VSTA Loretta Lynn Ride...the aftermath


May 15, 2000
We had our best year ever. The weather was great, albeit a little cool overnight(one night a chilling 22!!). We got lots of rain before the ride and dust was very minimal.
Ride highlights:
1) Cool nights
2) Perfect days
3) No rain during the ride
4) Trails were excellent, if I do say so myself ;)
5) Scott Summers showed up and rode and signed autographs and posed for photos.
6) Suzy Moody, ISDE rider, showed. She is such a sweetheart!!
7) LawmanII was without costume this year
8) Dunlop, E-ride, Honda and a few others showed
9) Few injuries
10) I only came accross one rider on the 3 sweep rides ... and he ran out of gas........ 1/4 mile into the trails ;)

Total numbers: Are you ready..........
817 RIDERS!!!
Thanks to everyone that came


Apr 12, 2001
I agree. The trails were the best. A friend and myself both had the best time. Although, we only got to ride Friday and Saturday, I was curious to know how the trail ran on Sunday?


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
Great ride! At least what little I got to ride. Only got to clock 35 miles but it was a fun 35 miles. I've already said it, but I'll say it again, Great layout Bill!:) You better be trail master next year.

I'm never riding with you again.:D Not sure if you know it, but I went down pretty hard following you two Friday afternoon. Bruised my leg and pulled a quad. A stick jambed between my front rotor and braked pads just as I was in the bottom of a little ravine. My bike kicked right, and I went straight into the upward sloping bank of the ravine. I was too sore to ride Sat. That makes two times I have ridden with you, and two times I have wiped out. Actually the last time I wrecked before Friday was with your gang at Turkey.
Maybe the 520 just had me intimidated;)


Jul 5, 2000
CAL, Man I'm sorry to here that, I thought you were folowing for a while. Todd and I were keeping a pretty good pace and I was listening for you and you were keeping up with us for qiute a while till we got into what was labled the "Rabbit Trail", I was pretty sure you were right behind us when we started it. Not to long into it I didn't here you, so I thought you might have just taken the intermediate on out, we didn't stop till we got to the end of the loop. I sat at the and of the loop for about 15- 20 minutes waiting for you to come through but you never did, so I figured you did take the intermediate on out. The way it was set up it's pretty hard to go back and check on sombody, I wish I could have, I would've riden back and found you.
I'm sure that we will ride together again. I have a buddy that's an EMT, he rides a 4wheeler, mabe he'll go to:D


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
Don't worry about it. Sorry you had to wait on me at the end of the loop.

You described it just right. About a mile into the rabit trail was where i went down. It was a booger getting the DRZ out of that hole with the front wheel same as locked and my leg killing me.:silly: EMT on a fourwheeler huh. That's about what I need. About my speed and can haul me off when I wreck.;)
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