
sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
too many to list, i will later, basically everyone, but now i have severe post DW 03 blues.


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
One more thanks. How could I forget this! Wed night I stroll down to the bonfire to warm up before hitting the tent! I pull up to some folks talking about travel trailers and met Mary Snook. To my complete surprise we both find out we live 20 minutes from each other and both had stories of Danny Magoo Chandler attending races we put on.

Mike and Mary you both rock! I look forward to riding with and getting to know you both in the coming months. For those of you that may have not met Mike, he has an infectious attitude that makes you want to ride! :thumb:


Aug 25, 2000
Originally posted by BunduBasher
 ...That green camp chair is mine !

I wondered who that chair belonged to.  Thanks for identifying yourself Alan.  btw:  The chair was excelent kindling when we got cold Saturday evening.  :debil:


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
Originally posted by Sawblade
To the other Heartland Spodes, it was great to see everyone again. It looks like you all have converted OldMaiconut to a woods rider!

for the record, i had absolutely nothing to do with that. now i'll have to go find a woods rider to convert into a motocrosser just so there's balance in the world.

dw rocked (and i was only there one day!) :thumb:

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
What day were you there Jay? I was hoping to catch up with you.


Boss's Lil' Sis
Sep 12, 2001
Sounds like a good time was had by all, and I am sooo glad to hear that! I would like to reitterate what Sawblad was told by Shiftless... it is everyone as a group that make this event as good as it is. Every year I am blow away by the people I meet, and the kindess that goes on everywhere you look. That is what makes the DW planning not feel so much like work. I am so proud to be a part of this group and I enjoy every minute of DW planning and the event.

I would like to appologize to those that I didnt get a chance to meet this year. Fast4Ward and I never made it to the bonfires, and I am sorry. Sounds like we missed a good time! Next year, I will make a huge effort to get out and meet more of you.

As for my thanks, here goes... but forgive me if I forgot anyone

BSwift - thank you for all you do! You were a huge help in everyway, and we couldnt have pulled off such a successful event if you werent there to help!
Tony Eeds - thanks for taking soooo many pictures. I took a roll and a half, and lost the full roll. Did anyone see that laying around the tables at the big top?
BLue Thunder (I think that was you)- Thank you sooo much for the EMT help! Seemed like every accident, you were there! It was very appreciated by everyone.
Lori Nyland - Thank you also for all the RN help!! I think you made it to every injury before I did! How did you get there that fast?? Thank you again for your service!
Kav - It was truly an honor to meet you. I dont know how I video taped the National Anthem the morning you brought the DW flag back... I was sobbing like a two year old. Thank you for coming to DW and reminding us how lucky we are. And thank you for your service!
MikeB and TimR - that was funny after I realized you were laughing and I stopped shaking. Mike - I love how you hoot and hollar at us everytime you go by. Its great to hear you having sooo much fun!
PapaKeith and Squeaky Girl - Papa, you are always a pleasure to be around and Squeaky is no different! Glad you had a good time with the Poker Run
Big Lou and Thumbs - Thanks for the work on the name tags. They were awesome
Mully - what can I say, you are a blast to hang out with. Thank you for all your contributions to DW... raffels, course markings, Harescrambles.. everything.
Aimee and Eddie - It was great to see you guys again. Thanks for the work on the Harescramble Eddie
Oldguy - thank your for all you do for DW and DRN. You are always there when we need you
Gomer - Even though everyone pokes you with a stick, I think you are what Bob said at the awards ceremony, the essence of DW.
Elk - thanks for the constant entertainment... you crack me up
Nikki and Red - great work with the kids hour, chili cook off, tag team MX and all you did to make DW that much better!
Jeff Gilbert and Tigger - Thanks for the sound system Jeff. Screaming the riders meetings and nightly giveaways would be horrible. And Tigger - thanks for the National Anthem Saturday!
Zio - No worries about the dream... I trust you completely. Thanks for all your help scoring! We couldnt have done it without you, really!:-)
Thump and Sarah - David, thanks for all you do for DRN. Its obvious that you do it out of love of DRN. Thanks are not enough for all you have done and continue to do. You are both part of this family and we love you both.
To all of those injured at DW - heal up and let me know how you are doing!
Wendy and KelvinDKX - glad to hear you are healing up.
Mom and Dad (Shiftless and Pokie) you guys amaze me every day. Bob and I are so lucky to have two of the coolest parents on this earth. But, next year, you FLY to DW!!!!
Okie - I am so proud of you and all you have accomplished with DRN. Thank you for letting me be a part of your dream.

I know there are a few hundred people I am forgetting, but please forgive me. I am sure more will come to me as the week goes on.

Again - thank you to all of you that made DW so incredible. No matter how much we plan, its the people that make it worth it! See you all next year!!
Chris and Jim
(aka - Crispy and Fast4Ward)


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
1st - Okie and family - You folks ROCK (and work way too much)! DW started and happens solely because of you. Heartfelt thanks.

2nd - Sponsors - I tried to send out all my e-mails today, probably missed a couple but will double check tomorrow. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

3'rd - All the folks who helped with setup, flagging, new events, course work etc. Everyone owes you a <THUMBS UP>

and in no particular order:

Rick - Thanks a ton for the use of the trailer and DS80. It was not the same without you and I was thinking about you. My prayers are still with you and your family.

Nik, Red & JP - Wow, next year I'm all over camping with you all again. You all helped out SO MUCH and are such awesome friends.

Kiwi, Elk, Bundy, Tony, Tim, Scott & Scott - Man I missed you guys and it was like old times. Thanks for introducing me to two new good friends. I love you guys!

Fred & Mike - thanks a ton for the help with the offroad stuff along with the comraderie of good buddies.

Farmer John - well, everyone loves FJ but special thanks for helping take down all the course markings.

Natalie - WOW - you just rock in every way girl but you feed a lot of folks GOURMET food!

Bling Bling - I only wish I was half as fast as you girl, we had yet another year of great conversation and hanging out in general.

Timr - You get a round of applause for all the work taking pics and rocking video. When you get the stuff finalized then you start getting my $$ :)

All of Camp Tejas - Once again a super group of folks who offered up anything a person could want or need.

Chili Cooks - mmmmm good, bet you never thought that many people were going to show up :)

Everyone who spent time/money working on or maintaining the spodewash. We ALL thank you.

Kids and Adults alike - I have to give props to everyone who made "Auntie Aimee's Ice Cream Stand" a success.

Mick & Farmer John (again) - sorry I got you guys into a suspension nightmare and THANK YOU for helping out a suspentionally challenged individual like myself. By the way Mick - You Da Man.

Coop - Many thanks for riding our trails, showing us yours and helping us put together a some bitchen woods riding.

Mully - Along with the cigars, I have to thank you big time for spending most of your week making sure that the woods guys wouldnt be disappointed.

Dapper & Cam - Here's to new friends and a few cold ones!

RahRah - Conversation specialist and a great addition to the MikeB/Paddy crew. Hope to see you guys at LL's before too long.

Pred - FINALLY met the guy in person, great having you as part of our camp brother. We'll have to get with Milk, Jamir and the rest of the crew and plan some special night time events for next year :)

PK & Skweeky - You two made our little slice of heaven that much better in every way.

Coop, Billy, Doug etc - WOW, you guys put on a show. I wish I was TxBigGuy!!

Jeremy - Mucho Gracias for the seals, I guess I owe you a few meals next year. Hopefully you, AJ and Greg can stay a bit longer next year.

Milk & Rooster - For some obvious reasons and some not so obvious, I LOVE YOU GUYS!

I'm sure I missed a hundred or so folks but you all know YOU'RE THE BEST!


Crash Master
Damn Yankees
Jan 20, 2001
I have so many people to thank that my fingers would revolt if I named them all but there are some that I have to thank again

#1 BigLou: Thanks for helping me with eveything dirtbike/week related. and for the love of God please think of the kittens :P

#2 Okie and family: DW was the highlight of my year, I've been trying to go ever since it was Spode Week (IIRC) but I never had the means to go. But after all you and the site had done for me and my Marines and also because I needed to but a sucktackular year behind me come hell or high water I was goging to go. I just wish I could have made it there sooner.

#3 Gomer & Lori, Thanks fo rpatching me up and loading my bike after my soil sample. I still don't remeber what happend after the crash till after I was sitting in your camp. DW is blessed to have people like you to look after us clowns.

#4 Crash, Thanks for the Wings, now I just need to see if I can sneek in to jump shcool. For me it seems wired to have real "war storys" to BS about around the camp fire

#5 Cam, Thanks for the shirt, and please if you evey want to ride in Glamas or the dunes just let me know, I should even have a loner bike to let you ride if you want.

#6 OldGuy, Thank you for letting me fly your flag for you. It was a true honer for me.

#7 Even though I can't remeber you name Thanks to the memeber that gave me a wining rafle ticket. I can't remeber you name, but I do remeber your face, and I hope I can repay you at DW'04

#8 GSR thanks for the tent usage

#9 Pred, thanks for not eating me as a mid-night snack by mastake

#10 Natty, thinks for the killer chow


A huge thanks to Kav for making it to DW. DirtWeek or Bust, baby! :thumb:

For those that were there, hearing the standing ovation that Kav got for that award and after the National Anthem where he and Oldguy (or was it Tony Eeds?) held Dave's flag that was flown in Afghanistan was was inspiring, to say the least.

You definitely deserved that little vacation, brother. We're all very proud to have met you, and the thanks goes to you and your brothers in arms for all that you do so that we may continue to sleep in peace and assemble at will every year for DirtWeek. Semper Fi, Marine. :thumb:


Oct 7, 2001
I was happy to give you a ticket. It seems like such a small gesture compared to what you do. Just make sure you take care of yourself in the coming year, and I will see you next year.
Jerry Johnson (Fellow Cornhusker)

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Here I go;

There are a lot of thanks going around since DW and I have no idea where to start. Naming names I think wouldn't cut it for me because I certainly couldn't do justice for fear I'd leave someone out. I would however like to say a BIG THANKS as a whole to everyone that attended DW this year and making it what it is.

I didn't ride as much this year as I did last but that was okay. What I lacked in riding I made up in camaraderie. It was so cool to experience DW again this year. I would call it an event but it's more than that, it's more like a way of life or something. I also find it amazing that even though we often introduce ourselves to the same people over and over again, there are people that you never introduce yourself to and they already know who you are. I failed to put on my name tag more than once this year and I had people coming up to me and say "you must be Jeff Gilbert, I'm _ _ _ _ _ ." Kind of makes me wonder sometimes how they knew. :think: I was glad nobody mistook me for that Irish fella :laugh:

Another cool thing was the way everyone jumped in to whatever they could to make sure no one went without. No bad attitudes were detected by me and I don't think anyone was pretending to be anything different than who they are. This years DW was real people / real fun for me. I hope that everyone has the chance to experience the reality of a DW just once before it's time to leave this world, it'll open your eyes. Thanks, take care and I'll see ya next year! :thumb: :yeehaw:

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
35 was honor to spend a few minutes taking care of someone who is spending their life taking care of us!

It doesn't get said enough, but I am always thankful for you and your brothers like Okie, Lou, Sarge, etc...
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