TNT this weekend? 10th or 11th anyone?


Apr 20, 2002
Just back from NJ this evening. Just missed some cool weather that rolled in this morning and am now back in 95+ heat. Ugh.

Now down to business...anyone up for a ride on either day this coming weekend 10th or 11th of August? I was hoping to do TNT.


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
Planning on racing with Ivan and the crew at Top Gun on Saturday but MIGHT make it on Sunday. Won't know for sure til Sunday Morning. Can usually commit better than this but this racing isn't normally part of my schedule.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
I'm racing Saturday and not planning on riding on Sunday but I may need to re-think that.

I have a HS coming up next week and it is 2 hours long. I probably need to get some heat induced fatigue going on from some trail mileage over the weekend then rest through the week so I'll know how much I can handle next Sunday in the HS.

I'll talk to the wife.


High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
I'm really hoping to make it to Top Gun on Saturday. If not (and maybe even if), we'll be at TNT camping out Saturday night and riding Sunday morning.


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
I'm really excited about Saturday. How late do the moto's run till? I expect I'll be staying the night. Not sure if I'll be riding Sunday as I'm sure Scott, Scott and Ivan will be pushing me to my limits. :) Did I say how much I'm looking forward to Saturday?! Hope you make it Mike and bring Danny. ;)
Oh, does Top Gun have a website?


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
125D is the kamakaze class ;)

You can't run your bike in both 125D and 250D unless you have 2 different bikes.

There is no 40+, just +25, +30 and +35. James and I will probably run 250D and +30c/d.

You can check out some of the class info and rules on but the site has not been updated in awhile... the rules are still valid though.



Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
125cc D Same as 125C except for Beginner riders. 4 strokes over 225cc must run a 250 class.
Ok, solo & I can run this

250cc D Same as 125D except for 226cc and larger machines.
This crys out: "get your self another 125 as a side car!" :silly:

+35 Riders over 35 on any size bike.
Ok, I'll run with the young kids! :confused:

Thanks Ivan

Bring A Buddy!
Use our bring-a-buddy program to earn free entries. Bring a rider who has never raced with us and you earn free entry fees. For complete details contact JMX or check posting board at events.
I'll drop your name in the hat, BTW what is your last name, ... The Terrible? :)
Last edited:


Jan 15, 2000
I woud love to make this, I just don't see it happening. Our truck won't get us much farther than 45 minutes to an hour away from my house. Making it to NC just can't happen in that thing. The 'rents say no more rides in the van either. :whiner:


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by _SOLO_
I woud love to make this, I just don't see it happening. Our truck won't get us much farther than 45 minutes to an hour away from my house. Making it to NC just can't happen in that thing. The 'rents say no more rides in the van either. :whiner:

Sorry to hear that Jer. Be patient... your time will come and we'll all be reading your ride / race reports and be in awe of how much you get to ride.



Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by crkid
Every time you guys organize something I gotta work, what gives? :whiner:

Hey Ivan, did you remember to call CRKid's boss about the 8/17 ride..... :confused:

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
As far as I remember, you have to be a member to "bring a buddy" and that buddy has to have NOT raced at a JMX event before. You fill out the form and they check their records to see if the person ever raced with them before and if not, they give you credit for the next time you go. I brought a few last year.

Dave...You can run the +35 with me! Is lil'96 coming? How about Lola?

I'm planning on being there! First time racing in almost exactly one year (finger stripping incident). I might also run +30C or Unlimited C...whatever you guys want to do.

We're then going to drive back to TNT, spend the night, and ride Sunday morning.

Dave...send me your phone number so we can make arrangements!


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
As far as I remember, you have to be a member to "bring a buddy" and that buddy has to have NOT raced at a JMX event before. You fill out the form and they check their records to see if the person ever raced with them before and if not, they give you credit for the next time you go. I brought a few last year.
So if Wrench is a member I will use his alias... Vince Crean. :silly: or yours Mike.

I'll be bringing Lil96, Lola can't make it as she is the headliner this Saturday night and we are a little behind on the rent. :eek:
Mike are you over 30? If so I'll run what ever you guys want, I just think it would be cool :cool: to have 5 or 6 of us on the line for an event.
Saturday night accommodations at TNT, we'll bring a tent and bags so we can ride in the morning, we'll need to head out by lunchtime.
Give me a call 1 (900) 555-1234 :)


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Whoever gets there first needs to find a large parking space and make it easy for us dumb people to find :)

I may make it to TNT but if so it won't be before noon on Sunday.


High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
I'm hoping to get there early. Everybody look for the FunMover with KORE Racing on it. I'll try to save some spots around it, but I think you know how tough it is to save good parking spots in the gets more violent than the first turn!

James...too late to do yours since you didn't do it the first time.

Everybody else, ask fro the form, fill it out, and give it to Wrench to turn in.

Dave, I called but I got confused when it asked for a credit card number and then all those options about what kind of guy I wanted to talk to. You seemed to fit almost all of the categories, so I just hung up. :(


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
So how many of you punks am I actually going to get to race with?? I know I am entering +30 D and 250D. Do I also qualify for unlimited class? Any other classes a slow 31 year old guy on a 250 can enter? Maybe if I get enough races in...I might actually be able to beat somebody (besides Ivan) in the last race.
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