Have new (used ) bike for my 17 year old son. He has been asking for years and finally I get to get him one since my wife finally agreed. I get to get mine in March (more fun).
My son is a lot like me an likes to study and learn as much as possible before jumping into somehting. I know experience will be the best teacher but what DVD's, books, whatever can help him and me? I am barely above a beginner (rode in dirt for fun only years ago) since I have only riddign street for past 20 years.
His bike is a Suzuki RM 250. We will be mostly trail riding and working the bisics for a while.
My son is a lot like me an likes to study and learn as much as possible before jumping into somehting. I know experience will be the best teacher but what DVD's, books, whatever can help him and me? I am barely above a beginner (rode in dirt for fun only years ago) since I have only riddign street for past 20 years.
His bike is a Suzuki RM 250. We will be mostly trail riding and working the bisics for a while.