Please read my story

Dec 10, 2006
This is my plan. Im gonna post how far I've got so far as chapter 23, then make the ending as chapter 24. As soon as I get it back from scooter, i'll post it.


Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
Proofed and sent back, And it was well worth the wait. ohhh and I got to read it first :nener:

and if I'm not mistaken, this is chapter24 coming, not 23
Dec 10, 2006
Mark was getting ready for his first 85A moto. He had already switched to a set of red gear, and was now buckling his helmet. Eli patted him on the back as he walked out of the trailer towards Jeff who was warming up his 85.
“Lets get a win!” Bud encouraged him. Mark gave him the thumbs up and got onto his bike with Jeff on the back. They road through the pits to the starting line. The race before him was on the line, about to go. Each moto was about 15 minutes, so they had 15 minutes to wait on the line. Mark and Bobby were right next to each other on the line.

When the gate dropped, Mark tried his best to get to the inside and get the holeshot, but wasn’t successful, Bobby got out in front. Bobby went through the ruts in the corner with ease, while Mark had a bit more trouble and was almost passed by Chris Gillworth, but he managed to save it and got back ahead of Chris. Bobby was several bike lengths ahead of Mark as they went up horsepower hill. Mark attempted to pass him in the next corner, but Bobby was riding so good, that it was hard to go through any corner faster than him.
Bobby stayed a little bit ahead of Mark for a few corners, but then something happened entering the whoops. Bobby took the inside to double as usual, but he missed the rut. In the air he was totally sideways and couldn’t get it straight. His bike did a couple flips when it hit the ground, but bobby was just laying there, and he didn’t get up.
Mark wanted to stop and run to him to see if he was okay, but he knew he couldn’t. Mark rode the next lap, but when he came to the whoops, he could see Bobby still there surrounded by paramedics and his mom and dad. When he looked toward the finish line, they were waving the red flag, which meant the race was called off due to an ambulance getting on the track. This meant it was bad. First thing Mark got over the finish line, he pulled over to the side of the track and dropped his bike and started running towards the whoops and bobby. He saw his eyes were open, but he wasn’t moving. Bobby saw him and croaked “Mark”
Mark pushed a couple people to get to him. Bobby beckoned him in closer and Mark put his ear closer to his head and Bobby said, “win it for me”
But then the paramedics made him move away and he saw the ambulance. Mark saw Stephanie crying and he walked over to her and put his arm around her.
“He’s gonna be alright. He said something to me.” He told her.
“He did?”
“Yeah,” Mark said. Jeff had picked up his bike and was heading back to the pits, followed by Mark. The race was halfway done so they didn’t need to restart thankfully. “I hope Bobby’s okay.”
“Me to,” Jeff replied, “That was a bad crash.”
“He told me to win it for him.” Mark told Jeff, “When he was laying on the ground.”
“Well that’s what your going to do then,” Jeff said, “Win it.”

At 5:00 PM, Mark was pacing the trailer waiting for his cell phone to ring. Bobby’s mom had promised to call him when there was news. They thought it was in his lower leg, but couldn’t be sure until after the x-rays.
Jeff entered the trailer to get some tools. “Why don’t you and your friends go and watch the last race?” Jeff asked. Mark didn’t answer because his phone was now ringing.
“Hello?” Mark answered.
“Hi Mark. The doctor just looked at the X-rays.”
“And what did he say?”
“He fractured his tibula and fibula. He needs surgery tonight.”
“Dang. I hope the surgery goes okay.”
“I’ll call you tomorrow morning to tell you how it went.”
“Okay thanks.” Mark hung up the phone.
“What’s the deal?” Jeff asked.
“Tib fib fracture,” Mark answered. “He’s getting surgery tonight.”
“Ouch.” Jeff cringed.
“I’m gonna go see Chris Gillworth to tell him.” Mark announced. He headed off on his bike towards Gillworth’s trailer. When he got there he saw Chris and Payton standing together. Mark quickly hid behind a tree to listen.
“Wanna go get something to eat?” Payton asked.
“Alright lets go.” Chris replied, and they started walking up towards the track.
‘Well I rode all the way down here for nothing’ Mark thought to himself. ‘Oh well.’ So he started riding through the thousands of motor homes and trailers to see if he knew anyone. Pretty soon he came up to Josh, the kid he had stood behind in line during sign ups. Mark rode his bike up to their trailer where he had his two bikes out in front on stands.
“How’d the 85 moto go?” Mark asked him.
“I got 6th!” He replied excitedly.
“Nice!” Mark replied.
“I came out behind you in the start, then got passed until I was in sixth, then just held the position.” Josh replayed, “Do you know what happened to Bobby Andrews?”
“He landed sideways in the whoops and broke his leg.” Mark informed josh.
“Well at least now you’ll be the fastest person in 85 now.” Josh said optimistically.
“Yeah,” Mark said looking at the sky, “Well, I’ll talk to you later.” It was true. He was now the fastest person on the track, but that didn’t make him feel much better.
Mark didn’t get a lot of sleep that night. He couldn’t fall asleep and then when he finally did, it seemed like he had just closed his eyes when he was awakened the next morning by the ringing of his cell phone.
“Hi Mark.” It was Bobby’s mom.
“How’d the surgery go?”
“It went fine. He had 6 screws and a plate in put his leg though.”
Mark cringed, “Oww. Do they hurt?”
“I don’t know. He’s still pretty drugged up and doesn’t really know whats going on.”
“Oh. Well thanks for calling me and telling me.”
“No problem.”
They hung up and Mark went outside where his mom and dad were eating breakfast on lawn chairs.
“Was that Bobby’s mom?” Marks mother asked.
“Yeah,” Mark answered, “He has screws and a plate in his leg. Do you know when practice is.”
“In 15 minutes,” jeff said, “Get your gear on,”
Mark picked out a set of red gear and white boots. After he got everything on he went outside to his bikes.
“Did you see what I put on your supermini?” Jeff asked.
“Mark looked at it. There was a set of red rims on it. “Nice.” He said as Jeff started it. After it was all warmed up, Mark got on it with Jeff behind him and headed off toward the track to take his practice.
The sun was shining and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. The temperature was already starting to creep up to above 75 degrees as Mark headed out on the track. Around a corner of soft brown dirt, that already had small ruts grooved into it, over a table top and through another turn. The track was the same as it had been the past day, so Mark just checked out the lines and tripled through the whoops like usual until the last lap when he put in his fast lap. When he made his way back to the trailer and gave his bike to Jeff, he said, “That was your fastest lap yet!”
“It was?” Mark asked excitedly.
“Yeah, you look like you’re riding really good today.” Marks dad said, who had just walked back from the track.
“Thanks.” Mark replied, “Jeff when’s my first moto?”
“Its 85, and its race number 6.” Carson replied for Jeff. He had just gotten up.
“OK.” Mark said, “I hardly saw you yesterday Carson, where were you?”
“I was hanging out with Keenan at the TPA trailer.”
“Did you talk to Blake Gopy at all?” Mark wanted to know.
“Yeah actually, he told me to tell you, that you better stay out of his way on the track.” Carson delivered Blakes message.
Mark snorted. “I better stay out of his way? Yeah right he cant even keep up with me anymore.”

The 20 riders in moto 2 of 85A all popped their clutches as the gates dropped. Mark did his best to get to the corner first, but he had wheelied a little out of the gate so he got about a 4th place start. Chris Gillworth was in first, Blake Gopy in second, and Josh, the boy from the line, was in third. Mark passed Josh by scrubbing a small table top, and then getting on the gas. Blake was quite a bit harder to pass, considering that he was trying to take Mark out. In a corner before the big downhill, Blake went for Marks front wheel, but Mark hit the brakes, and Blake flew off the track. Chuckling, Mark started working on thinning out the small gap that Chris had made.
By the next lap, Mark was right on Chris’s tail, but couldn’t seem to get by him. He was hogging the inside lines so he couldn’t pass him. And things just got worse when he triple-tripled through the whoops. ‘Dang, that was the only place I was gaining any ground.’ Mark thought. Two laps later, they had slowed down there pace quite a bit due to the fact that they both realized they had 7 laps to go. Lap after lap, they would pass each other then get passed back and so on. The last lap was the most intense of all. Side by side up horsepower hill, then Mark on the inside and Chris on the outside through the next corner. Mark got the position, but then got it taken away as Chris launched off a single. These two riders had pulled 15 seconds ahead of the rest of the pack. Mark railed the outside of the corner, then got sprayed with roost from Chris’s muddy back wheel. Mark pulled a tear off as he came down a hill. It was his last one. The next corner was a tight one full of deep ruts. Once again, Mark got roosted and had to throw his goggles. Mark took different lines for the rest of the lap.
Coming into the whoops, Mark was right on his tail, but couldn’t get ahead. Chris punched the air happily as he won the race. Mark shook his head. Chris stopped and patted Mark on the back. Mark did the same, then rode off.
Back at the trailer, Mark changed out of his muddy gear and took a shower.
“Good race Mark!” Marks dad said.
“Thanks.” He answered, “I almost had it.”
“You can get him next time,” His mom encouraged, “You have a couple hours until supermini.”

Mark hopped on his bike and started riding toward Payton’s trailer. When he got there he was instantly high fived by Cody, Payton’s brother.
“Good job man, you almost beat that dude.” Cody exclaimed.
“Yeah,” Mark said, “Almost.”
Payton then walked out of her motor home and said, “Hey, good job in your race. You and Chris were battling!”
“Thanks.” Mark said. “Did you hear about Bobby?”
“Yeah,” She replied glumly, “I talked to Stephanie on the phone, it doesn’t sound good.”
“I wish he could come watch me race,” Mark said.
“Yeah me to, but Steph is coming to watch tomorrow,” Payton informed him.
“Sweet,” Mark replied, “Well I better get going,” He started riding up toward the Suzuki trailer, but was stopped halway there by a camera man and another guy.
“Mark Peterson,” Said the man, ‘I’m Jason Weigendt, and were doing video updates for racerx We were wondering if you would do an interview with us?”
“Oh yeah,” Mark nodded, “Sure.” He followed them to where the camera stuff was set up and sat down at a table with Jason.
The camera guy said “five, four, three,” And held up fingers for the last two numbers.
“It’s Jason Weigendt here with Mark Peterson,” Jason said, “Mark, why don’t you fill us in on what’s happened in your motos so far.”
“Well in the fist moto of supermini, I was battling with Mike Steward and I fell and messed up my handle bars, but then Steward fell and I won,” Mark said, “Then in 85A, Bobby and me were kinda battling when he fell in the whoops and broke his leg, so I won that.
“Then in the second moto of 85A today, I got about a fifth place start and I passed until I was battling with Chris Gillworth for the lead, but he just got the better of me, but I’ve got supermini in a couple of hours and I plan on winning that.”

19 other supermini riders followed Mark around the first turn. Mark came over a table top and railed the outside off the next corner. In the next corner, Mark glanced back. Steward was no where in sight.


Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
I was wondering about that too, maybe everybody is out exercising trying :laugh: to lose the extra weight they gained eatting Easter dinner, and all the chocolate from their Easter baskets.


Sep 9, 2006
Sweet, About time....

I was getting into it and then poof its over... Have to wait till the next chapter.

And congrats man! i hate reading, and i enjoyed reading this A LOT!

This would make an awesome move!


Jan 31, 2008
dirbike_freak great job on the story. I can picture the race in my head as I read. Keep it going!! :cool:


Jan 24, 2008
Only found this a few days ago. Not a big MX'er, love trails but that was a great story!! Kept me stuck to my PC for a while!

Is there another one coming sometime? No pressure!! :)

Well done dirbike_freak! :nod:


Damn Yankees
Nov 7, 2006
Its about time!!! ;) Great story and can't wait to read the next hurry up already and post it!!!! Just kidding. :cool:


Damn Yankees
Nov 7, 2006
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......yawn.....its been almost a month. Time for the next chapter.


Damn Yankees
Nov 7, 2006
What a shame. Kind of reminds me of "Space:Above and Beyond" or more recently like "Over There". A great idea/story that is cancelled just as its getting started. I hate unfinished business, but it seems to happen more and more lately. :| Was a great read while it lasted. Thanks for the memories...


"Don't Worry Sister"
Dec 16, 2007
Don't be disappointed or write him off. I believe he has it worked out, and another story in the works. Life just throws multiple obligations and interests at us. He's been really blessed with a great audience, we the opportunity to encourage a young man at something terribly difficult.

We all win. Patience. School is out in a month. ;-)


Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
He isnt done yet, Just not as much time to write with school work and everything. But last I heard, he hadnt given up.


Damn Yankees
Nov 7, 2006
Easy guys...I was just having some fun with him. He knows that Im not serious. I do this everytime he lets more than a few weeks go by without an update. Im just trying to keep the thread alive and let him know that we enjoy his writing. :)


"Don't Worry Sister"
Dec 16, 2007
I understand, and appreciate that. I am doing the same. ;)


Jan 28, 2008
WOW i just caught this thread last night at about 9:00 and read it until 2:30am and went to bed... in the morning went turkey hunting came home and right here to read this... then we went out to eat for my brothers birthday and soon as i got home started reading again and here i am done reading all the chapters. I hate reading but i loved this, it is the best book i have ever read... well not really a book but better... comming to think of it i never read a book before :think: ... JK ;) i read a few like 4 or 5 but this is my favorite because its about dirtbiking and i could picture everything in my head... i seen this thread a few months ago and read first line and i was like forget it and yesterday i seen how popular this thread is and read the first chapter and loved it so i keep on reading... i have been wanting to post about other chapters but there all past chapters so i couldnt but i have to say your an awesome writer for your age DB_F and i loved this story... I cant wait for the ending and i hope you write another story. But i am sort of glad i started this late so i didnt have to wait for chapters :nener: just read them but not im stuck waiting with the rest of you guys :bang: , but anyway i cant wait for the ending.


PSS: Am i crazy? :coocoo:


Jan 28, 2008
Haha i had like 100 smiles and stuff and it keep on saying i had to many so i removed one at a time and took like 15 minutes to get down to the right amount :bang: :| :bang:


Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
LEllis7motox said:
i have been wanting to post about other chapters but there all past chapters so i couldnt

Sure you could, I'm sure he would like any feedback, and if you comment on past chapters, just note which will probably get people to go back and read the chapter again. And probably pick up something they missed the first time.


Jan 28, 2008
Haha i just went back to the first page and was looking and the comments and everyone is like o pretty cool, your doing pretty good, and all that and then when u go to page 20 everyone is like flipping over it, i think it is pretty cool how much you improved since the beginning :cool:

Scooter i dont remember all the stuff i was going to post anymore just some things olderndirtmom missed and i was gonna point out :laugh: and just some other stuff that i thought was cool but i was suprised that he quit TPN and riding hondas to go to suzuki when you (DB_F) ride hondas maybe if honda team sponsored you or something :think: But i was suprised mark quit TPN

Also what happended to dirtbike_freak he hasnt posted here in a month or so has he??? i am eager for the next chapter ;)


Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
LEllis7motox said:
Also what happended to dirtbike_freak he hasnt posted here in a month or so has he??? i am eager for the next chapter ;)
I have seen him posting on other forums,(oops, now people know that this isnt the only place for dirtbike info :bang: , but it is still the best :nod: ) I imagine he has been busy with school work too since it is getting close to the end of the school year. With that said, I wish he would hurry up, I wanna find out what happens :laugh:
Dec 10, 2006
LEllis7motox said:
I hope this is not how it ends :bang: ... dont leave us all hanging :)
Thanks for the compliments. I havent been writing much, but when summer comes it'll be a lot easier. The teachers are dumping a load of work on us before the end of the year.
I plan to finish the last chapter in the next couple of weeks, and then start on the sequal, posting it week by week. I may try writing two chapters at a time, but i don't know.
I have been posting on thumper talk, but all they say is "NEXT CHAPTER NOW,"
I think Mark switched to suzuki because they had more to offer, and I needed another twist in the story.
Thanks for everyones support.


Jan 28, 2008

Its nice to know your still trying :cool: take your time i was just trying to see if you bailed on us ;) Your doing great, cant wait for the next chapter :cool:


Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
dirtbike_freak said:
but all they say is "NEXT CHAPTER NOW,"

I gave up trying to tell them to give you time, But I guess they think you have no life and are just there to post for them.

But anyway...Hurry up and post the next chapter, we are waiting :laugh:
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