
Apr 2, 2001
I took my bike out for the first time yesterday and the thing about sent me over the bars. I was riding in the ditches and hitting field approaches, the part that goes from the field to the road, basically a small tabletop. I was hitting them so I would end up on the road (still learning to jump). When I would hit these approaches the front tire would stay relatively close, a few inches, to the ground but it felt like the rear was about 1 ½ feet up.

The rebound was set at 10 clicks out and I turned it in to 6, this seemed to help a little but not much. I thought this seemed pretty slow and was wondering if my sock needs to be rebuilt or if this would be something in the HSC circuits, which I didn’t touch.

I was hitting some pretty good moguls (1-2 feet and off center) in the ditch and the back end didn’t feel like it was flying around too much. . I just bought this bike in Nov and this is the first real ride I have taken it on. I guess this could also have something to do with my riding technique also. Could this be caused by me standing up and being too far over the front wheel? Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

97 CR 250, 96 CBR 600
You Bleed Red so you might as well Ride Red


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
I think it is a combination of body position and suspension set up. Stiffening up the rebound is a good idea. You didn’t say what your comp was set at but you may want to try turning the clicker in a few notches to keep the rear wheel from traveling as far. Don’t be afraid to go to the extremes on the adjustments and then back it off to what works. Also only adjust one at a time.

Hanging your butt off the rear fender will help a lot too. Body position and make a big difference in how the bike reacts to various terrain. Stand up as much as you can so you can quickly move your body around.

Good luck

Did I do the double?
Ah,um...Sure did. I was right behind you!
My Pictures


Apr 2, 2001
Thanks for the suspension help. I never really thought about the effect too much compression would have. I will have to try adjusting that as well.

97 CR 250, 96 CBR 600
You Bleed Red so you might as well Ride Red
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