what a day!!!!

Wolf Child

Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 30, 2005
this is way happens when you try to take the family out for a day in the woods. :whoa:

Bonnie tried to spread her wings on the trail today... lets just say, she needs to rethink her plan of attack on learning to ride a motorcycle. She'll get it, but it's gonna take some effort.

The line up: Stephan and his buddy Conner out front, followed by Darien, then Bonnie, and me on sweep. Speed Bump and Conner took off and left the group almost immediately, and went exactly where they were supposed to on the SE loop. Darien, struggling to catch up, took a wrong turn and went up the north loop, unbeknownst to me since Bon was struggling to just keep it rubber side down and moving forward. She eventual gave up at about the 1 mile-ish mark and headed back to the truck. There she realized she had a flat front tire. Her day was done.

so now I'm FAR behind all 3 boys and got on the gas to catch up. about 1/2 way into the SE loop I intercepted the 2 older ones. but no Sign of the 6 yr old.

So I give instructions to SB and friend, go back the way you came and turn onto the north loop, I'm going to cut across and try to intercept him and we'll meet in the middle. STAY ON THE TRAIL! this was ( at the time ) I thought the best plan. NEVER TRUST A 10 YR OLD TO FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS!!! I hauled ass and found Darien waiting for someone to finally show up where the north loop crosses the road. I cant say how proud I am of him. not only did he make it that far completely on his own, but he knew enough at that point to STOP AND WAIT. Good job son. :cool: So now with the youngest leading the way, we begin backtracking to where the older boys SHOULD be... all the way back to where I first found them. no sign. we see 2 groups of riders and neither have seen them. well it now abundantly clear to me that they did , in fact, leave the trail and got on the 2 track some where, but the question was WHERE. ANd how do I catch them towing a 6 yr old around. Answer: 2 track it back to the parking lot and leave the boy with Bonnie.

so now, on my own, I begin my search criss crossing the areas they SHOULD be in based on where I last saw them. 4hrs have passed, and did I mention Conner is a diabetic, and I have his meds in my camelbak. things are getting serious. as I sweep and area I mark it on my GPS. at intersections I stop and walk the area, looking for signs of their passage. About 6 miles from the intersection of the SE loop and the main 2 track.. I hit pay dirt. 2 lone tire tracks winding down the jeep trail that could only have come from a pair of small displacement trail bikes. so I begin to follow these winding, tracks in the sand till they suddenly disappear. at this point I'm about 4 miles from the parking lot and pretty certain they are heading the right way. then I hear my radio chirp. they are at the parking lot....with a state police escort. :yikes:

cop was cool about it, seems they change course again and ended up out at the main road where they were spotted and escorted back to the lot. so it ended ok.. but I swear, I think Woodsy's been giving my kid lessons on the sly. :laugh: :ride:
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Dec 2, 2003
Sounds like a typical day of riding for you dont it. Bikes breaking down. People getting lost. Police intervention. Sounds like my kind of day. Too bad I missed it.

Woodsy would be proud of you if he ever gets back online to read this.

I got your message. I had way too much going on yesterday and today to get out for a ride. Gotta get my ducks in a row for next weekend


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
Family riding events are fun when all goes well. I've bene waiting for that day myself! :rotfl: Great story!!!

If you want a field to help Bonnie out with some lessons, PM me, I can help you out.


Dec 2, 2003
I keep tellin ya that you's can ride at my folks place anytime you want...But noooo you never call.

Wolf Child

Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 30, 2005
man, If I'm driving all the way over there...we're trail ridin' ;)


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 3, 2002
Wolf Child said:
but I swear, I think Woodsy's been giving my kid lessons on the sly. :laugh: :ride:
:rotfl: :rotfl: That is priceless, great write up Wolfy. :cool:


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 2, 2006
Sounds like quite a ride :whoa: Tell Bonnie to stick with it - I'm sure she'll do fine (like I told her, I'd be happy to take her riding sometime). How does she like her XR100?



that is exactly why I have been stalling on buying a GPS. I want the Garmin 60CSX. However, I am afraid that when my 3 year old starts riding in a few years that I am going to need at least 2 garmin Rynos so I know his exact location if he gets out of sight. This is entirely possible since he seems to have a good way of doing that already.

Wolf Child

Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 30, 2005

Actually. it was a comedy of errors. I HAVE 10 mile radios, and VOX headsets are on the way. but like a buch of clowns we left them in the truck.

the GPS made the search 100 times more efficient. I could mark off where I'd been and see what possible routes were in my area.
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