
Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Wow, I had a great time woods riding up in the mountains this weekend. See here for the ride report.
It was great meeting the lovely Mrs. Vixen, although I admitedly didn't realize who she was for awhile. :( I was kicking myself later on the drive home for not remembering to check our your riding gear. Hopefully next time. :)
Sgr, there was talk of a Big Bear ride. I've never been up there and would like to try it, especially since seeing your pictures. I hope you will be up for another ride there sometime.
Did the rest of you ladies have an enjoyable Memorial Day weekend? Let's hear those reports. :)


Jul 14, 2000
Well gsr, after posting the pix from Big Bear I feel like you were there. :p I look forward to riding up there again soon. It took me over 2 hours to get there from O'side, next time I think I might go up a day early and do some Mtn biking and spend the night, then I'll be right there in the a.m.
So gsr, say when, cuz now that you are an experienced tree and river rider you should do well. :)

Sounds like you all had a great time up at Kennedy Meadows. Sorry I couldn't make that ride, except for the K-BoP :p tour (sounded like it belonged on "Survivor") maybe next time.


Aug 13, 1999
Originally posted by gospeedracer
Wow, I had a great time woods riding up in the mountains this weekend.

Soooooo GSR, you are liking the woods now eh!!! ;) Glad to hear it!

We did a little riding around the homestead, typical Karl trails. I had to comment to him at one point when I stopped to take a look and saw ahead of me absolutely no indication of a trail whatsoever, one CR500 parked in the bushes, one green helmet bobbing in the bushes apparently with a small KX60 rider under it, several bushes shaking violently as the KX60 rider was attempting to dislodge his handlebars from yet another forest of sticks and bushes and my KLX300 stopped just entering the sticklands with my 15 year old nephew still attached to it, that I had this same picture about this time last year. Yep, another typical Karl ride!

We had a blast though. Opened up some seriously technical, nasty singletrack trails. The little ladybugs (the little girls on the PW80 & LEM50)had tired out on the beginner run so we took them home and Karl, my son (8), my nephew (15) and myself went on a "quick one hour loop".

We headed out to the powerline hill via the ridge trail (great single track that dumps us down The Hill). My son was leading followed by my nephew and myself with Karl quickly coming up on my butt as I got to a nice section of trees that twists & turns. I could hear him so I kept my pace up because I knew he wouldn't dare try to pass me in this section. WRONG! Just as I was going wide into a nice bermed corner, I suddenly saw the front tire, bars & helmet of my darling. BUMP the bars hit but luckily there was enough room for us to squeeze through, he was gone & I was determined to catch him, to no avail!

We stopped for a break at the powerline and decided to try out an old trail that hasn't been used since early last year (it gets pretty ugly). It started out with a great singletrack trail with brush along both sides and twists and turns, nice easy riding. It popped us out on an old overgrown grassy logging road.

The boys took off on it so I decided it was time for mom to take the lead and I didn't need permission. I had passed Karl (he was sandbagging) and was just getting past my son on an old overgrown grassy logging road when, as I passed him I saw the LOG sticking out of the bank at head height. I hit the rear brake, locked it up and the rear tire began to come around in front of me, almost layed it over but miraculously pulled out of it (goosing the throttle helped). Yeah, saved that one, I told myself. At the next stop Karl (and myself) was still shocked and amazed I hadn't gone down and ended up with KX60 knobbies across my head.

I dismissed it and told him it was no big deal, I've been practicing my cornering. ;) So we continued on the grassy overgrown road all of us dodging the hidden logs, rocks, roots, kelly humps, etc. I came around a bend and could see Karl and the two boys stopped. I was looking at them wondering to myself, why in the world would they stop THERE! I slowed down to just a putt and as I looked back down I saw the LOG. It was laying at about 20 degrees, almost parallel to the trail, my front tire hit it, slid along it, followed by my rear tire and then as I came to the end I tipped over. THAT explained the boys! Of course since they are not stupid, they were on their way before I got mine picked back up.

The rest of the ride was pretty uneventful, we just cruised down the trails headed back to the house - of course the "one hour loop" was actually 2.5 hours but we had a great ride. Rediscovered some trails that we had forgotten about and I made it over all the roots on Root Hill (this is one we took once last year & I got stuck on it for 3 trys then had to give up). Best part was, my son didn't pass me on the logging road trail back home. FINALLY, I whooped his little butt!!! :p And yes, I did rub it in!!!!:confused:


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Augi, this just in, looks like a Big Bear ride is forming sometime in Aug/Sept. Stay tuned! :)

Great ride report bbbom. Never a dull moment with Karl, eh. ;) Congratulations on the great save.
ya, I think I'm liking the woods. :) Funny thing is, now I know what you all are talking about when you talk about those pesky roots and logs! :eek:


Mar 27, 2001
GSR, I keep trying to go to the "here" but it tells me not found. :( I've waited all weekend to hear how Kennedy Meadows is. Guess I'll just keep trying the link, maybe it is busy???

Anywho, hope you had a great time & glad you made it back safely.

bbbom, great ride report. Thanks! :)


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
hmm, not sure why the link no longer works. It was simply a link to the thread in the Ride Reports sub forum in the General forum. You can check it out there. :)
How do you feel about woods Darla?


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Awesome pictures Kali. Nice "new toys". :) I was wondering when I was going to see a ride report from you. Glad to hear your bike is back together and you had a good time.
Have you ever been to Big Bear?


Mar 27, 2001
Originally posted by gospeedracer

How do you feel about woods Darla?

Aimee, the only type of woods riding I did was once a long time ago when I first started riding. We went to a place called Crab Flats in Big Bear. I didn't do so great, but now that I have a little more experience under my belt I'm willing to try anything.:eek:

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
Great ride reports BBBom and Kali
..cool pics too!

Hey I'd be up for a ride at Arrowhead /BigBear..in late aug-early sept..lol
That place rules!


Jan 17, 2001
Great ride reports, Bbbom, Kali and Aimee!! Sounds like lots of fun, and beautiful views. Good ol' flat Illinois does not have any views like that!!

We, too, went riding over Memorial Day. We headed up to Baldwin, Michigan for some camping and riding. We went with Jon & Sue Diaz and Theresa and Sandi. After our initial scare at the Bates Motel :scream: , we found the correct cabins, thankfully!!! We unloaded our gear and suited up. We headed to a trail called the "Little O". This was a 40 mile loop that was located in a forest that seemed to go on an on. It was a neat trail and we were clipping along nicely. Lots of whoops (sand), sweeping corners and technical sections. Most of it was wide open and very fast. The entire trail was a ball! Afterward we headed back to camp and proceeded to eat like pigs and have a nice bonfire until we passed out.

We woke up on Sunday to find it raining!!!!!!:think and raining, and raining. Finally, after about 4-5 hours of sitting in our small cabin, we decided to brave the weather and head out. We ended up only riding about 15 miles or so because it was impossible to see where you were going with the rain. And the whoops that were so fun the day before, were not quite as fun in the rain and the ditches were filled with water. Oh well, we tried!

Of course, on Monday,there were bright clear skies. We drove to St. Cloud and tried a new trail there. This trail had a bigger variety of terrain. The whoops were still filled to the brim with water and just when you thought we had gone high enough in elevation to avoid the water holes, there were more!! The hills were neat, more valley like terrain. Finally, we all got sick of fighting the water holes and headed back.

We will definitely go back when it stops raining and the trails are dry enough to ride on. I seem to have finally gelled with my XR250. I have been riding every weekend for the last 12 or so and that has helped me immensely!! I am going faster and faster through the woods and was actually clipping along in 4th gear on the trails in Michigan!! That is flying for me!! In addition to that, the Michelin S12's that Bob put on my bike are AWESOME! They were GREAT in the sandy terrain in MI. Have I said that I LOVE riding yet??:cool:

Well, thanks for the encouragement and great comments! This site has been very helpful to my confidence!!


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
The Memorial weekend ride pics are up. click here if you're interested.

Great report Anne. Sounds like you had a blast, well except for the "Bates Motel" part! :eek: I've never tried riding in the rain before. That's some determination! :) Good to hear the increased frequency of your riding is resulting in improvement. That's what everyone keeps telling me will happen. I'm trying to get out more often these days.
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