
Sep 11, 2002
Ride Report:
Me being the new guy got unofficialy elected to write the happenings of the day. I got lost (I sear those other guys looked just like you), took 3 really good diggers, limped out of there, but all in one piece. Carlo's son did a flying W and almost flew off a cliff. That sand hill was INSANE! Maybe I'll try it next time. Thanks to all for a great ride. Tony, Terry, Carlo and the rest, you guys are all a bunch of great guys. The funniest bunch I've met in a while. I'm looking forward for the next time.
Now I gotta go get some ice and tylenol.


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
I don't know ???, I'm going to have to give you a C, C minus on that report, just way too short.......

For all us that couldn't make it, we need to feel we were there and there's no way you get Carlo & Terry together without something happening.

You need to go back and write this again........and for Gawds sakes, put some feeling into it mun


Jan 27, 2000
JPIVEY said:
You need to go back and write this again........and for Gawds sakes, put some feeling into it mun

;) He may come back and give us some more Jim, when his fingers stop hurtin'. We beat him up pretty bad, but he picked himself up and trudged on. Whuatta trooper. He's gonna fit right in to the Crew. :cool:

We had three new riders, but nobody had to wear the tutu. Carlo claims he still can't find it.

The ride was short but sweet. Weather couldn't have been better. Elk taped a little video camera to the front of his 2fitty and we did the manzenita (sp) trail. He only had two minutes of memory on the camera. We took off with me in the lead and we were only about a third of the way into the trail when he started that maniacal laughter again. :ohmy: I swear, it's like getting chased by a freakin hyena. Started laughing myself, couldn't concentrate and finally biffed it in a tight left hander. I can only hope that his two minutes were up by then.

Elk Jr had a good one. Ever been driving up in the mountains and come into a corner and see long straight skid marks that go straight off the side of the road? :ohmy: Makes you think, man, that had to hurt. That's what Elk Jr's skid marks looked like. I got back to the scene just as they were lifting the bike back up the side of the hill. Good save Danny. :yikes:

It was great having Holeshot back. One year to the day of his stroke. Got to duke it out with him on the way back to the trucks on the lower trail. The time off didn't seem to hurt his riding ability. Way to go Ron.

All in all, another great ride in the record books.

Til next time.

Last edited:


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
Well, bottom line is that I didn't make it all the way up the sandhill. Probably because I was too meek on the approach, the hill was harder - whatever - I tried it two times previous on my 125 and was able to make it up no problem. I not not entirely convinced that I would have made it all the way, even if I'd hit the bottom "on the bubble", but at least I would have made it to the soft part of the hill. As it was, the section the hill where I came off was as hard as concrete. Good thing I had a helmet on. :yikes: I couldn't swing my leg over the seat at first (to ride back down), so it took about ten minutes to get going again.

After that, it was back toward the manzanita section, where I proceeded to crash every 50 ft. A couple of other riders upstaged me on the crashing part, providing even more spectacular get-offs. I can't even win the "best crasher" category. :bang:

Thanks to 89'r and Elk for letting me take a spin on their beasts. After riding the 450, I can see that I'd have to learn to ride again if I switched back to a big thumper. I still have a right side deficit, so the e-start on the X was sweet, especially after a long day.

Nice temps and, all and all, a good ride. Now excuse me while I get some more Advil......


Jun 5, 2001
That was a great ride, weather was perfect, bike ran entire time! Great meeting Whautta and Tony Da Rats bud, Aaron maybe? Damn, anyway, we headed for the sand hill first just for kicks and had a blast watching folks run up and down it, or tumble down it as Holesnot and 89r's first run! I was surprised to see Terry fall up the hill but then again, he prolly fell asleep half way up and things went all black for him! BUWAHAHAHA! I ran the 2fittyX up the hill and felt the lack of big bore power as I neared the top, had to shift down into 2nd. All in all, it went up fine and the ride down was in 4th, with throttle and the suspension just soaked up the speed bumps no problem.

At that point, Jr Elk was already spent cause it was his first ride in over a year, and on the RM250 to boot. All in all, he did fine, cept for the couple of get offs, didn't get to see them but he had the bruises and cuts to prove it. That Zuki spanked him and reminded him of how quickly things can turn ugly, but thanks to the other guys, riders and helpers are not far behind to help him pick up the pieces, thanks.

I came home and downloaded the video and watched it. It actually had some great resolution even with all the moving that the bike was doing trying to follow 89er through the manzanitas. Terry can thank the God that the video ran out just seconds before he ate dirt around the corner, I was extremely bummed but he's got someone watching over him to get rid of any evidence of crashing! It's a large file though, and I might needed some help converting it to an MPEG instead of an AVI file, not sure how to do it.

It was great seeing Holesnot again, missed having him around in his old Nissan and trailer in tow, good to see you're in great health, or at least you look like you are!

I had a great time as usual and riding that 2fittyX was a treat, it ran great through the tight trails and roads but could use some getup and go on the straights, but that's OK, I just have to stay way out on front of the pack! I think Whuatta will be back, we hope, and this time he can wear the tutu, I found it under my dresser, kinda stained though. Thanks for coming and we'll plan a miller canyon ride asap, before the heat comes. Jeff, good seeing you again too, along with the Tony D Rat. My friend James had a good time too, he wants to join us again as well, he can share the tutu with Robert. Thanks Terry for the footage, I laughed just as much watching it at home.



Sep 11, 2002
Elk mentioned the tutu in the morning but said nothing later. I thought I was getting off easy. Actually, it would have come in handy wiping up my bloody limbs. I would hate to think where those stains came from. Blood or ...??? Elk?
Holeshot really impressed me. It's the first time I met him but for a person to be out and riding like that after a year of having a stroke was really impressive.
You guys should have seen me this morning. I have a 4 year old son and he woke me up...... by jumping on me.


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
Whuatta, The first time they took me out there, we came back from the sand hill though the manzanitas, Man, my arms were a bloody mess when we finally stopped, ........... that was a good day of riding

I hope you guys do one more ride Between the end of June and the first of Sept, I would love to go

I might even have a helmet cam by then


Oct 31, 2001
Great report guys, although I have one question? Was Elk Jrs skid marks on the dirt or in his shorts? From the sound of it, he came out unscathed.


Jan 30, 2000
Sounds like a good time guys - hope to see you at the Kennedy Meadows do on the 4th of July.


Jun 5, 2001
Both Bood, skid marks all over the place! Jim, there will be plenty of riding between those dates.

Hope to see you up at Kennedy as well mate!
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