Prospectors Enduro Death March report

scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
95 Degrees, come on it's only March. :whiner:

Went out to the D37 Enduro at Red Mountain this weekend.

I scrambled to make it, I was extremely hung over from an all night Texas hold em tourney on Friday (not the best call before a race), and my rear suspension was finally ready to go Saturday at 4PM. I hauled ass out to the desert and put it together it the dark. It was getting late so after a few Yamaha Big Wheel night rides, we called it a night up at hotel Bundy. Thanks for the accomidations. I feel I got off cheep because unlike Thumbs, I didn't even have to sleep with his sister :laugh: JK.

Sunday 6AM up and at em. Eel pulls in a little later and we go get signed up for the race. Thumbs, Eel and I all get on minute 88. :ohmy: That means 348 get to tear up the course in front of us. better than that the start is delayed an hour because the ambulance had to leave and come back.

Finally 10:28 we are ready to go, The keytime is on an analog clock, yet the starter won't let us leave. She holds us up (she got confused) and all of us reset our keytime to her start time (which was wrong.) Luckily Eel had the real keytime still on his watch and we figured out how to reset at our first break.

Loop 1 continued through whoops, whoops and whoops breaking it up with the occasional rock section then more whoops. It wasn't very challenging just tiring. Personlly, I like our club layouts 10 times better. The end of loop 2 was fun as we finally got to some newer trail. (read fewer/not as deep whoops) We had some much slower riders in front of us so we would pass them through the dust and then at the next time reset they would catch back up and get in front as we waited for our minute.

Loop 2;

Read I should've signed up for only 1 loop.

We started out on the same course as loop 1, only know over 700 bikes had torn it up. It was really, really, really rough. We got to the split and then things just got stupid from there. Of course the speeds increased, and the course got 5 times harder. There wasn't anything you couldn't do if you were fresh but after 50 miles, and 2.5 hours of racing in 95 degree weather, it was all you could do to hang onto the bike. I blew a turn and Thumbs and Eel went by me and disapeared.

The worst of the worst was a mile long downhill of just boulder hopping with no outlets to either side. Guys were littered all over the trail puking, broken down or laying exhausted in the shade of what few bushes there were. I caught up to Thumbs near the bottom, an came across Eel shortly after with his tire ripped off the rim. I stopped to help him as he was trying to put it back on using some allen wrenches as tire irons. I had a spark plug wrench in my pack and it did the trick. Off we went. I caught up to Thumbs at the top of another rediculous climb and we rode together awhile until he did some more rock sampleing.

I rode all by myself for quite along time after that. I even hit a rock off the trail in 3rd gear and went over the bars, landing about 20 ft front the bike. After laying there a bit and contenplating life, I picked myself back up and continued on. I guess everyone I passed and the guys on rows behind me had quit, because no one cought up to me. I finished the race at 3:30PM in a total 5 hours. Big thanks to Bundys kids drenching me with ice water back at the truck. FYI Red Bull is not a good call before a long desert race. It made me want to hurl.

$42 to enter, $22 for the D37, $40 for gas, and about $100 worth of bike repairs and a Sunday night full of cramping up. Man you gotta love this sport.

See you next race. :aj:
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Apr 6, 2002
Sounds like a tough one! Glad you survived. :thumb:


Mar 9, 2004
Hey, don't say I didn't warn you guys. I dropped 22 points, and I gotta say I'm damn happy with that.

I think this one was harder than the one where I dropped 157 points. But this time, I was on an earlier minute and in better shape. A late minute is the kiss of death for some of these rides.

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
... wow. I wish we had listened to your warning ! Brutal.

Once we hit that rocky downhill 10 or 15 miles into the 2nd loop I thought I was done for sure. It's bad enough to take as long as I did to get down the darn thing, but on top of that you've guys all over the place sitting in a rock littered ditch resting, and they hadn't even bothered yet to get their their crashed bikes off the ground. Carnage.

Tony came up from behind as I was slowly going down the thing, and he was just yelling out loud how this was ridiculous ! He was right, it was.

After that hill my rear tire popped off the rim. I layed it over tried to get the bead back on with allen wrenches. Not happening. Then Tim helped me get it back on. Thanks man ... I owe you one !

I started slowly riding again ... the plan being to just get to the next check and figure out how to get back to camp. After a bit though I realized the bead was pretty even and it was looking like it was gonna stay on the rim. I started to get a 2nd wind and changed my mind ... maybe I could finish.

There were some other really tricky spots after that downhill ... including one or two LONG rocky hillclimbs and a near vertical sand hillclimb in that twisty gray trench section.

After the tire episode I carried anywhere between 21 and 26 minutes down at each of last couple of checks. My total score could beat the Sacramento Kings !

At the last check there was a guy laying in a ditch playing dead before the check flags. A guy at the last check wearing a gold Elvis wig marked my card and told me I ran over the dead guy's arm. :eek: Then Elvis gave me some water and congratulated me - "you finished !"



Mar 9, 2004
I didn't hit that last check because they stopped the B-Seniors at mile 43. How far did you go after that? I heard they shortened it and it wasn't much.

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
They sent me on my way after that ... that was about 45 or 46 in on the 2nd loop. I guess they cut off about 8 miles or so from the orignal course. thank god !!!!!!

brett r

Nov 6, 2000
It was tough, without the heat it probably would have been alot easier. I zeroed the first loop with a flat, Bundy changed it for me at the break ( thanks again) 2nd loop I followed the guys on my minute into the first check and they burned me and not them? I was bummed, I managed to keep Mattson in sight for the first part of the special until the rocky downhill I got stuck behind a line of people and none of them would move, I was so pissed some were just sitting on the trail I thought my race was over. I finally got by everyone and I figured they would all catch me at the reset and kick my butt for yelling at them. Lucky none of them made any of the resets on time. After that I kinda just trail rode I figured everyone on the early minutes just rode right thru that section so I thought I was done. Got back to camp and found out everyone had a bad ride, now I wish I would have kept pushing. Mattson dropped 11 I think I was around 20 with 2 burns, I was too bummed at my race to look at my score. I had a hard time with the clubs mileage at this event it was all over the place for me.


Oct 31, 2001
Man that sounds like a killer ride. Good report and fun to read guys. It sounded like an accomplishment just to finish the two loops.


Knucklehead Newbie
Nov 5, 2001
Great detailed reports boys. Wasn't this one of the "Fun 4 Enduro" series? If you guys thought it was tough, I'm sure I would've been one of those riders laying on the trail hurling. Just being the Devil's advocate, but TWMC keeps telling us that Enduros are expiring in Socal; maybe these courses turn riders off. Who wants to spend hundreds fixing their bike after not even finishing a race. Hats off to TWMC, they throw monthly events that everyone can finish.


Dec 15, 2000
I was there too on minute 65. We zeroed loop1 except for 1 check I rolled into 2 seconds early. I dropped 1 more at check 2 on Loop 2 and after that I didn't need a clock anymore. Just a 30 mile rock infested special test. I'd be surprised if I didn't score less than 60. So I probably picked up 57 points in the last 30 miles.

I thought some of those trails on the second loop were cool but at 90 degrees and terminal rubber arm I wasn't enjoying them much. Certainly one of the tougher races I've done. Maybe I'll try one of your TW outings. You don't kill your seniors there do you?

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
Did you mean Fatal 4 ?

brett r

Nov 6, 2000
I was on 73 and won't do that again, anyone want to ride VCMC on the same minute and send the entries in early. Brett


Mar 9, 2004
I'll ride VCMC if they let me. I heard they aren't allowing Red Sticker bikes, which mine unfortunately is. I think this is serious BS, but I'm not sure there is anything I can do about it.

scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
PhastPhart said:
IMaybe I'll try one of your TW outings. You don't kill your seniors there do you?

Only if we forget to pack the steaks :thumb:

At TWMC I believe the senior class goes 9 checks. The same as the novices (my current TWMC class) You'd be more than fine in either.


Mar 9, 2004
scar tissue said:
Only if we forget to pack the steaks :thumb:

At TWMC I believe the senior class goes 9 checks. The same as the novices (my current TWMC class) You'd be more than fine in either.

That's the super-senior class, which you have to be 50+ to be in. Up to 50, we just separate by riding ability (Novice-X,Novice,Amateur,Expert, and Masters).

And that's just rumor about us killing off the super-seniors for meat. We haven't done that for years. Too damn tough and stringy to make it worthwhile.


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
After reading this, I think I'll stick to the sissy stuff (like motocross).


Feb 17, 2004
I'm glad I took the easy out. I did my one loop and had a great time, I even had my watchdog down by the 3rd check. When I got home a quick wash of the bike and filter and I'm ready for next weekend. Why can't they make the second loop hard without destroying the bikes? This is why more and more people are going to D-36, yes there hard but it won't cost you a set of wheels.

CPT Jack

Jun 27, 2000
Wow, sounds like I missed all kinds of Kodak moments. Good thing I have a valid excuse for not being there!

Scar, look in off-topic for some of your handi-work. I put up a lil photo.

brett r

Nov 6, 2000
Andy if you ride VCMC let's ride on the same minute, I have another guy I always ride with so we only need one more, I really want to send them in early so as soon as you get any info let me know.


Dec 15, 2000
Well I'm just a spry 49 so I'll just have to run with you young guys for another year. You promise to go easy on me? Let me know the next one and I just may be out.


Mar 9, 2004
brett r said:
Andy if you ride VCMC let's ride on the same minute, I have another guy I always ride with so we only need one more, I really want to send them in early so as soon as you get any info let me know.
Sounds good. I heard on the D37 board that 2 of the D37 officials have made some headway with the rangers on getting Red stickers into this race, so we'll see. Are they taking pre-entries already?
I don't like riding enduros with a really fast guy on my minute, but it'll be fun for the qualifier. They stagger you into the specials still, don't they? It's probably been 6-7 years since I last rode one of these.


Jan 27, 2000
You guys are nuts! :ohmy:

Ol'tough n' stringy

brett r

Nov 6, 2000
No it's not an Enduro so it will work out OK. They spread you out going into the specials, 15 secs but I usually try to talk em into more. Mattson works this one so he is out.
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