Recovery Times

Big Tuna

Nov 29, 2000
We can put men on the moon, but can't heal the body faster than 2-6 months(breaks and tears). A caveman could have broken his arm riding his Triceratops, and as long as he splinted it up good, he was only sidelined for 6-8 weeks!

When are we going to get some of these startrek gizmos that weld us up like new in a couple of minutes.With a days rest; not even a scar! Maybe I'll just wrap myself in bubble-wrap until that day comes.

Just venting; probably won't be ready to ride till the snow flies.

How about the big manufacturers putting some money towards the R&D of faster healing body-parts (if were injured we can't ride, and if we can't ride we don't spend our hard earned $ on their stuff). :think


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
I'm sure I could introduce you to a few kids with Chediak-Higashi or Severe Combined ID or IgA deficiency...the list goes on and on....that CAN'T heal. Some of these kids won't see their 10th birthday. I'm sure they'd trade places with you.

By the way--what are you waiting for? Who cares if you broke your leg? If it means that much to you, saw your cast up and get back on the saddle. :confused:


Sep 22, 2000
Far fetched???

Naw---I will bet that one day a factory contract will be based upon a rider agreeing to surgically replace the large bones with titanium ones. :eek:

They will reach a threshold where the machine is as light as possible--now we need to lighten up the rider.

Big Tuna

Nov 29, 2000
I'm definitely not saying that it couldn't be worse: but it could always be better.:confused:

I think the docs have a faster solution, but they just give us the 6-8 weeks to sit in the corner and THINK about what we have done.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Originally posted by Big Tuna
A caveman could have broken his arm riding his Triceratops
Now that's funny!

I feel your pain, Tuna. But I look at it like nephron.

What really sucks is when you are sidelined by something you did when not riding. Broke my arm playing freaking city-league basketball! Talk about bad hooey!


Oct 9, 2000
I broke my collarbone riding a bicycle and trying to do a "stoppie". I was out for 2 months. I really kicked myself for that one.

Big Tuna

Nov 29, 2000
Some injuries are unavoidable; it's the avoidable ones that hurt the most.

When I was about five or so I hooked up the neighborhood dog to my big-wheel (even at that age looking for a little more top end) any-hoo for, lack of foresight, (I was only 5 sheesh) this animal did not know the steering procedures, and took me into a curb I proceeded to flip over and get hooked to the big-wheel and dragged for about 10' on the pavement. My good riding gear was in the wash :confused: so I was wearing my back-up equipment(shorts & t-shirt). Anyway I scraped my-self up from head to toe, got a lic'n, and was grounded from my bike:think I'm sure everybody's got one of these stupid hurts stories though.

scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
6-8 weeks

Try 2 years of surgury and rehabs+ leg that looks like an erector set. :eek:

Went riding the day I was released:cool: Pencil leg and all.

It could be worse I got flamed las tyear for my signature by some guy who lost his leg last year.:eek:

Heal up and get a snowmobile for the winter.
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