Welcome to the private, members only SupportTeam Forum.
First, we'd like to thank you for supporting DRN. You are helping to insure the long term viability of the forums. So from the moderators and admins; THANKS! You can bet the membership appreciates it as well.
This forum is only accessable by SupportTeam members, in fact, regular forum members can't even see it in the forum list.
I've turned on all options for this forum, html, images, etc., have all been enabled.
About the Avatar.
1) If you do not currently have a custom Avatar, you will be assigned one of the special SupportTeam Avatars, letting the membership know you are making the forums available for all to enjoy.
2) If you have a custom Avatar, we will add the "SupportTeam" tag to the bottom of it, similar to the "TeamDRN" tag you see under moderator's Avatars.
Please be patient, these things require some work, we'll get you set up ASAP.
There will be a lot more info added as time goes by... check the "News" sub forum often.
Again, thank you for your support.
First, we'd like to thank you for supporting DRN. You are helping to insure the long term viability of the forums. So from the moderators and admins; THANKS! You can bet the membership appreciates it as well.
This forum is only accessable by SupportTeam members, in fact, regular forum members can't even see it in the forum list.
I've turned on all options for this forum, html, images, etc., have all been enabled.
About the Avatar.
1) If you do not currently have a custom Avatar, you will be assigned one of the special SupportTeam Avatars, letting the membership know you are making the forums available for all to enjoy.
2) If you have a custom Avatar, we will add the "SupportTeam" tag to the bottom of it, similar to the "TeamDRN" tag you see under moderator's Avatars.
Please be patient, these things require some work, we'll get you set up ASAP.
There will be a lot more info added as time goes by... check the "News" sub forum often.
Again, thank you for your support.