Rider Down


Mi. Trail Riders
Nov 3, 2004
My friend Bob Nichols went down hard at the Sand Goblin enduro. The last I heard he was to be air lifted to a hospital in South Bend, IN for surgery. His left hip joint was fractured, including the pelvis, femur, and the L5 vertabrae. He can move his feet and wiggle his toes. There seems to be no nerve damage, only bone. There was a laceration on his lower left leg that was thought to be a compound fracture but was not.
This serves as a harsh reality check for all of us. Insurance may not cover the helicopter transport. I appeal to all of you to help any way you can.

Mark Becker Sarge184@aol.com


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
Thanks for the update Mark. I felt sick when they brought his bike in and told me what happened. That could be any one of us in that situation.

Let us know how things go this week for Bob.
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