
May 8, 2001
to all of you dads who snuck your kids out of school for this....YOU are the greatest if your kids havent told you already. we camped next to the Zimmermans and enjoyed their offspring. (Lucas and Sarah thats you) ill bet that little honda 50 went through 10 gallons of gas. i never would of wanted to leave until sat night when i got in on a great hotdog dinner with your kids. made me ache for my kiddos. having your wife there and wanting to be there must be good too. next time im bringing my clan so watch out.

oh yeah mike z is plenty fast i got drawn to ride with him and ttrguy in the tag mx race and we got third!! whooo hooo


Dec 31, 1969
I've said it before...
Kids will learn more during DirtWeek than they will learn in school during those few days. They see a great community, friendships, people helping each other, generousity, sportsmanship, the list goes on and on.

Seeing a good group of people come together and interact like this is a valuable lesson for us all.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
Seeing tx246 sitting there talking on and on with those kids was great. He fed them a hotdog and discussed everything imagineable with them. It was good that they found someone on their level. Only fifteen minutes before he said "Man I feel drunk, I've had two beers, I think I could go do the triple" .
It was also cool when the little boy wondered up to Lorin and asked him to buckle his helmet. The kid knew he had to wear it. Smart kid.
Also I want it on record tx246, that I think you crashing into that kid during the motocross was shameless. Just so you wouldn't get passed by an enduro rider.;)
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Nov 17, 2000
Hey thanks tx246, Its a great feeling to be able to ride with my wife and the little ones, except Luke blew up the pw50 before I was able to get all 4 of us out there together. buy the way, Lukes still wondering about those "Aliens".
Only problem with DW 01, was once it finally came, it went by waaaay to fast. I had just as much fun "Bench Racing" with all you guys as I did riding.
:cool: I guess we will have to just wait for next year!:confused:


Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
Originally posted by Michael Zimmerman
Luke blew up the pw50 before I was able to get all 4 of us out there together.
Billy must have been on it earlier. LOL

Was great to meet you Mike and thanks againg for the support you have shown towards DRN. As a sponsor you are great, as a friend you are better, you even offered to let me ride your bike in the C moto after Billy nuked mine. I appreciate it.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Don't know who's prouder of who

I was flagging the MXs on Sat at the tunnel jump when Lukie wheels up and shouts "My dad is racing in this one. watch him he has the yellow bike"
Mike I avoiuded Sara (I have never had chicken pox and at 47 aint in any hurry to try it) but luke was a ball. Watching him flying back and forth by the GP track I think we are going to be seeing a new peewee racer at Azzie very soon:cool: .


Jan 6, 2001
Originally posted by Okiewan
I've said it before...
Kids will learn more during DirtWeek than they will learn in school during those few days. They see a great community, friendships, people helping each other, generousity, sportsmanship, the list goes on and on.

Seeing a good group of people come together and interact like this is a valuable lesson for us all.

I agree Okie. Next year we will take an exrta day because it's well worth it. What I saw at DW was a great display of community ect.......


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
Originally posted by tx246
next time im bringing my clan so watch out.

last nite i told my wife that i was bringing the kids next year. she said that there was no way that i was taking them out of school. my question is, if i get divorced over it, will drn pay my attorney's fees?


Nov 17, 2000
mx547, sorry to here that! I should mention that we planned this from the beginning. We talked with there teachers,and discussed it with the kids.
We brought there home work with that had to be done each day,
also being that there only in 1st and 2nd grade, this early in the year, its pretty hard for them to get to far behind. We didn't just "decide to go and pull them out of school". Hey, do you think that the kids would of ever experienced the coyotes howling at the traing sitting in school?:confused: Real life experience is also inportant in education.

Thump, thanks for the ride on your bike, my engine is definitly going to be like yours next year (and the suspension), unnnnnnnbelievable huge difference in our bikes (no wonder you didn't want to ride it in the C moto ---, just kidding) gee now that I think of it, no one wanted to ride my yellow Suzu.... I mean Yammie! Let me know what the outcome of your bike ends up to be! Really great meeting you, look forward to next year.:cool:

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
I always considred myself a very lucky kid.
Best Father in the world.
My Dad figured any time spent outdoors ,fishing, or whatever was going to offset a few days of missed school.
I think he knew how much a I paid attention or daydreamed in school anyway! LOL
He took me out often and for a week at a time...with the provision it was my
"job" to keep my grades up.
Grades never suffered and our family did not have to schedule everything around the school year :)


Oct 9, 2000
The ironic thing for me is the school entirely. I was prohibited form going because of school. But, the week of dirtweek, I had almost no work and 2 days off.:( Go figure. Next year hopefuly Okie can plan it right before school starts:p .

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