
Jul 10, 2009

I painted the number plates. I used Adhesion Promoter and then used Krylon Black special purpose (Camo) paint. I like the black and green. I did not like the lookof the white number plate.


Jul 23, 2009
Here she is before stickers




Now its all torn down for topend, clutch, and bearings thru out, will post pics once done and the decals are applied.


Sep 29, 2009

This is my KDX200 '94

I'm from Argentina, I pay for this bike U$S2000 (yeah, two thousand)...thanks to our government...

The price of the used bikes is so high because there are very few, and find one in good condition is is almost impossible...
We can not import used bikes, and a new one is to much expensive...
a KXF250 2010 its around U$S11000....

For now, I enjoy this bike (its my first 2-stroke)


Dec 27, 2009
Nice looking bike! Looks really clean. I just bought a '93 250 a couple of months ago that looks very similar. $2,000 is a lot, I paid $1,400 Canadian for mine which is even quite a bit higher than they seem to go for in the US. We have a smaller pool of bikes here too so the good ones tend to be expensive.


Oct 28, 2008
Man that 94 looks almost brand new! Nice bike, $2,000 or not!

I got my 89 for $400. Bottom and top end rebuild, some cosmetics, some bearings, tires, brakes, some general maintenance, and a front end swap later, I'm in for about $1500.

Right after I brought it home...

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="before"></a>

Right after I finished bolting on the yz250 front end....

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

More recent, and add a little more dirt....

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Lots more work to do. Mostly it's replacing plastics and such from here on out though. At least until something breaks!


Mar 1, 2010
My '86 KDX200

Here's my 1986 KDX, yes, it's 24 years old, I bought it new, motor got a rod set and Nikasil recoat bore job a few years ago, Wiseco piston and dropped the bore clearance down to .0018". Also has KX 125 reeds and the squish closed up, makes so much power and the suspension works that well that I see no reason to replace it. The fuel cap split on my last ride so I made a new carbon fiber one for it as I couldn't find one. Parts are getting hard to get, I try to not drop it to badly because of that. Note the rear brake.
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Jul 27, 2009
DGA said:
Here's my 1986 KDX, yes, it's 24 years old, I bought it new, motor got a rod set and Nikasil recoat bore job a few years ago, Wiseco piston and dropped the bore clearance down to .0018". Also has KX 125 reeds and the squish closed up, makes so much power and the suspension works that well that I see no reason to replace it. The fuel cap split on my last ride so I made a new carbon fiber one for it as I couldn't find one. Parts are getting hard to get, I try to not drop it to badly because of that. Note the rear brake.
Freakin' awesome bike man! :cool:


Mar 10, 2010
1997 kdx 200 from NE Alabama that gets ridden

1997 kdx 200
air box mod
no-toil filter
skid plate
pro circuit pipe
pro circuit 304 silencer
fmf turbine core silencer
Boyeson RAD valve
frp shorty kick lever
pipe guard(dented my pipe first day i installed)
moose brush guards that are green and now match for you sticklers that notice stuff like that
devol water pump armor
devol radiator guards
xr400 fork springs w/pvc pre load set up
13/47 stock gears and roll on 4th gear wheelies
moose fender bag that has seen better days
kx rear fender but seriously considering a stock kdx rear fender
UFO headlight/number plate
shortened bars
completely rebuilt suspension as of now,3/11/10, to include:
shock: seal head,bladder,oil,linkage bearings,etc.
forks-fresh oil,xr400 springs,pvc pre load set up,fresh steering stem grease;
swing arm replacement off of a 2005 low hour kdx220 w/fresh bearings/grease/etc.
FEELS DAMN GOOD w/my ride weight of about 190lbs. suited up!
I am sure i forgot something. I do not keep mine so clean that you could eat off of it as i ride that damn thing often.I do keep what needs done done. Well I do now after learning the hard and expensive way.I have a 1987 KDX 200 that I am about to freshen back up and put together and do a little pic posting of it.
well hell. I tried about 5 times to upload but the images are too large. I did get some,I think,to upload for my profile or whatever the thing is.
Can anyone assist me in uploading my pictures please? My pics are too large to upload.
ok I did not even get my pics to load in the profile section. what's up w/this site and me and my pics? can't even show off my kdx. :bang:
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Mar 1, 2010
86 Kdx

Jaz808 said:
Wow that 86 beats my painted up 86
My stupid son ran straight petrol, no oil, now need to redo motor again grrr

Thanks. I DO get it muddy, dirty, all the time, but to keep it alive so long you have to clean it everytime, or you end up doing way more maintainence. One place I used to ride, there was a river crossing that would submerge the cases, when the water gets to the top of the engine and it cools it off real quick it would suck water in the ignition cover through the wire boot. I added a vent tube and ran it up into the air filter box and siliconed up the wire pass through. Ignition has stayed perfect since. Can't imagine you could fine one of those anymore either.


Dec 27, 2009
Nice looking 250 bujas, I have the exact same one. Mine looks pretty much the same as yours, I'm waiting for a black seat cover to arrive to replace the teal blue stocker...should make it look a little more current.
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