
Feb 2, 2005
Hey everyone, I just bought a 125mx bike and I'm gonna be transporting it in my little pick up truck. Just wondering if there's anything I need to do if I'm transporting the bike and it looks like it's gonna rain. Do i need to try and cover up the air filter box or anything? Can the rain to any damage? Thanks


Aug 8, 2000
I've never had a problem transporting my bike in the rain. If you want to be extra careful, you could get a cover that goes in place of the air filter to make sure no water gets in, but even that is overkill.

sick 96 250

Damn Yankees
Jul 16, 2004
you should be fine. When i left college my buddy came out with his truck to take my bike back. Ended up being a down poor the whole way home from pittsburgh to philly. About 4.5hrs in the pooring rain and everything was fine so I wouldn;t worry about it. Congrats on the bike


Jun 9, 2004
Rain won't hurt it, other than covering it with some funky road grime. If you get caught in the rain, just hose it off when you get to your destination. That funk comes off much easier if it isn't allowed to dry on it.


Feb 2, 2005
Thanks for all the info guys. Good to know I don't have to baby it by buying a cover for it or anything. And I already have a silencer plug so I'm all set.

thanks again


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
silencer plug should do it. I wouldn't worry about anything else. . . 'cept maybe for slippery truck beds, or slipping straps.


Jul 7, 2003
Done it many times. Silencer plug is a must. Just remember to remove it before starting unless you like hunting through the grass for things. Find a way to keep tension on the loose end of your tie-down straps, something simple like a bungee cord from the loop handle to the eye-hook below it. Rain presents the possibility of slippage, and the slightest bit of tension on the tie-down slack will prevent total failure of the strap. Cost me some plastic and grey hair to learn that one. Ratchet-style tie downs don't work as well as spring-loaded.

Once your trip is over, remember that WD-40 is a great water dispersant. Hose your chain with it, spin the tire a dozen times, then wipe the chain down with a rag. When it's good and dry, re-lube it.I typically left my old air filter in for rainy transport, and my newly cleaned and oiled one wrapped in a plastic bag to change out just before riding. I also ran a bead of silicone around the magneto cover after I discovered moisture in there after a 4 hour transport. If you're ultra-anal, you can hose your plastic with WD-40 before you set out, but I'd recommend not spraying lube near your tie-downs. If you own a Yamaha, there's a good gap between the rear of the seat and the airbox...water can accumulate in the box during hard downpour. For a dollar worth of oiled foam, (I literally tore open an old foam pillow and applied foam filter can jam this gap, and do the same with the sidepanel vents...great for dusty rides, too, and doesn't affect airbox breathing. The filter oil will repel water. A lower-tech version is to run duct tape over those areas. I always had a stretch of duct tape over the steering head to keep water and dust out, and if your gas tank vent tube runs in there, find a new home for it; gas will wash away grease.


Nov 30, 2003
Everyones suggestions are great. If you're really worried go to your local home store and get one of those cheap blue tarps. I think a 10X20 is less than $10. Almost cheap enough to be disposable.

Good luck, Steve.


Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
Papakeith said:
silencer plug should do it. I wouldn't worry about anything else. . . 'cept maybe for slippery truck beds, or slipping straps.
If you have some type of ramp for loading the bike, but something thats nonslip on it for those times when you get caught riding in the rain. I learned that one the hard way when I slipped on a wet ramp and broke my foot when the bikes footpeg landed on it. :bang:


Dec 29, 1999
Don't you guys ride in the rain ? I do . It;s fun, actually.

Silencer plug is a good idea since it isn't running. Other than that, the bike is made to go through rivers and stuff ? isn't it ?

Also , on the tie downs, I always tie the loose ends around tne strap below the cam lock so the knot can't be pulled through - no way that they loosen. Just keep in mind if you tie them up wet and then try to untie them when they have dried, .. well you get the picture .

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