
Oct 31, 2004
about eight months ago i was riding at lake perris, ca. I crashed on a jump and broke my right tibia and fubula, both were displaced, but luckily my boot kept the bones from going through the skin. i went into surgery the next day and had a 15 inch titanium rod pounded into my leg with 3 screws to hold it in. well now eight months later im still limping, iwent riding a couple times, just wanted to know if anyone else rides with this kind of harware in and how it effects you. thanks


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Apr 9, 2002
My son did the tib/fib on his left leg last year. They didn't rod his because of the severity of the spiral fracture. He still limps although some of it I think is from how he compensated while in a walking cast and has now become a habit. I know through this race season his leg would still swell and ache at times.


Jan 15, 2004
I spiral fractured my tib/fib and maleolus almost three years ago. The doc gave me a 10-inch plate and 10 screws in my tibia, which I still have. It took me about 10 months to lose the limp, but I could jog comfortably on a treadmill at about 11-12 months. Stretching, ice and massage really helped me lose the limp. On a positive note, a cane is a chick magnet. Plus, now you have an excuse to buy the sweetest boots available.

Your leg will probably hurt for a long time after you've regained 100% strength. Mine still hurts after hard rides, but it is stronger than ever in the gym. Just take it easy for a while and get used to having a "slow side" and a "fast side" in corners.


Dec 14, 2002
I did a spiral tib fib break in my left leg about 1-11/2 years ago now ive got 2 plates and countless screws in my leg i just returned to work and riding but ive still got the limp doc tells me it may never go away


Jan 15, 2004
fng2moto said:
I hear spiral fractures hurt, any truth to that?

I can't speak for anyone else, but my initial break hurt less than I expected it would. In the minutes after the crash there was almost no pain until I tried to stand up...THEN IT HURT. I sat in a hospital bed for two days waiting for surgery, and that was extremely painful. The nurses would only give pain meds every thirty minutes, but at the twenty minute mark I was hitting the call button like a crackhead playing Asteroids. During the seven months following surgery it felt like a constant dull pain that would not go away.


Oct 25, 2004
I broke my femur bobe the biggest bone in your body in a street bike accident it was no fun they put the rod with srews through the center of it took my a year to recover and get walking without a limp I had them take the rod out and the screws and It is like i had never broke it except numbness on my hip


Jan 5, 2005
Alright you guys are scaring me. I'm 3 weeks into right tibia fracture a spiral fracture by the way. It wasnt displaced so surgey wasnt required. The doc said I will be in a cast for 12 weeks though. :(

How long did it take you guys to get back on a bike. I'm wondering how long before I can get on two wheels. More importantly back to work. I'm a firefighter so I have to be pretty healthy before I can return.
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Jan 15, 2005
I am new to dirt bikes but have been road racing for 13 years. Some highlights of my fractures Left ankle (3) Right ankle (2) left arm or wrist (3) right (1) ribs (6) pelvis (1 cracked not broken) to many fingers to count Left femur left knee (8 pieces) ect... But in 2000 at road Atlanta on a 125 GP bike I T-Boned a bike at about 90mph. Both bikes broke in two pieces. Literally. Some of the above injuries resulted in this accident. The worst was my left Femur and shattered left knee. I had to wait 7 days for surgery because I had compartment syndrome. My femur shattered and I had large fragments lodged in the muscle. They put a 12mm rod in my leg with screws and used 4 pins, wire, plates ecad on my knee. They said the rod should never come out because even though I had great bone growth, I was missing 3 inches of material. My broken arm, ribs right ankle weren't even diagnosed for 2 days. Anyway. What a journey.. Thank got I was in Atlanta. I had the chief of orthopedics. Same guy that operated on Miguel Duhamal. Dr Jennings. They told me they were just trying to save my leg. At the time they basically wanted to just get me better. Long term prognosis would come latter. So I was in GA for 3 weeks then home for 4 months of home care. Then rehab.. This is what I found critical. Most do not give rehab the value it needs. It is my opinion after all these injuries that the pain, limps, weakness ect. are the result of the muscles not being able to support the part. Following very very intensive rehab at home and in the center I raced a national in Alabama and got 3rd 8 months later. The stronger my leg got the better everything was. I now am looking at Dirt riding. Do what the docs tell you. For the record my femur did not really hurt at all. Not sure why. Maybe I am just used to this stuff..


Nov 4, 2000
fng2moto said:
I hear spiral fractures hurt, any truth to that?

(there's no smiley things for OMFG it hurt)

I did a spiral fracture to the ankle and I thought it was a bad sprain. But I guess every male thinks an injury to the ankle is bad sprain? ;) I worked on it the next day until the ankle swelled up pretty big and I won't lie - it hurt. My guess would be that the spiral fractures seem to hurt more because you can seem to bear some weight on them, which you would not try with a typical fracture ( which I have exp. as well and did not seem to feel too much pain from until they started taking x-rays.) :moon:


Feb 21, 2005
my grampa is a big golfer (like me) and about 3-4 years ago, and 1 week before x-mas he slipped on some ice and shattered the ball joint in his left shoulder. he had like 6 surgeries on the stupid thing. he had a plate and 6 screws in it, but it was giving him trouble so they pulled off another surgery to remove the plate and 6 screws. we got him outta the hospital on xmas eve.


Apr 5, 2005
2 DAYS BEFORE ACCIDENT a conversation my parents had with me

parents-matt we need to talk to you about your quad
parents-we dont want to do this but we have to sell it
parents-we honestly dont have the money to pay for it anymore
me-well why did you buy it for me if you didnt have the money
parents-because you wanted one for so long and i though u were mature enough to have one
(my mom hates dirtbikes)
me-ok fine i will take my 1000 i put in and buy myself a dirtbike
parents-oh no i dont think "ur ganna have ****in pins in your bones and screws holding you togethor"
me-yeh most likely but i dont care thats the price i will have to pay to ride
parents-well if that is what you are going to do then i guess we will have to figure out a way to keep it

i was riding a suzuki z250 4-wheeler and i weigh about 235 so i was obviously to big for it..i came off a fall away jump and landed on flat ground on my front wheels and i was flung off the quad tumbling for about 25ft and i sat up and saw my left leg i could see the bottom of my foot and i could see the bone almost popping out of my skin. luckily i had my two bestfreinds with me because they called 911 and also considering we were trespassing in our town gravel pit state troopers about 3 or 4 firetrucks and an ambulance arrived. i was taken out of the sand i was in by a pickup truck and as soon as i got to the ambulance my mom was histerical crying because she thought i had neck injuries but i knew i didnt i just told her i was fine and it was jusnt a broken bone and i will be ok in no time. i got to the hospital and all i remember was being in the ER with my leg hanging off the table and my mom squeezing my hand harder that i could ever imagine..the doctor told me that the break was too serious and i needed to go right into surgery so i went in that night and was in and out of sleep in the recovery room for the rest of the night until i woke up in an actual room with one of my freinds that saw me crash and my other freind who skipped rehab to come see me..all in all i got a titanium rod and three screws in my tibia and my fibula just healed on its own. this is the ****ty part as i was layin in the hospital my dad goes looks like we have to sell it now and at that point i wish i could have got up and smacked him cause he jynxed the **** out of me and i was told i am not allowed to ride ever again and if i am seen riding i will be in alot of trouble.i got a wheelchair for school and since i didnt have a quad anymore and was stuck in a wheelchair i might as well make it fun so i learned how to wheelie i had fun maybe too much because in school i would just be in a wheelie all the time right down the hall and in class, my teachers all got worried that i was going to fall and get even more hurt but i had never tipped back once so i go called down to the office and the two principles told me i couldnt use it anymore and i had to use my crutches at this point i had been about a month and half since i had crashed but i hated crutches so going against the doctors orders i came into school the next day with no crutches just limping along real slow but i didnt care because it was all worth it to me now, my leg only hurts slightly when the weather changes it took 2 full months for me to be back to 100% sounds like a fast heal right the only reason was because i was so eager to ride i was bearing weight all the time i didnt even elivate it at all just sat normal and practiced walking, my leg according to the doctor is stronger than it was before the only thing that bothers me the most is the scar on my heel that was right to the bone when i accidentally hit it against something. oh yeh i took all my money out of my bank account and bought a 99 ktm125sx and some good riden boots just incase of any mishaps this is my bike noone can sell it except me so for all you kids like me i know exactly how u feel just remember one thing Ride Hard or ride home cause the only way to ride is wide open if u wanna make it in the riding world.


Mar 15, 2005
Broke my tib when I was 13 in a sled accident. Didnt hurt at first, but it wa kinda nasty feeling the the bone that didnt break wiggling slightly. No surgury but it was a pretty big gap becasue they were separated by the running borad of the sled. Told me 2 months, 5 casts later and almost 4 months and it was almost as good as new... kinda. Limped for quite awhile...

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