More praise for No-Toil


Feb 13, 2001
I have been using NoToil for about 2 1/2 years now and after this weekend I am more impressed than ever.

I raced the TORO race, and for those who were there, they know how nasty it was. It started raining about 8:30 and rained all day. By the time the amateur race started, ~11:30, the course was wet, muddy, and rutted. At first I thought nothing of it but by the end of the day I was worried about my filter keeping the mud and sand out of the engine. I was really concerned after getting stuck in a rut of quicksand for 20 minutes that by the time we started digging it out covered both hubs.

Anyway, when I got home I pulled the filter off. I could not see or feel any dirt or sand in the air box. On the inside of the filter, I could see the mud starting to come through but a think this was from the $10 worth of high pressure car wash.

I have had people tell me they do not like No-Toil because racing offroad they get in to too much water and it washes off the oil. After seeing this, I don't believe that. I will continue to use this product and recommend it . It is the easiest to clean up I have ever seen also. I also bought another No-Toil air filter yesterday.

One Dollar

Mar 15, 2001
I second that praise...

I recently got a ttr125L for my wife and when I cleaned the filter, the seams came apart (I think it was the stock filter). I called No-Toil and they sent me TWO of thier filters for FREE. and they arrived in just a few days.

I have two of thier filters for my KLX which i got free (One was with the kit offer and the other was from the guy I bought the bike from)

I won't use any other product or filters but No-Toils.


Jun 6, 2000
I don't buy that wash out story either. The stuff works great when applied correctly. Ever try to get the oil off your hands without the cleaner? Water will go through any filter, regardless of the oil used, if it is submerged or splashed enough. I had a KTM suck a lot of water and dirt through a BelRay oiled filter.


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000

We recently switched to No Toil filters and have been MORE than impressed!! We use their filter oil, cleaner, and rim grease (Red put the oil in a spray bottle to make things even less messy) and wow - this stuff is great! When it came time to give the filters their first washing - we were amazed! We filled a bucket with a few inches of warm-hot water and put in the recommended amount of cleaner and those filters came SOOO clean with little hassle or mess. No gas, no grime, no headaches! The used filters look brand spankin new after their first bath!

Battered Sav

Nov 16, 2000
I have found it's real important to shake the oil before use, it seems to separate into two components, I imagine one's the actual oil, the others probably a carrier/solvent to aid application.
I was going to keep my oil in a bucket until I noticed this and then decided to just keep it in the original bottle.
Anyone have any other tips or tricks for no toil ( it's easy enough to use allready, just being lazy:) )


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
I too am very impressed with it. I would like to know the draw backs of using it.:think


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
You are correct that there are 2 components to the oil which make thorough shaking a must. The oil is with an alcohol carrier which allows the oil to flow and penetrate the filter. The alcohol then evaporates leaving the oil alone on the filter. Another simple help is to leave the filter evaporate the oil off either before you install it or before you close the airbox for a couple of minutes.
We always keep at least one filter oiled and ready for use in a sealed ziplock bag for quick changes at the track


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Originally posted by justql
I too am very impressed with it. I would like to know the draw backs of using it.:think
Well lets see no spilled gas or kerosene in the garage, easy cleanup in the kitchen sink (when the wife isn't looking), easy application, and economical if bought by the gallon.
I guess I also have missed the downside


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
I just figure anything that good has to have some problems or drawbacks.


Nov 20, 2001
Anyone using the NoToil oil with Twin Air filters? Do you have to use the NoToil filteroil only with their filters? Are the NoToil filters Dual stage like the Twin air and Uni?



Nov 30, 2001
3 Years - The stuff is great. It really smudges up the inside of your airbox though and it is really gummy after a season. That's when I sell my bike...


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
Hey mikeo-

You can use the No-Toil filter oil & cleaner with Twin Air filters, too. The No-Toil filter is very similar in construction to the Twin Air - but I think that the No-Toil is even better in quality and durability (plus their product & glue is designed for their oil & cleaner).

You can use No-Toil on Uni too - but keep an eye on the Uni filter because they use a different glue and it may start coming apart with No-Toil. BUT if you use No-Toil oil and cleaner on ANY filter and the filter becomes damaged from No-Toil's products - you can send the damaged filter to No-Toil and they will send you a brand new No-Toil filter for FREE! (And once you use No-Toil's filter... you'll probably be hooked) :D


Nov 24, 2001
No Toil Oil Drawback

I used no toil all last summer and have been very pleased with the ease of cleaning the filter following a ride on a dusty day. However, a few weeks ago, on my last ride of the season, I checked my filter to find that the rim grease had become "hard" and began to "break down". I don't know if it was exposed to some of the solvent or what. Maybe I didn't fully rinse the filter before re-oiling. Has anyone else seen this happen. Also, it was quite cold for a few days prior. It sort of peeled off like play-dough. This doesn't mean I will stop using it, just that I will pay more attention.


N. Texas SP
Feb 19, 2000
You have to be sure and clean the grease off the airbox lip and filter rim thoroughly or the grease will get hard. I alwys wipe the airbox down real good and never leave the filter in for more than a couple of weeks. If you store your bike for long periods of time you might be better off stuffing rags in the airbox and leaving the airbox lip ungreased. That is the only drawback I have experienced with Notoil. Uni filters do not like Notoil, but your OEM filters and Twinairs hold up fine. I had 3 Uni filters replaced by Notoil at no charge after they came apart at the seams. I have been using it foor 3 yeas now, Notoil is good stuff!!:cool:


Jan 10, 2000
I used NOTOIL for a whole season as well. After seeing what happened to my and Dix's bikes(grease breakdown and sand ingestion) I will not use it again. I will be going back to Motul and Kerosene to clean it.

No-Toil Guy

Mar 8, 2000
No-Toil products

:) Thanks for all of the great comments about No-Toil products. We truly believe that we manufacture the world's greatest air filtration products. Let me give a little history and clear up any misconceptions.
First of all, we are all a bunch of riders who just got tired of cleaning filters in gasoline/solvent with no where to dump the waste. We just wanted to clean our dirty filters in our sink, but we have a septic tank so it had to be biodegradable. So, we did it. We invented a biodegradable air filter oil. It was just for our personal use, but we gave some to friends and they liked it so much we made more and more until someone offered to buy it from us.:D So, we bottled it and started selling it. We took it to an independent dyno test and it tested better for air flow than any petroleum based air filter oil. Cycle World magazine gave us a great review and they did their own dyno and also got more horsepower (Nov.99)
Our air filter oil is red and should be saturated throughout the filter. The alcohol will then evaporate out leaving a sticky, tacky oil that doesn't look anything like the others (which makes some people nervous). We have had particle flow test done and we catch all the dust and dirt and sand that is thrown at it for worryless riding. Be careful not to spray wash your bike with a dirty filter on it because you could send dirt on through (with any kind of oil for that matter). Not because water removes the oil, but due to the pressure of the water if hit directly. Water WILL NOT remove the oil. If you don't believe, put oil on your hands, and try to remove with water alone. Cleaning the dirty filter is the best. One gallon of warm water and 2 ounces of No-Toil soap cleaner and the filter will look brand new in 30 seconds. Or, if you don't want to deal with the cleaning, through filters in your wash machine. No matter where you wash, there is no harm to sink or machine, no grime, no mess, no gas smell.
When a bottle of oil is left standing, the color will separate. There are 2 kinds of food color. One that will separate and not stain the filter or one that will not separate but will forever stain the filter. We chose the former: separates but doesn't stain filter. Just shake bottle and you'll be fine.
Competing filters: It was unfortunate to find out (the hard way) that UNI filters come apart when using our oil. The glue UNI uses does not stand up to the alcohol in our oil. We would like them to make a better filter and have given them the name of our glue. You can guess where they told us to put it. No-Toil, Twin Air, Moose and DT1 filters are very well built and will not come apart. If you should have any brand filter come apart from using No-Toil, we will replace it for free with one that won't come apart.
Rim grease problem: Our initial rim grease did harden on the air box and filter rim if left on for a long time. We now have a new rim grease (1 year now) that WILL NOT harden. The color is a snot green/brown. The old red or blue rim grease might harden.
We are interested in providing great products to riders. We sell No-Toil around the world. We were "product of the year" in the USA and "product of the decade" in Australia. If you haven't tried the oil and would like a 1-time use sample, give me a call.
If you have any questions or comments, you can email me at or call me toll free at 877-668-6451 or visit our website at I have sold many products in my life and I've never been able to stand behind a product as much as No-Toil.

The "No-Toil Guy"


May 24, 2001

Originally posted by nikki
(Red put the oil in a spray bottle to make things even less messy) and wow - this stuff is great!

I tried to get the oil thru a standard spray bottle (costco variety), and it wouldn't work. Clogged it up. What kind of bottle worked, 'cuz I waste too much oil pouring it out of the bottle? Otherwise love the stuff.




Nov 30, 2001
I just (last week) bought a gallon of it. I'm interested in the spray bottle as well. Currently, I just pour it on and squeeze out the excess. It makes my trashcans really messy.


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
On putting the oil in a spray bottle - Red used an old Simple Green (32oz?) bottle. It just comes out in a stream, really - doesn't "spray" but hasn't clogged up, either. Probably any spray bottle with a big straw would work.

Maybe No-Toil will develop a type of spray bottle that would be made for their oil and sell it, too. Kind of like WD-40 does with their lubricant. That way you can buy a gallon of oil - but get a spray-type application too.

Brandon Moss

Oct 24, 2001
No Toil

I tried Simple Green for a Filter Cleaner and it worked great. Spray it on, rinses off with warm water, only $12 for a GALLON, and non-toxic. Seems too good to be true. Cleaned the filter like brand new and it doesn't seem to have any effect on the filter construction. WHAT's THE CATCH?


May 24, 2001

You used simple green on no toil? I tried it, and it didn't work. My solution was diluted, though. Did it really cut thru?


Brandon Moss

Oct 24, 2001
Simple Green

No, I did not use it to clean No Toil but on another brand of Filter oil. I am at work so I don't remember what brand. I sprayed it direct out of the Simple Green sprayer so I believe that is full strength. As a cleaner it seems to work great and is safe, and just washes out with water.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Re: No-Toil products

Originally posted by No-Toil Guy
… If you haven't tried the oil and would like a 1-time use sample, give me a call….
I received the samples yesterday. Thanks, I only expected one. I will pass the rest on to friends to try. I’m looking forward to NOT use gas to clean the filters anymore.:)
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