Our morning began with a Beginners Enduro School.Marshal couldnt go so I talked my buddy Dave to going with me. He is a long time woods rider but had never done an Enduro and either had I.
The guys who gave the class were GREAT ! However after "learning" about checks, resets, emergency checks etc I wasnt sure of anything except I was getting to ride and was for sure gonna have fun !
We took off on the same minute with two other guys.I had just got Panaram and still hadnt figured it out.. thanks to Bob about 20 min before we started I at least learned to 0 the odometer. Dave has a knack for timing so I rode behind him ( 0'ed the first 3 checks) only about 12 mi in we parted company...
We had come out of the woods on to a road...there was a freshly burned in trail right across the road .. he was in front at a good pace and gleefully went right across the road on to the trail.. I stopped just in time to see a guy make a right just behind me and a big red arrow up to the right. Hmmmm to follow or not to follow..NOT...YIKES !! I went on thinking he'd soon notice I wasnt there and catch up ..nope !!... He and others had gotten on to the next days coarse. I caught up with the guys on our minute to find they were running 8 minutes late so I booked it.
I was anythig but a wiz at the computer, couldnt see the clock portion very well and had to use two hands to turn the roll chart. I didnt want to stop (mistake ) thinking I might get to late so decided to ride by feel..Two min early to the next check a club member said "nice front flat . I looked a little blank I guess .He said go on the tractions good ! I said thanks with a smile and was off . Must have just happend cuz I was thinking tight turns on the mushy trail felt kinda funny DUH !! .Nursing a flat and trying to figure things out I was early 2 min to the next the 3 to the last . Kicked myself for the last one becaues I had figured right and was just about to slow down and looked up and there was the last check in sight..At that point I was just glad Id done it !! Great fun!! It turned out good being left to pick my own way through. .. learned lots !
It was sure good to see friends Bonehead & Endoquest. from Oregon !. especially since it took my buddy awhile to "check out" the other course....heheh
I ended up doing pretty good...had a great time and will no doubt do it again !
The guys who gave the class were GREAT ! However after "learning" about checks, resets, emergency checks etc I wasnt sure of anything except I was getting to ride and was for sure gonna have fun !
We took off on the same minute with two other guys.I had just got Panaram and still hadnt figured it out.. thanks to Bob about 20 min before we started I at least learned to 0 the odometer. Dave has a knack for timing so I rode behind him ( 0'ed the first 3 checks) only about 12 mi in we parted company...
We had come out of the woods on to a road...there was a freshly burned in trail right across the road .. he was in front at a good pace and gleefully went right across the road on to the trail.. I stopped just in time to see a guy make a right just behind me and a big red arrow up to the right. Hmmmm to follow or not to follow..NOT...YIKES !! I went on thinking he'd soon notice I wasnt there and catch up ..nope !!... He and others had gotten on to the next days coarse. I caught up with the guys on our minute to find they were running 8 minutes late so I booked it.
I was anythig but a wiz at the computer, couldnt see the clock portion very well and had to use two hands to turn the roll chart. I didnt want to stop (mistake ) thinking I might get to late so decided to ride by feel..Two min early to the next check a club member said "nice front flat . I looked a little blank I guess .He said go on the tractions good ! I said thanks with a smile and was off . Must have just happend cuz I was thinking tight turns on the mushy trail felt kinda funny DUH !! .Nursing a flat and trying to figure things out I was early 2 min to the next the 3 to the last . Kicked myself for the last one becaues I had figured right and was just about to slow down and looked up and there was the last check in sight..At that point I was just glad Id done it !! Great fun!! It turned out good being left to pick my own way through. .. learned lots !
It was sure good to see friends Bonehead & Endoquest. from Oregon !. especially since it took my buddy awhile to "check out" the other course....heheh
I ended up doing pretty good...had a great time and will no doubt do it again !
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