
Jan 31, 2001
Our morning began with a Beginners Enduro School.Marshal couldnt go so I talked my buddy Dave to going with me. He is a long time woods rider but had never done an Enduro and either had I.
The guys who gave the class were GREAT ! However after "learning" about checks, resets, emergency checks etc I wasnt sure of anything except I was getting to ride and was for sure gonna have fun !
We took off on the same minute with two other guys.I had just got Panaram and still hadnt figured it out.. thanks to Bob about 20 min before we started I at least learned to 0 the odometer. Dave has a knack for timing so I rode behind him ( 0'ed the first 3 checks) only about 12 mi in we parted company...
We had come out of the woods on to a road...there was a freshly burned in trail right across the road .. he was in front at a good pace and gleefully went right across the road on to the trail.. I stopped just in time to see a guy make a right just behind me and a big red arrow up to the right. Hmmmm to follow or not to follow..NOT...YIKES !! I went on thinking he'd soon notice I wasnt there and catch up ..nope !!... He and others had gotten on to the next days coarse. I caught up with the guys on our minute to find they were running 8 minutes late so I booked it.
I was anythig but a wiz at the computer, couldnt see the clock portion very well and had to use two hands to turn the roll chart. I didnt want to stop (mistake ) thinking I might get to late so decided to ride by feel..Two min early to the next check a club member said "nice front flat . I looked a little blank I guess .He said go on the tractions good ! I said thanks with a smile and was off . Must have just happend cuz I was thinking tight turns on the mushy trail felt kinda funny DUH !! .Nursing a flat and trying to figure things out I was early 2 min to the next the 3 to the last . Kicked myself for the last one becaues I had figured right and was just about to slow down and looked up and there was the last check in sight..At that point I was just glad Id done it !! Great fun!! It turned out good being left to pick my own way through. .. learned lots !
It was sure good to see friends Bonehead & Endoquest. from Oregon !. especially since it took my buddy awhile to "check out" the other course....heheh
I ended up doing pretty good...had a great time and will no doubt do it again !
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Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
You ended up doing pretty good? 3rd (according to Endoquest's review in the ride reports forum) - ya go girl :) (especially the bit about keeping on the course while others decided to try the following day's course lol)
Congratulations and glad you had fun :)
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Jan 22, 2002
Congratulations on the 3rd place at your first Enduro!

Pegasus, I'm so glad to hear about your first Enduro story.
Just riding is fun, but isn't it exciting to ride in Enduro?
I would like to hear about your racing stories more often in the future, because I admire you as a great rider!!!

There is a Family Enduro on June 2 in Forest Hill which I'm planning to ride.
Pegasus, I heard that the Forest Hill's trails are nothing (I hope this doesn't sound boring to you, though) campare to those you have been riding in Oregon. So can we do it?

Princess, when can I ride with you?
Can you think about riding in the Family Enduro?
I started feeling more confident on my KDX220, so I'm ready!



Jan 31, 2001
Thanks Guys !!!!

FireLily ...At this point the time keeping experience is more important than challenging trail..Marshal is not into competing..however likes to ride new places..Maybe one day enduro next an other ride area.. Any ideas?
We'll talk more the 12 th..


Jan 31, 2001
OH yeah... I did want to share one small source of amusement at the Enduro..
After the riders meeting the ladies room was empty ! It was the mens room that had the line.. hehehe !
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