
Feb 13, 2003
Just wanted to say thanks to all who provided information on the high Desert and Lake Arrow Head/Silverwood Lake Trails.

I made it up to the Lake Arrow Head area late Saturday night and road all day Sunday. The place has got to be some of the best mountain trails I have ridden to date. I have yet to get up to Kennedy Meadows or Mammoth to ride, so can only compare to areas in San Diego/Riverside Counties. Overall the ride was a blast, started at the Pinnacles and worked our way to Crab Flats -BigPine, then back around to the north on 3n17 to the 2w01 single track (very nice trail) and then back to the van. My riding buddy is recovering from Knee ACL surgery, so we took a lot of breaks and most of the day to run the 60 some mile loop. As slow as our ride may have been, I wouldn't trade it and I look forward to my next ride up there.

Thanks again and I hope to get to the high desert soon too.

It's good to be riding again.



Apr 1, 2001
Now you know why Arrowhead is a favorite day-ride for many of the wrecking crew members! Kennedy Meadows is similar type trail, but more meadow grasses and wildflowers, along with Aspen groves and....... well, you'll just have to see it!!!!!!


Jan 27, 2000
Originally posted by dingoe
Just wanted to say thanks to all who provided information on the high Desert and Lake Arrow Head/Silverwood Lake Trails.

I made it up to the Lake Arrow Head area late Saturday night and road all day Sunday. The place has got to be some of the best mountain trails I have ridden to date.


:thumb: Glad you guys enjoyed yourselves Ed. Like ktmboy said, ya gotta see Kennedy Meadows to believe it. Fantastic place, gotta be my favorite. Gorman is another great place to ride. If you like single track trails there are some up there that will get your attention. :eek:

As soon as the Wrecking Crew gets back from Dirt Week, we will be organizing a few rides. Keep an eye on this forum for announcements.

BTW, did we mention anything to you about the tutu??? :laugh: :laugh:


Oct 31, 2001
Just got back from Kennedy Meadows last weekend. Man theres no place like it. Was invited by a riding group of 7 riders. By Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning we were down to four fast fun riders. Dingoe, KM is the place to go if you want some great riding. At 8,000ft the weather is a cool 80 degrees compared to 100+ degrees down here.
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