
Jan 10, 2004
My Apartment/Condo doesn't have a garage and I am tired of keeping my bike an hour away at my parent's house. My other option is Public Storage. I live on the second level and face one flight of about 15 steps. I havent tried it yet, but I imagine I will have to turn the bike on and use its power to go up the stairs. (I will be to the side of the bike) I would probably only take it out 2 times a week max and that would be during decent hours. I don't live in a college style place, it is a place with about 30 condos and most of the neighbors are rich, but fiscally conservative. Fortunately my parents have owned the unit for 20+ years and owners have a little more say in disputes.

My question is: Will I make my neighbors angry?!?!?!?!? and anyone have advice on taking a 125 up a flight of stairs?

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
When I kept mine in an apartment, I made sure I had a ground level one and I only took it in and out really late at night or very early in the morning.

I would guess that the noise will attract attention and it probably is in violation of some fire codes to be storing a vehicle in the condo...even if you drain the gas out each time.

If I were going to do it, I would get a running start and push it up...and then only at 2:53 am.


N. Texas SP
Nov 7, 2001
Sounds like a huge PITA. Use the money you're saving living in your folk's place to get a some storage close by and save yourself and your neighbors some grief.


2 wheeled idiot
Damn Yankees
Sep 9, 2000
Borrow a friend and push it up the stairs. We did that with a buddies bike and he had way more than 15 stairs. It was easy with 2 people. He kept his on the back enclosed porch during the winter. I have mine in the living room right now and even with the gas tank removed it still stinks! If you can store it in a room you dont use than i say go for it. Otherwise find another place to keep it.


Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
It is a fire code violation, but when I was in college I kept mine inside my aprtment at times. I had a 1st floor unit so it was easy and it didn't bother anyone.

However - The last thing I'd do is fire that sucker up and motor it up the stairs. If you did that I can ussure you that you will have a whole bunch of folks pissed off at you (and dirt bikers in general). Not what you or the community needs...

Do the right thing... Either find a storage place close by or a friend that will store the bike for you.


Jun 15, 2001
I have a van I paid $500 for. Its my rolling dirtbike shed. My bike fits in it easy. your 125 should even fit in a cheap Doge Caravan minivan with the back seat removed, you may have to winch down the fork with a rachet strap to get it in a minivan though. Someting to think about, beats a pick up truck, you can keep your gear and bike in it all year long unless your one of those guys that likes to wash your stuff :nener: . I think you would have a lynch mob at your door if you tried to even push the bike up the stairs.


Resident nudist
Apr 17, 2002
Ask Rich R about this one... he has a little experience. ;) :laugh:


Sep 21, 2001
A little 125.....two people pushing should be no problem....and whats the difference to those who walk up and downstairs from their apartment with their mountain bikes....your just has a motor!!!....and its not odd to keep your bike indoors. How many here have been to the friends apartment where a complete rebiuld was happening on the living room floor...I know Ive seen it more than once!!!

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