
Apr 20, 2000
I thought that everyone in CMRA would like to know where we stand on any possibility of getting our gas tax money used for off road trails in TN.
I recently sent a proposal to the administator of the Recreational Trails Program (RTP) which is also known as the Symm's fund. The taxes we pay when we purchase gas (the federal portion only) is sent back to the states with stipulations that 30% of the money MUST be spent on ORV trails, etc.
As some of you know VSTA was disbanded a few years ago when it appeared that there was no way a bill would be passed to spend the RTP money for ORVs.
I received an e-mail from the administrator saying a bill had been passed in TN sending ALL the RTP money to the TWRA. He sent me to the guys there.
I then sent a request to the TWRA guys asking to purchase some land near West Point TN to use for ORV purposes. It is next to the NATRA leased land from International Paper.
It looks like Barry presented our plan to the board, but apparently the TWRA has plans to spend ALL the RTP money for the hunters. I don't know anything about the other pilot programs, but I don't see any money being spent on trails.
I have attached the last letter from Barry. It seems the Golden Rule is still in effect. They have all the Gold, we get......
Ed Larosche

Dear Mr. Larosche,
I presented your proposal at yesterday's staff meeting and we had a considerable discussion of TWRA's role in the OHV program. The end result is that we will not be funding any OHV projects outside of our pilot project area at Royal Blue and Sundquist WMAs.
It is likely that TWRA's role in the OHV program will be expanded in the future (after a larger funding source is identified and secured) and at that time we'll be looking for projects that mitigate the environmental impact of off highway vehicles.
Thank you for your interest in the program, and for providing a place for family OHV recreation.

>>> Ed Larosche <> 12/06/2005 9:45:18 PM >>>
As you can see from the attachment, I was sent to you by Bob Richards.
Can you please look over the exchange we had?
Can we set up a teaming arrangement? I think this is an excellent
opportunity for TWRA to apply the RTP money towards some motorized ORV

Thanks for the help,
Ed Larosche
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