Third Annual “Sick of winter” 06 Spring kick off ride! 4/8 or 4/9?

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
We’ll folks it’s that time of year again, spring! Removal of the studded tire moist firm ground with no frost or ice. I’d like to do about the same thing as last spring. A ride some stadium brats and dogs. I’ll provide the brats and dogs. April 9 by that time I hope all of the snow and ice will be history. I’m open on the trail system. Lincoln hills, Holten / horses shoe, Evart or even old twisty I’m open even on the day Saturday or Sunday. Let get this ball rolling!


Dec 2, 2003
Im in for that. Anyplace sound good. Cedar, Holton, Horseshoe are all clear right now. Its just a little cold outside thats all. Im gonna try to get out to Cedar today with the kid. Ill give ya a better report on how wet it is on my return.


Dec 2, 2003
Cedar is all dirt and dry as a bone. Not an ounce of dust either. But there are more than a few new woops out there. Nothing that Cedar aint known for though. But hey its the begining of the riding season. Time to whip our out of shape buts into shape and no better way to do that than blitzing 23 miles of woops (or hoops as RC likes to call them) BRAAAP!!!


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
YZMAN400 said:
Cedar is all dirt and dry as a bone. Not an ounce of dust either. But there are more than a few new woops out there. Nothing that Cedar aint known for though. But hey its the begining of the riding season. Time to whip our out of shape buts into shape and no better way to do that than blitzing 23 miles of woops (or hoops as RC likes to call them) BRAAAP!!!
SPEAK FOR YOURSELF THERE BONEHEAD - I mean Yzmanmonkiebutt!! :rotfl:
I think a nice friendly game of tag up at Horseshoe would be the bests ever.. about 10 laps thru that new tight section would do us a lot more good then pogoing over 23 miles of ups and downs :aj:
Seriously, I dont care either.. I am in for the buns again this year!! If the crowd gets thick as flies on a swamp like last time Pat I will bring some brats and dogs again too!! Sounds like RIOT!!!!
Lets set a date, say Saturday the 8th and see what happens..
YEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAA - its SOW time... And we are certainly S.O.W. around here!!! BRAAAAAAAAAAAAP
Woodsy :ride:


Dec 2, 2003
woodsy said:
.....the 8th and see what happens..
YEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAA - its SOW time... And we are certainly S.O.W. around here!!! BRAAAAAAAAAAAAP
Woodsy :ride:

S.O.W = Sick of Woodsy???

:nener: :laugh:


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
YZMAN400 said:
S.O.W = Sick of Woodsy???

Woodsy = :boss:
Woodsy gives YZMAN a :moon:
Everyone KNOWS that SOW means Sick Of Winter except YZMAN and he is :coocoo:
Sooooooooo lets all ride the SOW and let the :ahhh: play for YZMAN while he :( all day


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
:rotfl: :rotfl:

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
woodsy said:
SPEAK FOR YOURSELF THERE BONEHEAD - I mean Yzmanmonkiebutt!! :rotfl:
I think a nice friendly game of tag up at Horseshoe would be the bests ever.. about 10 laps thru that new tight section would do us a lot more good then pogoing over 23 miles of ups and downs :aj:
Seriously, I dont care either.. I am in for the buns again this year!! If the crowd gets thick as flies on a swamp like last time Pat I will bring some brats and dogs again too!! Sounds like RIOT!!!!
Lets set a date, say Saturday the 8th and see what happens..
YEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAA - its SOW time... And we are certainly S.O.W. around here!!! BRAAAAAAAAAAAAP
Woodsy :ride:

Thanks for the offer Woodsy! All help will be welcome! I'll need help with stuff like a folding table, drinks and maybe side’s dishes. We have some time to plan this out. Maybe we can get that rotten sucker to bring one of his 100 proof rum cakes :yikes:


Dec 2, 2003
70 marlin said:
Maybe we can get that rotten sucker to bring one of his 100 proof rum cakes :yikes:

Man I was thinking that even before you finished that sentance. That cake was goooood :cool:


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
70 marlin said:
Thanks for the offer Woodsy! All help will be welcome! I'll need help with stuff like a folding table, drinks and maybe side’s dishes. We have some time to plan this out. Maybe we can get that rotten sucker to bring one of his 100 proof rum cakes :yikes:

Yea that is funny you mentioned that Pat - I was thinking the same thing as Don.. And you right bout the 100 proof - one year that wild man Tedsker brought me a whole cake and I ate it - I felt NO back pain for over 3 days!!! Course, I couldnt see straight either so I spent those 3 days lost in the North Woods... Another thing I should warn everyone about, Ted mixes those cakes with his bare feet while doing the "Woodsy Shuffle"... Just something to consider BEFORE you start eating.. Hey YT2, do I get left overs again if there's any left :laugh:
Oh yea, another thing, might wanna wait till we're done riding to eat that stuff AND no matches any near the cake - I heard that YT2 made one once for a birthday party and when they went to light the candles the whole party was blown into the next City -- YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWW


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 25, 2005
Hey gents, i think horseshoe would be a great idea..i will plan on saturday unless the majority can't make it.. either day is good for me though.. i will bring some pop and a dish to pass, and i will probably bring larry P. let me know of any changes..


Sep 1, 2003
From the twisted arm. Pat, I've got the table and a table cloth to go with it. As for the rum cake, yes, I'll go with that also.
Woodsy - I thought you were done cleaning out the cow barn



May 27, 2005
I'm game for that saturday, I'll bring some chips and some bottled water. Just to warn you, this is my first trail ride, so someone might have to take me by the ear and show me how it's done. :ride:

Wolf Child

Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 30, 2005
I'm deciding... :think:

+ I SHOULD have the DRZ dirt worthy by then.
- I still have a crapped out knee
+ I really wanna ride
- I really dont wanna get hurt worse (theres a new one, me worried about getting hurt)
+Ted's cake alone is worth showing up for ( sorry guys you take a close second)

I dunno, I'll have to really think on this one. I really did a number on myself in TN and I'm really leary about pushing too hard. Maybe I can bring the kids and G/F and do a easy family type thing just to get out for a bit. It was deffinately a good time last year. Cedar is out for me, maybe if we do Horseshoe...

You guys finalize your plans and I'll see where I stand on this end.

Don, I need to talk to you about this spring. (R.O.S. & Drummond) call me in the afternoon some time please.

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
INCA said:
From the twisted arm. Pat, I've got the table and a table cloth to go with it. As for the rum cake, yes, I'll go with that also.
Woodsy - I thought you were done cleaning out the cow barn


YA!~ yew da man! :cool: If needed I can bring my easy up?
From the looks of it Saturday is the day! Now which parking lot do you fellow's want to park at?


Sep 1, 2003
70 marlin said:
! Now which parking lot do you fellow's want to park at?

Before or after dark?

My EZ-Up will be in the van automatically.

The Twisted Arm


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
70 marlin said:
YA!~ yew da man! :cool: If needed I can bring my easy up?
From the looks of it Saturday is the day! Now which parking lot do you fellow's want to park at?

I think we should stick with the Horse Shoe Lot Pat. That puts us right in the middle of allllll that glorious tight stuff. And the tight stuff will keep us at a slow pace so we dont bounce off any trees at high speed after consuming 100 Proof cake!!
Oh yea, careful twisting Timers arms, that thing is spring loaded and it may flop up and smack ya..... Quicker than a Texas Rattler that Rascal is....
Woodsy :ride:


Dec 2, 2003
Wolf Child said:
I'm deciding... :think:

+ I SHOULD have the DRZ dirt worthy by then.
- I still have a crapped out knee
+ I really wanna ride
- I really dont wanna get hurt worse (theres a new one, me worried about getting hurt)
+Ted's cake alone is worth showing up for ( sorry guys you take a close second)

I dunno, I'll have to really think on this one. I really did a number on myself in TN and I'm really leary about pushing too hard. Maybe I can bring the kids and G/F and do a easy family type thing just to get out for a bit. It was deffinately a good time last year. Cedar is out for me, maybe if we do Horseshoe...

I have a TTR90 laying around that you can use. That may be just enough bike so as not not hurt you too bad. :nener:

Wolf Child said:
Don, I need to talk to you about this spring. (R.O.S. & Drummond) call me in the afternoon some time please.

Will do :cool:


Dec 2, 2003
SNDMN2 said:
Is this at the parking lot on Brunswick ?

Nope. Thats the Holton Loop parking lot. look up the Horseshoe parking lot. Its north east of the Brunswick one :cool:


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 25, 2005
sounds like we got plans for saturday at the horseshoe lot.. also sounds like a healthy turnout maybe.. hey woodsy, probably shouldn't mention this to Randy.. It will only make him wish he had a bike and didn't work on saturdays.. :( well i gotta say, im looking forward to warm weather this year... and this ride should be fun..

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