
Apr 1, 2001
....in Hesperia. In case you didn't know it, when you drive north on the 15 frwy. from the time you crest the Cajon Pass (Oak Hill Rd.) until you cross Bear Valley Rd. you are in Hesperia. It seems many of the newer homeowners moving into this area are upset with the traditional off-road use that continues to go on here, so if you plan to ride anywhere within Hesperias' sphere of influence here's what you've got to look forward to:

Fines upward to $1000.00 and/or confiscation of your bike for the following:

1) Riding within 200 yds. of an occupied bldg.
2)Riding on a parcel (even if you own it) under 40 acres.
3)Soliciting acts of prostitution while on an off-road vehicle, and/or acquiring or attempting to acquire, or transporting a controlled substance on an off-road vehicle. (They never knew if and when they'd need this one so they threw it in!)
4) Illegally dumping trash.
5)Operating in a public right-of-way.
6)Operating on land belonging to another person without written permission.

The city will conduct some 600 hrs. of law enforcement activity for the remainder of the fiscal year that will pay for up to 8 additional officers.

This is the important stuff from a Friday article in the local paper. Thank God I live a little further up the road where people aren't such weanies about a few kids having a little fun.
I can see them cracking down on the riding that is going on in neighborhoods, but I can guarantee you that many of the people that whined are just unhappy that there are trails being used in the hills near (within 2 miles of) their homes.

Thankfully, Phelan is in the Baldy Mesa area, just outside Hesperia, but some of the more eastern trails off of the ridges go down into Oak Hills (Hesperia), so watch yourselves---this is where the whiners live!
Since I know the area, this is what they'll see of me: :aj: :moon:


Oct 31, 2001
I guess my days of riding to the ridge from the house let alone the ribcage are over. :(
It amazes me how these city dwellers can come up here after only being here a few short years and change the rules to suit themselves. :| I guess its time to start thinking about moving again.


Apr 13, 2000
Bummer....It was only a matter of time.

I hear there is also a huge up roar over the highway 15 freeway project. You cant tell me they didnt expect to ever have road work. That was one of the reasons I stayed down the hill.


Oct 31, 2001
Its not the road work its just the scheduled time they want to do the work. They want to do the work Monday thru Thursday from morning till afternoon. Friday, Saturday and Sunday would only have work during the nighttime. What’s wrong with this picture? That schedule only caters to the people heading to Vegas and the river.
Besides, if they’re planning to widen the freeway in 2006 why bother spending the money to repave when they’re going to be doing construction in the exact same area? That’s like putting the cart before the horse. Not to mention it's a waste of millions of dollars. Lets face it; we all have seen it before. A Street gets repaved one week only to have someone else chew it up the following week to add sewer lines or other items. That’s government waste at it's best. Anyone trying to run a project like this in the private sector wouldn’t have a job for long.


Apr 13, 2000
O.. I thought they were actually doing the widening now.

KTM- Do you know roughly where the Hesperia boundary is?


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
3)Soliciting acts of prostitution while on an off-road vehicle

So, what you're saying is, I can't get all dusty and stuff and have the local blondie blow me off...........man, that sucks :nener: :laugh: :laugh:


Oct 31, 2001
"3)Soliciting acts of prostitution while on an off-road vehicle "

So thats why those beach volleyball chicks in their thong bikinis were always chasing me whenever I rode!!!!!! :bang:


Apr 1, 2001
Jeff---Hesperia has very large boundaries. Roughly they are all of Summit Valley to the south (by Silverwood), all the way to Baldy Mesa rd. to the west, the Mojave River to the east, and Bear Valley/Duncan rd. to the north. Fortunately 99% of the land we ride on during the Phelan rides is USFS (read our) land! The other 1% (where the manzanita trail strays outside the boundaries, and the sand-hill) is all within Phelans' sphere of influence, and those people aren't screaming yet. The big thing is that we have to be responsible to police ourselves in regards to riding near developed properties, yielding to horses, (there are many horse owners in Phelan), and not racing our bike haulers past their houses creating dust and noise on the way to our staging area. I find that a wave and friendly smile goes a long ways in softening peoples attitudes towards us! The other thing is that we need to educate some of our brethren that are ignorant to the ways that they are worsening the problem by creating a nuisance to homeowners. I'm sure they would be a little more understanding if we only passed by their houses one time on our way to a remote location and weren't using the field next to their house as our playground. Short-shifting and idling through neighborhoods is also a show of politeness. Just my 2c.
Hey Rich, you were the first one I thought of when I saw the article. I stopped riding up to the ridges from the house last fall when the Hesperia Sherriff started sitting at the intersections (dirt of course!) of the powerline rd. with Mesquite. This is barely in Hesperias' western boundary by less than a quarter mile. Oh well, it's still only a 15min. drive to my buddies house in Oak Hills, and I can carry gas so the bastages have to listen to me in the distance twice as long now!


Oct 31, 2001
Yea KTMboy, Ive had to do some contructive detours myself to get around those guys lying in wait. Im one of those guys along with my kids that bogs the bike around the neighborhood to keep the noise down and rides slowly until on the trails. Unfortunately, I see more and more kids ripping up and down the street on their bikes pissing off the neighbors. Ive talked to a few and they were some pretty decent kids that stopped. Others gave me the finger and rode off. You have no idea how badly I wanted to jump on the bike and run their butts over. :|


Knucklehead Newbie
Nov 5, 2001
You know now that I think about, during last weekend's ride at Phelan, I might have actually been riding around the streets of Hesperia when I was lost.


Apr 1, 2001
I took a little ride (in my work truck) up to the top of Baldy Mesa Rd. today since I had a long lunch and scouted for landmarks. It seems that the easiest way to tell if you are venturing into Hesperia from the Phelan trails is to watch for out those gigantic high voltage transmission lines. One set runs east to west and the others from north to south, and they cross each other in Oak Hills. If you get lost and see them approaching you'll want to look for the mtn. range that the Cajon pass comes through and head in that general direction. This will eventually get you back to the ridges, and a right turn on the ridges takes you to the sand hill. I usually get lost going from the sandhill to the staging area, so at this point you're lost! :eek:


May 4, 2004
Government Policy

If it aint broke, fix it till it is.

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