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WR 250

Mar 17, 2000
With the new subscription issue I foresee a membership heirarchy coming into play. Since I am too cheap to subscribe will my posts be responded to anymore? I kind of doubt it. That is just the nature of the system.

I've been on the same side of the fence when it comes to riding clubs and we'd have some members who refused to pay their dues. I didn't feel they were contributing to the cause so therefore they didn't deserve any of the clubs benefits.

I've been part of DRN since June of 2000 and now I cannot even edit my posts! That is just ridiculous. Guess I want to say that I get the hint and will look for other sites. Truthfully, I never thought I would be one of those guys that wrote a post like this but frustration has driven me to it.

One thing I find interesting is that with all the new members that are claimed to be signing on everyday and contribute to the escalating costs and use of bandwidth, I don't see as many posts as I used to and topics don't seemed to get buried onto the next page as quickly as I remember. Just wondering if there is a coorelation between subscriptions and actual posting members?


Dec 31, 1969
I've been on the same side of the fence when it comes to riding clubs and we'd have some members who refused to pay their dues. I didn't feel they were contributing to the cause so therefore they didn't deserve any of the clubs benefits.

How someone can make that comment, then whine about not being able to edit a post is beyond me. Seems you answered your own question?

I've been part of DRN since June of 2000
That's great, and I'm the one that's been paying for you. It's all good as long as I foot the bill?


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Rockrider, you shouldn't be going broke over $12. No one should (I think NZ's got about the worst exchange rate & it's only $25 for us). Unless you're younger than 15 (hadn't noticed if you are & don't take that as an insult if you're not) I can't see that anyone can complain about the cost.
Just treat it as another club (it's $5 cheaper than what I'd pay for our club dues - except we pay a family fee of $40 for two of us if that makes sense). However, here I don't have to arrow tracks, cut tracks, bother about insurance, access to forests (no I DON'T have to do that to be a member of the club, but if no one puts on the rides, what point is the club), load the bike etc etc, but I do get to socialise with other dirtbikers & maybe even learn some stuff. Okay, I don't get to ride here either, but I get to read about other people's rides & try to put some of their advice to practice.
If we all HAD to fork out $35 then I'd be thinking about it, but at $12, it's well worth it. Matter of opinion though and if you feel like it's not value for money, sorry to see you go if you can't handle the loss of privileges (no, not rights, privileges).

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by rockrider
Just wondering if there is a coorelation between subscriptions and actual posting members?

If you're leaving why the hell do you care?


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Originally posted by rockrider
I've been thinking about the points of view of others and their comparisons of DRN's subscription cost to cable TV, movies, etc. TV and movies are entertainment that I am simply paying for. They are not interactive. It seems self defeating to charge me for trying to help out others.

I guess I'm not thrilled about the new changes and think that longivity of you registration should count for something.

For the sake of agrument, does this site really need to be as "nice" as it is? From reading though the posts I found that Okie runs this site out of his own house. I didn't know that was the case. I always assumed that a some company co-sponsered it. At the risk of insulting Okie, maybe the site wouldn't need members to pay if it were more basic and therefore less expensive to run. I realize I may be out of line since I have no idea what t costs to run a website or what the additional features and graphics cost.

Originally posted by rockrider
Well here is my 2 cents. I won't subscribe simply because I don't spend enough time on this site to make it worth my money

BUT you are willing to pay $30-40 bucks a month for cable?


As for the longivity issue, it's a moot point, when you consider that Okie's footing the bill for you. Quit trying to get attention :|

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Originally posted by Rich Rohrich
If you're leaving why the hell do you care?

rockrider - My feeling lie closest to Rich's.

Where do you get off bitching that something you don't pay for doesn't satisfy you?  The largest mistake the Baby Boom generation has made is to coddle their young and "protect" them from the reality that every action has or requires a reaction (my apologies to Mr. Newton  ;) ).

Maybe usage is changing on the site.  I only joined this year.  I also quickly saw the value.  You don't .... some people move on and are forgotten.  New members will join and a few will stay and many will move on.

I am tired of the endless debate about I can't (fill in the blank).  You can't drive a car if you don't put gas in the tank.  What in the hell is the difference?



Sponsoring Member
Jan 25, 2002
When I first found out about this website I could not believe is was free. It was just so well done. I have not sent in my subscription yet but as soon as my wife is back to work a Life time membership will be in order. If you have ever been to a ride with other DRNer's you would know it's well worth it.

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
Um, I thought of something good to reply but I forgot it now.

Oh yeah,



Mar 17, 2000
Originally posted by rockrider
With the new subscription issue I foresee a membership heirarchy coming into play. Since I am too cheap to subscribe will my posts be responded to anymore? I kind of doubt it. That is just the nature of the system.
Looks like you are wrong .


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Originally posted by rockrider
I have a subscription to both Trail Rider and Dirt Bike and Trail Rider

IMO there is more info in one forum than in all the bike mags combined, and like Mr. Teeds said I immediately recognized the value of this site. I can't count on one hand how much money I have saved by using the information here but in terms of value it was worth the coin I forked over for the LSTM.


Apr 20, 2002
Rockrider: I doubt that people are going to overlook a message just because it's posted by a non-paying member. We are all here for information and interaction, whether it comes from you, a LSM, or Okie himself.

If you choose not to have a paid subscription, I don't understand how you can complain about having less features. Honestly, what do you expect? Just because you got something free for a period of time, doesn't mean that it is guaranteed for free indefinitely. :think:


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Originally posted by rockrider
...Since I am too cheap to subscribe will my posts be responded to anymore? ...
Although I can't see how $12 isn't worth it, I reply to questions without ever even paying attention to what the membership status is. I usually don't even see who the person is until after I post my response. I just like to help where I can whether it's appreciated or not.

Nothing is for free in life.


Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
This is gonna be ugly but I have had it with this kind of attitude.

Originally posted by rockrider
I've been part of DRN since June of 2000 and now I cannot even edit my posts! That is just ridiculous.
I have been going to the same grocery store for 18 years... but I still have to pay for food? What gives? Maybe I should look for another place to shop.

I am sick of the sniveling whinny ass babies. If you don't want to pay for the bandwidth you use fine, but quit crying about what you don't get for free, you sound like a spoiled little biotch, like Veruga Salt in Willy Wonka's Choc. Factory. "I want, I want, I want... and if I don't get it I'm gonna cry. I am sure that you are not the only one that wants it for free.... I am sure Okie does too, but he aint bitchin, he just pays the bill and works 60-90 hours a week on this site so you can have it for free. Get a clue son. The world aint free, somone has to foot the bill... in this case it should not be the man who built this site.

And if you want some sympathy... go to


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
I've said it in another forum.  I'll say it again.

We're talking $1 per month here people!!  ONE FREAKING DOLLAR PER MONTH!!  I'll say it again.  ONE FREAKING DOLLAR PER MONTH!!

I'm a very calm and laid back guy, but all this whining about $12 PER YEAR is getting OLD!

You own a dirtbike? can afford $1 per month!

You own gear? can afford $1 per month!

You own a computer? can afford $1 per month!

You have internet access? can afford $1 per month!



Nov 17, 2000
Rockroder, I just picked up 2 rags last weekend at thelocal cycle shop, cost me $10.50 and the'll be in the circular file in the next month. This is like the energizer bunny, just keeps going and going and going. Can't afford it, how are you getting to this site (mom and dad?) how are you putting gas in your bike?(mom & Dad?) I guess I'm with everybody else on this.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Originally posted by rockrider
With the new subscription issue I foresee a membership heirarchy coming into play. Since I am too cheap to subscribe will my posts be responded to anymore? I kind of doubt it.

Looks like your a little wrong on this one. Now of course will come the "They attacked me because I'm a cheapskate......" cry I'm sure.

Originally posted by rockrider
 I don't see as many posts as I used to and topics don't seemed to get buried onto the next page as quickly as I remember. Just wondering if there is a coorelation between subscriptions and actual posting members?

Perhaps that is because there is a much larger world developing behind what you are able to see or access in private forums specifically for the various membership levels. The cool part is it's a ladder system so if you move up you still have access to everything below.

So if you choose to leave I'm sure you'll find other sites, I don't doubt it a bit. I am also sure you'll find plenty of shoulders to drop a tear on as DRN has historically been a target of those that don't like the way things are run here. Funny thing is that if it's so bad why does it continue to grow? If you chose to stay and partake of Okie's generousity you should also have the manners to deal with what's put out on the free buffet table and not cry because others are willing to spend $0.25 (yes as in one U.S. mint quarter) per week to have something nicer.


Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
For the love of.........make it STOP!!! If you don't like the rules, play another game.

I suggest that all whiner posts about this topic get NUKED or DELETED as soon as they are submitted.

I can't believe that these people are so tight assed that they can't fork out a lousy $12 for a subscription. That's a freaking twelver of premium beer. It's less than two tickets to the movies. A ticket to a college level ball game is more. How long do any of those things last you? A few hours? It's half of a premium channel cable subscription for ONE month.

Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.
Last edited:

Bill Hibbs

Aug 25, 1999
I hate to see you leave RockRider. DRN has always been a different kind of website from the beginning. It's always been considered more of a private Club than a free for all message board. Now it just costs a little more to be a member. I respect the decisions of those who don't want to join and won't give them a hard time. I for one hope we still have enough to offer the general public and make it worth their time to surf our site but that's not what this site has really been all about. It's been a group of "friends" who exchange a lot of great information and have a reunion once a year called DirtWeek. At least that's my point of view.

The check is in the mail, I swear!


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
Think of it like this:
Everyone here lives in this small little town, some of us have lived here longer than others. Everyday more and more people move in and some actually leave. As you enter town there is a placard on the main road that lists the rules. (very visible) One nice part about the town is that since the town’s inception there has never been a mandatory tax, and to date there still is not one. This free ride is a gift from the founder and “Mayor for Life”. All the town duties; clean up, sheriffs deputies, post office, upgrading the infrastructure, etc. have been paid for by the Mayor. Another great thing about the town is the volunteer tax system, a few of the members in 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002 actually decided to help out by investing in the town. We understand that the town is a great place, we have friends here, we like it here, so much so that we don’t bitch about when the trash service is late. We can feel safe knowing our kids can interact with the other members of the community, we also know that if they were to get out of line, a fellow member would set the (inner child) straight and call their mom. The town meets at city hall 24 hours a day. Everyone gets to put in their .02, talk to other members on the other side of town about their blue widgets, red thinga-magigs and their new pumpkin-a-lopogis. There are even soap boxes provided, for those that are passionate about holy T-shirts, politic-on-a-stick, or any other issues, so long as you follow the rules on the sign you saw when you came to town.

It’s simple, our town is not a place where the newcomer is shunned, he is not even asked to pay a tax, but he is asked to follow the rules. And if he likes what he sees he is welcome to move out of his free apartment into a nice town home, or a nice detached home, the analogy here (for the challenged) is subscription, or support membership. This will provide the tax payer with additional benefits. The problem here is that recently the mayor sat down and looked at the operational costs and the future improvements needed so he could continue to provide for the town and still have one of the best communities around, and came to the realization that either the city increases revenue or the non-tax paying members would loose some of their perks.

Well here we are.

What are you going to do for your town today?

I don’t see a hierarchy in the membership but I do look at our congregation this way:
If you have been here since 99’ your kinda like a founding member, you came to this great place during it’s inception and helped the founding father mold the town, you made him the mayor.
If you have been here since 2000’ your kinda like the 99’ gang just not as old (or smelly). I wish I could have seen and been a part of this time. You guys are close and very passionate about our town. There are many great 00’ members who are helpful and supportive. You guys are the brotherhood. (This includes our women riders too)
If you got to town in 01’ and 02’ well I guess we are the new guys, we might be the driving force, we have the numbers behind us and we are to be a part of shaping the town, there will be many of us that stay and many more that will not. The change that we see from today forward will affect us, as have the changes since 1999 affected past membership.

What I really want to say is this: No one is asking anyone to leave. No one is asking anyone to pay a tax. The site is still volunteer. (Go Tennessee) The changes were necessary, and have been explained repeatedly. If you want to keep and actually add more features to your home here, well then .. help pay for what you are getting. It’s that simple. It does not matter when you came to town, what bike you drive, or what hat you wear, everyone here is treated with respect, until they show or prove they don’t deserve it.

If you are upset that you can’t afford the nice things in life, then do something about, that’s a personal matter and not an issue that the community wants to continually hear. Now if you have lost something here, ask, I’m sure someone will direct you to the lost and found.

I myself am sick to death of hearing about what "I had and now its gone... it is so unfair..."
Uhm, ... SHUT UP . :think:


Oct 22, 2002
I mailed in my $12.00, but I have one question.

Where does all the money go from the people and manufactors that adverties on the left?


Oct 3, 1999
It probably goes to the same place your $12 went, to support the costs of operating a website such as this.

I don't know if Okie is breaking even on this site, or not, or if he's making a little bit from it. I hope he is making a little bit from it, he sure has put in enough time and effort into it for OUR enjoyment.


Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
Originally posted by Ford-PSD
I mailed in my $12.00, but I have one question.

Where does all the money go from the people and manufactors that adverties on the left?
The large bulk of those sponsors have their logo there because they gave product away or supported DirtWeek in one way or another.... so it went to those who attended...(the members) minus Admins and Mods because we do not participate in any drawings during DW.


Oct 22, 2002
Thanks Thump,

I just heard from some members that they paid like $75.00 a month for advertisement, but I guess that is not correct.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
96whyzee125 said:
I myself am sick to death of hearing about what "I had and now its gone... it is so unfair..."
I used to have more hair, rock-hard abs, and the body of an 18-year old, but now it's gone. It's so unfair!

Ever spiraling . . . :confused:
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