Stupid Dirtbikes

Big Tuna

Nov 29, 2000
I hate dirtbikes! They're expensive, dangerous, time consuming, and in constant need of maintenance. Why then am I like a kid in a candy-store when I'm in the local dealership, just picked up the new bike:) , and I'm already eyeing up all the goodies that I NEED to make it just right (it never ends). It's love hate all the way:confused: I need help!

Well I'd better go tear her apart, and get her ready for tomorrows maiden run.


Sep 22, 2000
It's a disease. I haven't found the cure yet. The only thing that helps is to ride and spend money on the bike. Reading the bike mags and after-market mags also helps.


Oct 9, 2000
Yes it is a love/hate addiction, but a good, healthy one at that. You meet LOTS of great people, have tuns of fun and learn at the same time.
It is very expensive too, but my parents justify the expense of the sport by saying that it keeps me out of trouble. This sport occupies SO much of my time that I have no time to go out and get into trouble.

Bottom line is even though it is an expensive, sometimes frustrating sport, it is healthy and good for your soul.

Big Tuna

Nov 29, 2000
Thank god for DRN and the mags they act like a dirtbike"patch"; only trouble is they only calm the craving they don't cure it.
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