Ted does...leave your house at oh... 4:00 AM, be here by 8:00 riding by 9:00...actually that would be a light duty day for Ted anything less than a 24 hour day of driving to/from and riding is childs play! (Ted...come on up!)

I hope to ride both Saturday and Sunday. I might even take Monday off work and ride on Monday! So you are welcome any of them! I had thought I might be able to be off work on Friday, but it turns out I cant - but I will be home by 4:00 ish. Feel free to come up late Friday afternoon as well.

I just got back from scouting out some new trail out back - I easily added another 1/2 mile to the woods loop. Now I need to go see if it is actually rideable! :p


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
I have a communion, 3 birthday parties, a graduation, a Brownie party, surprise retirement party, and 5th grade pool party... all in the next 3 1/2 weeks.... and we are hosting 5 of them!

June 10th is the annual Brownie party... it's all fun and games until Brownies crash in the basement and the hot tub cover comes off. So..... I could be at your place by 11am-12pm, but not 8-9am. If you have riders sticking around for Sunday, that might be easier to make.

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
I hear ya - to many such things all going on at once!

What ever works best for you Bill ( i was just yankin your chain on the 8 am bit).

On Saturday, I suspect we may be riding by 11, but we could arrange our route such you could meet up with us at some known crossing point etc., or we could all ride at my house for a few hours (there is enough stuff here to keep most of us occupied for that kept Fred T grining this winter for at least that long!) Saturday morning, then head out to the trails in the afternoon. And, for certain I will be riding on Sunday, and I am pretty sure Neal will be as well. Dunno about anyone else yet. You could come up Saturday evening and just ride Sunday if that would work better for you.


Sep 1, 2003
Mike - Right now there is a hold on my riding until I hear from Al Randt on the work schedule for his enduro. He has my word that I will be there when something has to be done. After that I will be glad to add to your Camp Chaos.

Young Ted

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
Ted - LMK if you can come. You are quite welcome to join us.

I got a chance to ride those new woods sections. Fun stuff, totally virgin trail. It came in at almost exactly 1/2 mile of new stuff. Now my total loop here is 3.8 miles. 1.25 grass track, the rest woods.


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
This thread almost rolled off of the first page, so it's time to yank it back up. I know most of you are planning for the Mem Day weekend, but we're trying to get a roll call.

Riding is going to be Saturday, Sunday and Monday, heck even Friday I suppose if you get up soon enough.

So far, the roll call is:
KTM Mike
2-3 of Mike's local riding buds.

Fred T and fam?

We'd like to know how many would be there for the feast(s) between rides!

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
Would it be possible to point my RV back down the driveway off to the side and run an extension cord to it? Maybe we can come up Sat morning and stay over night.


May 28, 2004
New Friends

Hey KTM Mike,
My brothers and I would like to join your party/riding weekend get together. Probably just come for the day. I live in Gaylord, so it is not that far of a trip. I am kind've a silent observer to DRN, and would like to meet you guys. We are planning on riding the Loose Moose this year and would like to gather as much information on that event as we can by some of you veterans. This will be our first enduro. Looking forward to meeting you. See you in a few.

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
Fred - sure no problem at all. I assume you are talking about beside the garage? Or, with a long enough of a cord, we can set you up out by the fire pit and our patio area (on the north side of the house) - thats where all the bench racing will take place! If we have multiple rigs plug in we may need to ask for no AC though as I dont recall how many amp circuits my outside outlets are set up for!

CR250 - you are more than welcome to join in. I think I saw a post you did some months back - it was good to see a nearby DRN member!

Hey Magoo and Nick - it looks like you have another victim....err participant... :p for the Moose! Should I warn him...or just let him learn on his own? CR - its a tough ride, but fun! The Moose was my first enduro a few years ago. I will be there this year.

It sounds pretty likely our own Wheelie King (Woodsy) will be there to! Free Wheelie lessons - bring a spare rear fender!

Smit Dog - those whoops you asked about are waiting....are you in?

As time gets closer, I will post or email out driving directions (I am not hard to find). Once we get an idea of the times people will be arriving, we will work out where and when etc we will ride. Sounds like we should do a "bring a dish to pass" sorta thing for chow time.


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
Aww you guys are going on a ride w/out me on my b-day! lol No riding until after June 18th...we are both in a wedding. Phil is best man, can't have something happen to the best man! I don't think the groom would be happy!! My pink dress won't look very good with a cast...idiot brother in law will already be in a cast for the wedding. That would be kinda funning...3 Malburg's in the wedding all with a cast! lol
Sorry..rambling... :blah:
Have a great trip though...we really want to go ride with you guys one of these weekends. Maybe after everything settles down...with trying to find a house, then we've been trying to move stuff in for 3 weeks...then a graduation and a wedding all fall in there...ugh. Busy summer already.
I'll stop :blah: now!

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
MXgirl...blow off them weddings! You gotta have priorities! I do understand...a couple weekends ago we had two in one weekend...that was two to many in my book though!

I do have to tell ya bout my experience with riding, weddings and casts...... my wedding. I broke my hand about 4 weeks before my wedding (oh my...24 years ago!). My darling wife to be was, to say the least not happy, but I convinced the Doc to take cast off about 3 weeks early so I was cast free for my wedding day. So, what do I decide to do the day before my wedding? Me and my best man had to go for a ride! One last ride as a free man and all... Sheila was not impressed. She said if i was to break it again and have to have a cast on, the wedding would still take place...except she would marry the best man! Good news is, i didnt mess up my hand, made it through the wedding, and she still puts up with me and my riding buddies after 24 years!

There will be other weekends for rides - watch DRN and we will hook up eventually.


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
MXGirl230 said:
...we really want to go ride with you guys one of these weekends. Maybe after everything settles down...

When you get settled down, pick a weekend and a spot and post a ride, you'll get some takers!


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
Woodsy, I see you're still lurking on this site, just commit to this ride!! Of course you have to speak for Larry too!


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
I was trying to respond to a pm from Mike and got booted... Yea, I am still trying to get things settled on my cross country trip.. You will not believe what I found out today.. The guy I am driving for was an actor back in the 60's and he acted in Star Trek (the seventh episode) - on My Three Sons and lots of "Soap" work!! REALLY a neat person!! Good chance that I will be leaving Monday and should be back in plenty of time for "The Ride" :aj:
I have got a new front sprocket ordered for the "DR" to use as a wheelie lesson bike - NO YOU GUYS DONT GET TO SMASH UP MY BIKE - WRECK YOUR OWN!!!!!!!!!! :rotfl:
This is going to be a BLAST!!!!!
Oh yea, I have also heard from my hero - Father Nelson - and he is trying to make it too! Not sure about Larry as he is VERY busy! He is shouldering the MMC Bike show at the Lake Shore this year and that with his business has him hopping big time! If I am in town I am taking my chop down and entering it in the contest!!
ANyway, sorry I cant commit yet but I hope and PRAY I am able to join everyone!
Oh yea - Mike - sounds good on your offering!! I appreciate it!!
Now everyone lay low so all the bikes are in one piece for the ride :rotfl: :nener:


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
My dad broke his collar bone ONE week before our wedding..he had surgery to put in a plate and screws the Wednesday BEFORE the Sat. we got married!!! He refused to wear the sling at all. Would have been hard to hold onto a sling I guess...but he was popping Vicodin ALL DAY. I remember trying to talk to him and he was slurring his words and his eyes were all glassy...I wonder if he even remembers.

We'll hook up one of these days...summer's practically over now! lol

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
Woodsy - that sounds great! I will plan on you being here (positive thinking!). So what is this "driving deal" all about anyhow? Driver for the rich and famous now? And if Father Nelson can join in that would be outstanding as well. He could bunk with you if you can put up with him!

I sure am going to need this ride - do you believe that after a 4 day weekend, pretty decent weather (some rain here and there but not bad) I did not ride once?! Trying to get ahead on some brownie points and knock back that honey do list...made major progress on a bathroom remodel that has been hanging over my head forever! (after this pain in the butt project I should be good to go for at least a year in my book!)

Mxgirl - so how many times did you dad get a big old slap on the back...and about fall to his knees? And what is with this "summer is practically over"? NO is just starting! Plenty of time to ride! (we will see how i feel about that topic in mid August....)

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
It looks like I may make a day trip out of it for Saturday and bring both the kids to ride. What time do I need them there by on Saturday?


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
KTM Mike said:
Mxgirl - so how many times did you dad get a big old slap on the back...and about fall to his knees? And what is with this "summer is practically over"? NO is just starting! Plenty of time to ride! (we will see how i feel about that topic in mid August....)

My aunt from Florida didn't know that he was injured...and well she went up to bear hug him...holy crap, I thought my dad would pass out right there! She felt SOOO bad. After that, he held is arm up like it was in a sling and held on tight to a full pop can. Not sure what that was about,...but it worked I guess.

Summer is almost over...well kinda. This IS never know...Better stay a long time though...we don't hav nearly enough riding out of us, yet. We have golfed more than we have gone riding :|
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