
Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 11, 2001
Just made my first ride (short, half hour) with my new Doma pipe and it was worth the wait.

Of the 4 different pipes that I have for my 200 it is the best one of the bunch I think

Lots of power everywhere, lots more bottom and more top too..

I am doing the "Rites of Spring" ride in Michigan on Sat and Sunday and will let you know more after that.

I will do a side by side test and post the results when I do.

The only draw back of the Doma that I see is that most of the pipe is in "front" of the motor, the cones end at about the water pump, and from there it is just tubing, so there is more pipe upfront and low. Will post picture later.

Not the best combo in real tight single track.

more latter.

Vern Egli


Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 11, 2001
Hi Strick

Pipe and silencer were about 199 pounds....

The shipping only took about 4 days after there crashed computers came back and I resent my my info.

I have not found anyone in the US that sells the pipes, so I got it right from the factory.

I talked to Scott Gardner...


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