
Apr 18, 2001

I would be really interested in those rides. If you could please let me know when they are, I would greatly appreciate it.



Mar 11, 2001

ok I will keep you posted. I am planning to go to a riding area in PA called Tower City ( http://www.towercitytrailriders.com ) in a couple of weeks. Lots of nice trails, both easy stuff and more challenging. It is off of RT 81, about 2 and 1/2 hrs from me, probably an hour and a half for you. When I get the details worked out I will let you know.

Also on May 27th there is an enduro near Pine Grove PA, also off Rt 81. If you've never done an enduro this is not the one to start with :p Otherwise it will be good, rocky fun (well last year the water crossing was so deep half the bikes drowned out). There are other easier ones later in the summer.

Let me know what kind of riding you like. It would be nice to get a northeast 'spodefest' together, or at least all try and meet at a riding area.


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico

Are you members of Tower City? We've been thinking about checking it out, but understand you have to be a member or a guest of a member just to get in. We're too far away for regular membership, but we'd go for a long weekend.

I've already heard stories about the Broad Mountain enduro on May 27th! We were also advised that it wasn't a good beginner enduro. ECEA usually posts on their website (www.ecea.org) which ones are good for beginners.

I'm up for a Northeast mini-spodefest! Name the date and location!


Mar 11, 2001

I'm not a member of Tower City, at 2 1/2 hrs away its a little too far to go regularly. I did ride there once and it is very nice. You have to be a member or the guest of a member ($20/day) to ride. If you go to their website and post a message, many of the members seem willing to meet new people for a day and have them be their guests.

A northeast mini-fest would be great, if enough people are interested. A centrally located riding area would be best, in PA or NY. The only areas in PA I'm familiar with are Tower City and Jack Frost. I only know the MX tracks in NY, not really any riding areas. Let me know if you know of any in NY.


Apr 18, 2001


I mainly ride woods and trails. I don't race since my bike isn't really built for racing (250 lbs). But I am a very competitive rider. I mostly ride with my boyfriend (XR600) , my cousin (YZ250WR), and my sister (XR200R). So there is a lot of who can do what better and faster. It's a lot of fun!!

I have only ridden a couple of organized rides. There is one off of Rt 79,Cochranton Poker ride. And There is one off of Rt 80, Madera Poker ride. Neither one is a race, but you couldn't tell!!! Those guys are wicked. But it is a great feeling when you blow by them as they lay on the ground.

I can ride just about any type of terrain. Where I ride, it is a combination of everything, roots, ruts, rocks, clay, mud, etc.

Keep me up on when there are some rides. I would definitely like to try and catch up with you.



Mar 3, 2000

Hi Carrie and Karen,

I am from central Jersey, I have been out to Tower City once and really
enjoyed it. I can't join either since it is 3.5 hours from me. Try this Website
They run Turkey Runs in New England that are really great, they are not
as hard as the enduros. If you are ever heading out to Tower City, let me
know, I would love you join you for a ride.
Talk to you soon

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