
COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
I think I may have had the best ride of my life yesterday.

After a couple of months of work I finally got my XR200 in good working condition. For those who don’t know, I got this bike for free. The down side was that it came in three boxes ;).
Anyway, the stars aligned yesterday, and I took Samantha and Nick out for their first ever dirt bike ride. Now these are no young-uns. Sam’s 21, and Nick is 18.
Until yesterday, Samantha had never tried riding a dirt bike. Nick had one bad experience trying to ride my XL500 when he was 15, and never tried again. L
Since Rob, Samantha’s boyfriend, had to pick up his bike before going to the pit, Nick got first shot at the bike.

He got geared up; Helmet elbow pads, knee and shin guards, gloves, and goggles. He did not want a repeat of his previous experience.
Once he was astride the bike, I gave him the basics. He works in a bike shop, so he pretty much had the book knowledge of what to do; he had just never applied it.
A couple of kicks got the bike started. He slowly let out the clutch, and miracle of miracles, he started moving. I swear, I heard him let out a little “whoohooo!” once he realized that he didn’t stall it!
Nick got one little circle in before Sam and Rob showed up.
Now it was Samantha’s turn. :eek:
Sam is a bit of a girly girl. I don’t think she ever would have wanted to even try riding if her boyfriend didn’t ride. But, I wasn’t going to stop her if she showed the interest. She geared up. Kicked the bike once or twice, then slowly, almost imperceptibly at first, the bike started to list toward the left. The more it leaned, the faster it went. I grabbed the handlebar just before the point of no return. She needed to figure out the balance of the bike. Laughter all around. J She tried again. I wasn’t so quick this time. The bike went down, but Sam stepped aside, so no harm done. She tried kick-starting it a little bit longer, but got nothing more than a burble out of it. I think that I eventually started it for her.
So, there she was, sitting astride the bike, engine running. She pulled in the clutch, I showed her how to shift into first; we all held our breath. Off she went!!! Same as her brother, First try.
She was doing great!
Then it happened.
I think there was about 20 feet of mud in the 10 acres we were riding in. And I had parked next to it. Samantha tried to ride through it. She grabbed a fist full of front brake. Instant slide. Down she went.
I really thought she would be done at this point. She proved me wrong. She got up, and with a bit of help from Rob, got the bike upright again. Then she swung her leg over the seat, checked for neutral, and kicked the bike over. It sprung to life, and off she went again.
The two of them traded places all afternoon. Samantha ended up with one heck of an egg on her shin where the bike fell on her. Her response?
“ I guess I won’t be wearing any skirts for a week or two.”
Nick was tearing around like an old pro by the time the sunset. The only reason he stopped was because he couldn’t see where he was going anymore. (He is completely hookedJ)
About the only thing that would have made the day better would’ve been if my wife Paula had braved the cold to try the bike out. Technically, I built it for her. She said she would try when it’s warmer. I’ve got a feeling that Nick and Sam wont want to give it back.

Yup, best day I’ve had yet.
I’m one proud Papa.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Good deal Papa!

Should I expect more of your clan at next years pre-Unadilla ride?


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Nothing feels better than turning people on to dirtbikes.

Well, almost nothing. :confused:


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
Maybe one more if he practices. . . Ya, like that will be a problem! LOL
He asked me on the ride home last night if we were gonna ride next weekend.:yeehaw:


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
Coool story! :thumb:

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
I guess you had to be there...

The guy who used to own the Honda shop down here was a large guy.&nbsp; His nickname was "Life-size" (meaning full-sized).

I was just wondering if they were picking that bike up as easily as you did jeff Allen prior to almost "planting" him.

...besides...ELK told me to ask that! :p


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
LOL, They are gonna coin a phrase someday for all the stirring you do! :)
"Honey, hand me the spoon, I wanna Gomer the coffee". :p

No, they are normal mid-sized people. 125ish each. Just right for the 200. :)


Aug 25, 2000
PK - you'll have the clan up and riding CR500's before it's all over.

I can see it now - DW03 - the PK family challanges any worthy opponents for the QFD.

OMG - "Gomer" your coffee :scream:


Sponsoring Member
Jan 1, 2001
Papa, sounds like a fantastic day. I love it when a new riders face lights up. Did they do this :yeehaw: Even my lovely bride has fun on one of those 4 wheel things. Weve tried to get her on 2 wheels, but no luck so far.
So if a new screen name " mid- size" pops up, we'll know who it is :confused:


Mi. Trail Riders
Feb 3, 2001
PK, Great story!&nbsp; Fred T. had a similar experience with his kids earlier this year.&nbsp; I am sure the two will be able to share stories.&nbsp; My kids are still too young...maybe some day I will know the feeling.


High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Originally posted by fatherandson
My kids are still too young...maybe some day I will know the feeling.
Far be it from me to point out that he just let you know how much older you are!&nbsp; If I were to read between the lines, which I'm not, I'd even go so far as to guess what he really meant to do was point out that you're a severely aged, worn out, tore up, dried out, shell of a man who wishes he was still as young as High, I mean, the son part of fatherandson.'s a good thing I would never point out such things. :p


Jan 10, 2003
That's a great story - I think I'm going to cry! I may not have gone that day, but one ride and I'm ready to go back (ummm once the leg heals!) As far as the kids you would be amazed at how un-life sized they are - both twigs - me on the other hand am a little closer to life size at 165 lbs - (it takes a lot for a woman to admit her weight!) but I figure that just gives me a little more of an advantage over the skinny kids! As far as Dirt Week I'm there - Samantha & Rob? maybe - Nick - um he's gone and joined the Marines so you won't be seeing him for at least 4 years. By the way PK isn't really that old!

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