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Dec 31, 1969
ronronmxca ...
1) The spelling rant is so freaking weak, your opinion becomes worthless. When spelling becomes important to suspension, you'll have a point. Your approach makes you come off as a child. Learn to debate the issue or stay home.

2) As has been stated, being WalMart in the suspension business means absolutley nothing. "McDonald's sells the most burgers" and they still suck.

Fact of the matter is, 99.5% of the people that have replied to this thread are talking out of their @ss as they have no knowledge of the history surrounding the principals. It all goes sooo much deeper than will ever be discussed here.

There is nothing to gain by leaving this open, looks to be covered.

I'm asking Jer to drop it, I also request the rest of those involved do the same. Take it off-line.
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