
Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Jacksonville Florida? 5 POINTS CHAD, 3 rounds left, HAHAHAHA! Seemingly Chad led JBS for 14 laps? Then Chad settled into his usual spot, 2nd at the checkers. The rest of the field appeared like one heck of a race! KW some 24 seconds back for 3rd! Something happened to Nolaw, Daisy and Ivan? Chisholm stayed on the lead lap, 8th nice job! The lites appeared to have been a good race also, with the Champ finally securing the win, with WH 2nd and AS 3rd, he came through from 9th and WH led 10 laps! Well we shall see, Sunday at 4pm CST the 125's start, and the 250,s follow at 5pm CST on speed. Stupid tv programmers, its lites and SX class!


Mar 7, 2001
Holy Bar Banging the Big Bikes Batman!! OMG!

You do not want to miss this one folks... Sure, the results if you just look them up were as expected. Chad's fastest lap 3 tenths slower than Bubbas. But, it just doesn't tell the story.

In the first practice Bubba put on the fastest lap, and Chad the second fastest. But Chad spent a lot of time just doing different lines and portions of the track. Just before the finish line there were two short doubles leading into two short whoops sections. During that first practice Chad found a line that allowed him to land at the right angle off the second small double, gas hard and launch completely over the whoops into the last corner. It tried it 4 or 5 times and it was way faster than anyone else and even Bubba wasn't trying it.

Between practice rounds the Dirt Works crew knocked down that first bump in the second set of whoops so Chad couldn't do it anymore. The best Chad could do in the second practice was to land on the last bump, he tried it several times, and some of the landings were a bit wild and shaky.

Also during the second practice Chad and Bubba had a little bump, Chad's fault. The announcer tried to make it sound like there was some heated words, but it looked to me Chad, concentrating on what he was doing got in Bubba's way on a fast lap. He then made sure he got out of the way and let Bubba run a fast lap, again to have the fastest lap in practice. Chad then ran a fast lap and took second spot. After that Chad stop running fast and just went back to trying different things in different parts of the track.

Mike A, gets the hole shot, big surprise, Chad second, Bubba 4th. Half a lap later Chad first, Bubba 2 bikes back in 2nd. Chad comes out flying, Bubba is there, but it takes him about 5 laps to get close enough to look for a place to pass. One of the key places is the back triple and the rhythm section after it. Most people were coming out of the corner and doing it double, double, single. Chad came right out and did it double, triple. But he could only seem to set up for it about 1/3 of the time, Bubba didn't do the double, triple the first couple laps, then he was able to do it about 1/2 the time. Twice when Bubba did it and Chad didn't it looked like he would have the block pass going into the step on, step off, but both times Chad came out ahead.

Chad used the whole track, riding fast but leaving no place to pass. If Bubba was out side, he would go in and swing wide, just like he was making the block pass. If Bubba was setting him up to cut under, he would cut even farther inside and then ride Bubba wide, or he would brake check, to kill Bubba's momentum.

Bubba started using all different lines to get around, some would cause him to fall back for a half a lap or so. On lap 13 he got by, finally after several tries, getting to the inside on the back triple and setting up the pass. But before the finish line, at the first double into the short whoops section (not the one Chad had been practicing on) Chad launched off the first whoops bump and flew to last bump past Bubba and took the lead back official for lap 14.

Bubba made a similar move going into the back triple as he did the lap before, but added a slide to the outside and a brake check to set up that pass going into the back rhythm section again. Neither could double, triple after that. When they got back to the place where Chad had passed by jumping long into the whoops, Chad was right there, but he didn't try it again. I guess he figured he figured landing that wild move clean twice in a row was pressing his luck.

Next lap, Bubba double, tripled the section and Chad didn't giving Bubba about 2 bike lengths. For two laps it stayed exactly that, then on lap 17 Chad made a mistake in the front triple section and went off the track giving Bubba about a 7 bike lead. Both continued to run hot through lap 19, and the gap stayed about the same, then both backed it down on the last lap.

And Kdub, rode great. The announcer called him the loneliest man on the track. Way ahead of 4th, but not even on the same planet with Chad and Bubba.

Chad and Bubba stopped after the race and talked for quite awhile, both patted each other on the back. They acted like they thought it was the best race of the season, I know I thought it was. And being there was SWEET!!

I expect we will see this intensity right up until the last race, and with both of them riding the edge, well a few weeks ago I would have said IF anyone would go down and throw the championship away it would be Bubba, but then of course the odds favor it. But now, Bubba has back just slightly off the edge, and kept it on two wheels under extreme pressure, and Chad pushed the envelope farther than I've ever seen him before. Now, anyone's guess.


Mar 16, 2009
Extremely Nice write up. The supercross site doesn't do justice. Thanks!

I really can't wait to see the race tonight. Sounds like Stewart is having a gas having some competition. I suppose I'll have to tell my yungun (who is a Chad Reed fan, but will only watch the occasional race with me) how this has heated up. It's going to be a fun end of season.


Nov 10, 2008
nice write up hig4s that was the first superx race I ever went to and it was good definately some tire marks on Bubba's& Reed's bikes at lap 14 &15

watch the difference in lines they were taking between the 1st and 2nd turns and the following double jump ,triple jump section I swore a couple of times Bubba front wheel was on Reeds rear fender as they were switching their attack angles

Bubba was definately stoked with the racing when the announcer tried to incite some rivalry Bubba was just.... Yeah some contact but thats racing and that was FUN, this IS what it is all about ... while smiling ear to ear


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
What a race Who is the man? The one time when JBS whipped across CR's line, I was like wow, that was crazy, then JBS let CR back by in consideration? And exactly who was making all the, seemingly pressure mistakes, CR, say it ain't so? The track was killer! Too bad the heated race up front took away from everything else that was going on? And Ricky showed up! Did he say anything? I have gotten to the point of turning it down enough that I do not hear the dribble from the other 2.


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
Was it just me or were the seats pretty empty??

Not nearly as bad as the last race at Vancouver, but there were a lot of open seats.

Did IZZI lose the motor on that triple? It looked to me like his bike turned into a rock about midway thru the arc.


Nov 10, 2008
yes unfortunately the stadium was only 1/2 filled but it was rockin' I hope they keep it here, from what I understand(I am new to the area) it takes a bit for events to grow on people here

Yeah Ricky had a few words was asked if he misses racing bikes , Racing cars is taking alot of his time so he is not lonely for racing, but superx/motox is his home it is where he grew up basicly was his answer


Dec 9, 2007
Great Race

I would estimate there was about 30K people there.

I talked with a guy from Stewarts crew after pratice and he said after Reed bumped Bubba he was talking smack trying to get in bubba's head.....

It looked to me like Stewart was kinda hangin back waiting for the later laps to pass or for Reed to make a mistake...

It was cool to see RC turning some laps after pratice.

We had great seats and my 10 year old son had a blast.

All in all a great day at the races


Feb 2, 2001
Definitely the best Reed/Bubba race. And you could tell by the coverage because the cameras were stuck to those two until the very end.

Poor Izzi.....another podium that dissolved on the last lap.


Mar 12, 2001
Yes, awesome racing, especially in the SX class. JS was very patient and then gapped CR pretty good.

Dunno what they were "supposedly" having words about before and after the race, anyone have insight on this?


Apr 2, 2004
Best race of the season so far in the big bike class. I was waiting for JBS to throw it away w/ Chad pressuring him, but he kept on his game and pulled off the win.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
IndyMX said:
Not nearly as bad as the last race at Vancouver, but there were a lot of open seats.

Are you referring to the last race Vancouver had or the one in Toronto the week before Jacksonville? Numbers I saw for Toronto put attendance around 40k in a stadium that seats 55k.

Someone said:
I was told by a friend that CR choked JS at the end of the race at some point? Can anyone confirm or deny?

Not hardly an unbiased observer but Larry Brooks would confirm. http://www.motocrossactionmag.com/M...0&tier=3&nid=540067A85BA84943B3005D47B6DF0F23


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
Chili said:
Are you referring to the last race Vancouver had or the one in Toronto the week before Jacksonville? Numbers I saw for Toronto put attendance around 40k in a stadium that seats 55k.

No.. I'm talking about the last AMA/FIM supercross there.. A couple years ago..


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Vancouver area is full of the tree hugger non motorsport type people no surprise that race tanked and that they lost their F1 race as well.


Mar 16, 2009
Someone said:
I was told by a friend that CR choked JS at the end of the race at some point? Can anyone confirm or deny?

I dunno if they were or weren't. I really liked HiG4s report above. It told me all I need to know or care to know about racing.

Any of the rest is drummed up drama for fools. I'd much rather it be about the race. It should always be just that. We're all human, and flawed. If a rule is broken, let the authorities dish it out, but forget about it. From another blog:

the inside gate said:
Reed and Stewart did collide after the triple and tore Reed’s fork guard off and the two had a few words after the race.

HiG4s tells a different post race story at any rate. So if the t.v. was right on the altercation when it happened, did ya'all see it? How come the t.v. dude doesn't name the other party?? I'm waiting to catch up on races til vacation next week, where it will be just me and my dvr. (and my dog.)


Dec 31, 1969
Listen to the webcast post race interview with Chad, says he's gonna take James out if he gets the chance as payback for the dirty riding during the race.

He failed to mention that he simply can not beat James, unless James beats himself. Infact, no one has, not even the mighty GOAT.


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
Okiewan said:
Listen to the webcast post race interview with Chad, says he's gonna take James out if he gets the chance as payback for the dirty riding during the race.

He failed to mention that he simply can not beat James, unless James beats himself. Infact, no one has, not even the mighty GOAT.

Do you have a link for that??


Mar 27, 2005


Mar 16, 2009
Thump said:

You gotta pay, but he did say that he will "put him in row F if he gets the chance" In no uncertain terms he said he was going to take JBS out if he has the opportunity to do so.

Thanks. Again- I'm sitting tight to watch the race til I have time next week- but, is it really that big a deal what he said after the race? (grabbing a guy by the collar not cool, but what the heck.)

It's a sport of blocking passing, bumping and lots of room to get hurt. He's hungry. He's leading in points...He'd like to win outright...He ran a good race. He gets hot under the collar and talks tough- he raced well enough to hold JS off til the end... (if the above account by HiG4 is accurate)...a mean, none of you guys wouldn't get off your bikes pumped and talk tough? I talk tougher than that to my twelve year old wrestling in the living room.

Seems to me if he's leading in points, and he road a good race but lost, well... I know I'd be saying a few choice things. Anger is usually about yourself, after all.


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Method #2 of beating JBS, choke him? Thats just way funny. The warrior? Going to take out, put in the cheap seats? Better get a holeshot, and after burners. Heard this same bag of whine 2 years ago!


Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
Not taking anything away from CR, he rode great, but to say he help James off till the end is a little stretch. Even RC said James was just riding behind him watching his lines. He was patient and began trying to pass about lap 14. Made the pass and then did what he has done all season, ride fast enough to gap him.

It really is simple, at this point in JBS career, nobody, including the GOAT has ever beat him when he has stayed on 2 wheels and I do not see CR doing this either. For CR to win, James will have to go down or get taken out. If I am wrong I will be very happy to see some real racing but this season he does not look capable of running the pace of James. Need proof? James has finished 19th, lost the points lead. Overcome the points gap to take the lead. Crashes again and finishes 7th and has now caught back up in the points. If he stays on 2 wheels, he wins the title.
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