Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
For those of you who did not attend, you missed an excellent course. This was by far the most varied terrain I have ever riden. With the exception of the dust, it was nearly perfect.
I pulled off a 7th place finish in the C-40 after literally trail riding the last 15 miles. I was beat up. The grass track was the most awsome I've ever seen. 48 mph average! I dropped 34 points total with 29 of those on the second loop. I took several falls with a minor sprain to my left thumb and a scrapped up elbow. I hurt just about everywhere though. This will be a long week of recovery.
Craig_enid, Enduronut, Dwreck, Zerotact, and others made for an excellent weekend of racing. I will go back to this place, land owner permitting, to just ride for fun. The only excuses that will hold up for not doing better is the lack of physical preparedness. Brutus ran flawlessly and the Rekluse autoclutch paid for itself 10 times over. I'll put the new chain, sprockets, and tires on before DW05 now that I hammered the crap out of the for 60 miles of pure carnage.
More to follow.:aj:


May 4, 2005
Glad you guys had fun. I had a blast sweeping the course on race day and helping lay it out before hand.

If you guys want some more... come up this weekend for a KTM Demo day and float trip on saturday and hare scramble using most of the grass track, and about 6 miles of trail rain backwards around it. Should be a hoot. I know i'll be there for the demo rides, but i don't know if i'll race, got a lot of work to do to my bike before Scipio. and i also need some time off to recover a pec and shoulder muscle that i keep pulling at every race.


Mar 23, 2000
Well, the results are posted so I can speak with some facts backing me up.
Firstly, thanks to Enduro_Nut for making the trip and hauling us all to the site. The enclosed trailer made packing and traveling alot easier.
Secondly, Swift had one heck of a race. In our group, he was top gun, and took or shared best time honors in 4 of the test sections. Me thinks he needs to make a few more of these little races.....
Enduro_Nut needs to get serious and get on of his 'puters rigged up on the bike. He dropped 12 'hot' points in the first timekeeping check because he was trusting an A and B rider to know what they were doing. Then to add insult to injury, a fouled plug or a soft seize in the first grass track section gave him another 10 points. That's a total of 22 points, a heavy load to carry the rest of the way. Even so, he still picked up the best time in 3 of the sections.
Dwreck and JeffDirt both put in consistent rides with Dwreck outright winning one test, and sharing another.
Jeff ended up sharing best time in one section. Not bad for someone who hasn't been on a bike in too long.
Me? I lead for the start of both loops and kept everyone slowed down so they wouldn't burn checks 1 and 9. Once through those timekeepers, I let them by to fend for themselves through the test sections.
Zerotact, next time we'll get you with us on a row. I guarantee you would have had better times riding with a group that tried to stay together as much as possible.

Random memories.....
1) Enclosed trailers are -very nice-.
2) The night sky at 1:30AM on 9-11-05 at Black Jack, Missouri was phenomenally beautiful.
3) Dwreck's quote.
4) Nobody got hurt.
5) Zeroing a timekeeping check is satisfying, moreso when you do it on purpose.
6) It was dang dusty.
7) The grass track was a hoot! One section spiralled in to a u-turn, then spiralled back out. When broadsliding in towards the u-turn (or out to the exit), you passed riders to the left and right that were going the opposit direction. You were chasing one, and trying to outrun the other.
8) Going from praising the Lord for the opportunity to do the event, to thinking that next time I'll just stay home and scrape off my flesh with a cheese grater. Same effect, but no travel time and cheaper.
9) Great seeing Jeff again, and meeting his buds. (Dwreck's quote relates to this.)
10) I should start a service that breaks camp, and packs up for competitors, after races. I would pay alot for that luxury, especially right after the race when I'm laying on the cooler knowing I physically can't even pull my boots off.
11) It's easy to spot someone with a leg cramp.
12) I am NOT a long course rider.
13) Dwreck makes fun of my auto-clutch...... and I don't care.....:)
14) I had one great weekend.
15) The West Texas Boondockers 2-day enduro is 10-8, and 10-9 at Matador, Texas.


Apr 14, 2002
First off I would like to say thanks to Enduro Nut for supplying the Grand Cherokee and box trailer. With gas prices what they are this would have been EXPENSIVE without the car pool. Pretty good story telling when you have 5 hours each way.

Right before pulling into the sign in area Jeff called from Joplin and said he was on his way up with a couple of friends who used to have bikes. I got a few laughs as I mentioned that going to a race without a bike is like going to a whore house and just sitting in the lobby till your friends are ready to go home.

Jeff and his budds finally showed up and we relaxed, ate and tried to hydrate as best we could knowing we were in for a long day ahead.

Sunday we got up and tried to eat a smart breakfast, filled the Camel Baks and headed out for the start. Knowing dust was going to be a problem Craig, Jeff, Brian and I signed up for row 12. This was my first time keeping event and I told myself I was going to treat it like a trail ride. Good thing because everywhere I looked I saw Dell computers on the handle bars and people without clutch levers. (damn granny trannies) I didn't even have a watch so I my plan was to key off of Craig and not pass rider 11D.

Brian smoked my butt on the grass track. I had a little trouble with one corner both laps. (Stalled it first lap, allegedly took out about 300 feet of safety tape and countless stakes on the second)
They had a radar gun and a read out set up so that you could see it. I hit 66mph on the KX second lap. Cool!

Somewhere around the 50 mile mark my lack of seat time started to catch up with me and I went into conservation mode. Shortly there after Brian got tangled up in a rock garden and went down. I heard a guy on a KTM ask if he was OK and he said yes but I'm stuck under the bike. (Little devil in my head says Craig will be along in a minute and he will help) I don't listen, find a tree to lean my bike against lend a helping hand.
By now I don't even know if I am being timed or not. (I was) I don't think I have ever been so happy to see the parking lot at the end of a ride as I was Sunday.

I dropped 37 points and ended up 4th in Vet C or 2nd Heartland Spode.

There will be a next time and I will be more prepared.

I'm sore as hell and can only imagine what Jeff feels like. He hadn't been on a bike in over 4 months.

I'm scared to even look at my air filter.

Thanks again guys. I had a blast.
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Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
"I've fallen and I can't get up!" We were entering a knarly rock garden, down hill and the bike in front of me kicked up a rock about the size of a soft ball. This rock rolled around and just as my front wheel dropped down the virtical drop, the rock stopped like a wheel chock in front of me! The rear wheel came up and I'll could think was "this is gonna hurt!" Fortunately, the rear wheel came down but there was no place to put my feet. Brutus fell on my right boot, without banging it due to the rock formation. However, I could NOT move my leg or the bike. Everyone asked as they passed, "are you all right?" Well, the good samaritan, DWreck, came to my aid. He wins the #1 Heartland Spode Trophy for personal sacrifice. Did someone mention it was dusty?
Enduronut and I can scare off bears when we sleep, generators are quiet compared to us! LOL Craig could hear us and he slept in the Cherokee. DWreck got the snoring in stereo from Jeff and Bob but there was no volume control!
"Grannie trannies" rock in the rocks!
Win, loose, or DNF, a rode trip to a race with your friends is priceless, well, except the gas!


Apr 14, 2002
Hey Roger, what was that tatoo? :)


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
"Taking your buddy to an Enduro without a bike, is like...."


Apr 14, 2002
craig_enid said:
I would pay alot for that luxury, especially right after the race when I'm laying on the cooler knowing I physically can't even pull my boots off.

If I would have had a camera in hand I would be posting that pic. Craig stomach down on the cooler, still had his helmet on. If I would have had a hose I would have sprayed him with water. He resembled a dog in heat.


Mar 23, 2000
As VioletSP would say, "Thanks for putting that back into my short term memory!" :think:
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