
Dec 31, 1969
Seems to me if he's leading in points, and he road a good race but lost, well... I know I'd be saying a few choice things. Anger is usually about yourself, after all
You make as many excuses for Chad as Chad does :)


Mar 16, 2009
Okiewan said:
You make as many excuses for Chad as Chad does :)
:rotfl: :nod:

Lol. I'm actually not up on this stuff. I just really hate the press. Sounds like this isn't drummed up drama so much like the jlaw trash talk stuff. Some genuine emotion going.

I'm looking forward to catching up on the races next week. I've only caught four or so, and the announcers drive me insane.

I admire Stewart. He seems to handle himself well off the track, too. I still think if a guy makes a mistake and crashes, well... it still counts as a mistake. Just like in baseball. And, if someone else is winnin' because you made a few mistakes, well... there ya go.

The kid likes Reed. (ABSOLUTELY no clue why. You could have pulled any name out of a hat for her. I even tried to sway her with your guys low opinion of him, but, she picked her man.)

If I were anyone's fanboy, it would be one of older riders. To be honest I'm too ignorant and just like to see the action. I hate it when the cameras focus on only two riders the whole race.



Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
I do not care what anyone tries to smooth it over, anger is a loss of control, a weakness. Warrior, PFFFFT! And I too have seen the kids worship of CR, he does take care of some stuff, may be that sized diamond plug in his ear, the bleached hair era? Window dressing. JBS in 2 more races, and seal the deal in Vegas! Whats the carry on weight limit on planes, I know a guy going, no its early, he is driving, and going to get the killer handi cap seating. Oh Gary?


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
Whoot.. Can't wait to got.. It's gonna be some of the best riding of the season.

I'd sneak you into my luggage, but it's a long drive Bob..


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
I love how this "if he stays on two wheels" excuse has grown out of proportion. If he crashes his brains out trying to beat the GOAT (or Reed for that matter), that is as bad as losing on two wheels in my opinion. Heck, he couldn't even beat the GOAT by crashing on top of the GOAT


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
And there was some talk in here about how RC couldn't beat James straight up with out james crashing.. I seem to remember RC beating James straight up many times..


Apr 2, 2004
IndyMX said:
And there was some talk in here about how RC couldn't beat James straight up with out james crashing.. I seem to remember RC beating James straight up many times..

Outdoors yet... Indoors no... That last year they raced, James would throw it away early, and then storm through the entire pack to "almost" catch RC by the end of the race.


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
YamaB said:
Outdoors yet... Indoors no... That last year they raced, James would throw it away early, and then storm through the entire pack to "almost" catch RC by the end of the race.

Catching RC and passing RC, two totally different animals.


Apr 2, 2004
James said:
I love how this "if he stays on two wheels" excuse has grown out of proportion. If he crashes his brains out trying to beat the GOAT (or Reed for that matter), that is as bad as losing on two wheels in my opinion. Heck, he couldn't even beat the GOAT by crashing on top of the GOAT

When has James crashed this season because he was riding over his head??

I seem to remember 2 BIG crashes.

A1 - James missed a shift on his new Yamaha, Reed hit him from behind (not CR's fault), and JBS couldn't get his bike to start.

Daytona - James loses the front end in the first turn, which is mostly grass. He goes down hard... can't find his bike... gets on the wrong bike... finally finds his bike... gets it started... and charges through most of the field at a break neck pace on the knarliest track of the season w/out crashing... to finish in 7th...


Apr 2, 2004
IndyMX said:
Catching RC and passing RC, two totally different animals.

Truth. My point was that even RC didn't have his speed. In any event, that year was interesting in that both JBS AND RC were going down hard (or coming close to it) on a regular basis trying to best one another.


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
YamaB said:
When has James crashed this season because he was riding over his head??

I seem to remember 2 BIG crashes.

A1 - James missed a shift on his new Yamaha, Reed hit him from behind (not CR's fault), and JBS couldn't get his bike to start.

Daytona - James loses the front end in the first turn, which is mostly grass. He goes down hard... can't find his bike... gets on the wrong bike... finally finds his bike... gets it started... and charges through most of the field at a break neck pace on the knarliest track of the season w/out crashing... to finish in 7th...

Bubble crashed a couple of times at indy that were both his fault..

Plus he spent a lot of time on the ground at St. Louis, both his fault.

Both races he seemed to be riding outside of his comfort zone..


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
YamaB said:
Truth. My point was that even RC didn't have his speed. In any event, that year was interesting in that both JBS AND RC were going down hard (or coming close to it) on a regular basis trying to best one another.

If RC was leading the race...he didn't need to ride over his head to catch up to first place...he was already there.


May 2, 2002
Okiewan said:
He failed to mention that he simply can not beat James, unless James beats himself. Infact, no one has, not even the mighty GOAT.

Yep, I'm sure that's what James says to himself a lot too.

Wonder if he used that excuse to comfort himself after the past championship seasons he's thrown away? In fact if he doesn't win this season that will be seven major SX/MX championships (not including 125/250F seasons of which I think there is at least one) he's failed to win because he couldn't stay on the bike.

I wonder how many it takes before "choker" or "underachiever" is a more appropriate title?


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Wow... I learned something here today.

See... Sunday I raced the Big Buck GNCC in Super Vet C. I came in 19th in my class but on the last lap I was running 18th and got out of my comfort zone and crashed. It was all my fault and nobody elses.

#603 passed me while I was on the ground.

I OBVIOUSLY was faster than the 603 but because of my crash he got 18th and I got 19th so I guess I should find him and go to GNCC scoring and get our results swapped.

See, if I didn't crash on my own then I would have gotten 18th and he wouldn't have. I was faster until my crash so that makes me the better rider and I deserve the 18th place because of that speed not matter that I couldn't completely control it.



Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Someone said:
Who wants to see a bunch of people racing in their comfort zone? I don't.
Thats what racing MX used to be! Now these sx only guys seemingly figured a little different. What happened to if you ain't falling once in a while(practice) you are not pushing hard enough. Proof that we carry something in common with JBS, the desire to go as fast as he can, from the gate to the checkers. And some bozo wants to ride safe, but wants the number 1 plate handed to him for this? BS! If you need to let it all hang out, you learn to ride faster? And them guys 3rd and back? They have A LOT OF WORK TO DO! I mean, old man KW showed them up!


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Someone said:
Who wants to see a bunch of people racing in their comfort zone? I don't.

It wasn't until RC learned to ride just inside his comfort zone that he started winning.

Staying on two wheels wins championships.

Crashing gets you on Nitro Circus.



Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Okiewan said:
Not in SX, which is what are talking about at the moment.

So it wasn't straight up when they left at the same gate drop? This James has never been beaten when he hasn't crashed stuff makes me laugh. The guy is an amazing rider but part of being a great champion is learning where the line is and how well you can walk that line. Lot's of guys can go faster than their limits right before they yard sale.


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
I think this thread proves that Pastrana has never been beaten "straight up." He was actually the GOAT.
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