What the heck is that thing for?


Jan 25, 2000
Forgive me if this has been discussed before, but I haven't the slightest idea what to search for. My question is about that little tube welded onto the frame just below the right number plate on the post-95 models. I have no idea what it is for. My only guess is that it has something to do with the manufacturing process. Anybody know for sure?


Nov 12, 2001
Yes this has been discussed before and there were alot of ideas what the little thingy does. Some people have went and cut them off but i perfer to keep mine on. Alot say that its a nice handle, I think its to protect the silencer pipe that leads down around the frame. Also, When i jump(and notice others do it too) i lift my right foot depending on what im seting up for next on the track. But when lifting my foot, it rubs right along there and i think it helps to keep my foot out of the gap where the tire is. and no problem on being discussed before, it happens and heck, i cant find crap on here sometimes. Sometimes there are new ideas that need to be brought out so its good to go over things again.


Master of None
Jul 31, 2000
Never looked at the newer models, but on the '93 I had the best guess I could come up with was that it kept the side panel from folding back under itself and breaking.


Aug 15, 2002
It's a handle though only semi useful.
Gone are the days when dirt bikes had good handles. My old 83 KDX250 had huge handles at the back that were great for tying down or anchoring a tow rope to rescue blokes on their shiny new 4 strokes. (only once)


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Originally posted by Speedy
I think its to protect the silencer pipe that leads down around the frame. helps to keep my foot out of the gap where the tire is.

Ding. Ding. Ding.

We have a winner. The first is the true reason for the innocuious little bar. The second not quite if the plate covering the rear master cylender is installed.


Nov 12, 2001
HEY Cool what do i win!!! LMAO... nah,, i remember it being discussed before. hehe My 85 KDX 200 has those handles you speak of JPM200 and they are nice to have.


Nov 12, 2002
I've got a question to add to this thread... what is the reason for the "quick-release" side panel on 96 and newer KDX's??


Nov 12, 2001
You know whats cool is i was wanting to plug that hole with something that looked stock but didnt know what. I had a friend find me some plugs for the bars under the rear fender. They(Kawasaki) had plugs from before but one was goobered up pritty bad from a crash by the previous owner. So my friend found some black ones that look stock and killer looking. But like i said i wanted to plug that mysterious handle but with what?? Well a week ago i was walking to my truck in a parking lot and was looking down when i noticed a little black rubber plug. I picked it up and headed home. To my surprize it was a perfect fit, just alittle trimming and waaaahh laaaaaa. Got the super glue out and now theres no hole and looks stock. Sometimes it pays to look down...


Nov 12, 2001
I have a 96' and im not sure what you mean??? what side panel??? The lower rear left part of the frame removes for easy access of removing air filter box. Is that what your asking??? Im not sure???


Dec 3, 2002
I was thinking the same thing about the L side panel and its hole and dzus-screw fastener. I came to the conclusion it's a remnant of a quick-change air filter setup, possibly on a street bike. (KDX200SR somewhere?) Somewhere along the line, they abandoned the side-access airbox/filter, but kept the quick-change panel.

Now that handle under the R panel is, for most of us, a way to lift the big over a log in the trail or drag it out of some gnarly situation. For KDXfreestyle, it's a handhold so he can bust moves in the air.

Nice thread... any other things on the KDX that have a less-than-obvious purpose?


Jan 25, 2000
I just went and took another look at that thing, and I can't buy the idea that it's a handle. You could not grab ahold of it without your fingers contacting the hot exhaust pipe, and its also a little too low to get good leverage to lift the back wheel over a log. I also don't think it is to protect the exhaust pipe, which at that particular place is not too vulnerable because it is already tucked inside the frame. Where the pipes need some kind of protection is just behind the front wheel and in the fat part of the expansion chamber. I think we need more ideas on the mysterious thingy.

I know of another usless thingy, but I know what this one is.......the little bumps at the bottom rear of the fork legs. Those used to be drilled for drain holes, and it was a lot easier to change fork oil than taking the tubes off and turning them upside down.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
I've always thought it was possibly used to hang the frame to dry the paint at the factory.
Reading this thread prior to going out riding yesterday made me think of it when I was out. As per usual I got myself in a messy situation & by using the "handle" managed to move the bike easily to where I wanted the rear wheel to be. And no, I didn't burn my hands. Changing the plug the other week/month, then I did burn my hands. Thankfully I don't have to change the plug that often, but then again, I'm outta practice & did all sorts of dumb things.
I wouldn't have a clue what to search for either when it comes to this thread. Handle? Dunno. I do know it's been discussed before, but doesn't come up that often ;) lol


Jan 25, 2000
I hadn't thought of that paint-the-frame idea. Sounds like a good possiblity, but then wouldn't other bikes have something like it? I've not noticed something like this on other bikes I've owned, but I can't be certain. There sure doesn't seem to be enough clearance between the pipe and that "handle" for MY fingers.


Nov 12, 2001
It might not be there just for a handle but when your stuck and you have you gloves on. it makes a very nice handle. Dont you think??

Tom Ludolff

Oct 3, 2002
I asked this very same question a few months ago when I first got my 220. Everyone said it was a handle. I don't know about anyone else, but I couldn't lift the bike from down that low. It is much easier to lift by the rear fender. I'll settle this once and for all. I'll go to the Kawasaki site and ask them!!! I'l let you all know if they respond.


Nov 11, 2001
Unfortunately for the 89-94 Kdx they did not install a brace under the rear fender to strengthen it,if you take a close look at the rear fender kawi tried to stengthen the fender by flaring out the sides ,poor job.If you have tried to lift the bike by the rear fender it will usually crack,the small bars pointing to the rear axle about 2 inchs long,welded to the subframe tubes,there is one on the left and the right side are made for lifting the bike ,unfortunately they are too low for any good leverage and you usually you gimp up your back trying to use them.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Originally posted by Tom Ludolff
I asked this very same question a few months ago when I first got my 220. Everyone said it was a handle. I don't know about anyone else, but I couldn't lift the bike from down that low. It is much easier to lift by the rear fender. I'll settle this once and for all. I'll go to the Kawasaki site and ask them!!! I'l let you all know if they respond.
Tom, I thought the same thing. However Friday I found it was brilliant. I lent over the bike, grabbed the "handle", lent the bike against my leg & could lift it to where it needed to be (might take more than one move but I don't have much upper body strength).
Maybe it's different for me at 5'3", I dunno. I used to grab the rear fender or side panels but no way in hell could I budge the back. I was lifting from my height & had no leverage. I also used to pop the side panels off frequently with my old method.
Whatever it's for, mine's staying on.


Jan 2, 2001
I can't tell you for sure what it's designed for,But I can tell you how I used it.One day after work I was on my 30min loop,heading back in.It was raining hard and I remember thinking about my pace.I looked down @ the clock and it showed I was ahead of my usual by about a full min.I thought"WOW".The hard rain/conditions and I'm actually ahead.That's when it happened.The moment I lost focus,I hit a piece of dead wood with no bark on it.I lost my right peg and started to come off the back.That action made me pin the gas.To bad the bike was heading in the wrong direction.I went superman, striaght off the trail with the bike at a 45 angle,into a 7" maple tree.Injuries aside,the pipe took it hard.The fat part of the pipe had a perfect tree dent.The rest of the pipe buckled between the the mounts,front and rear.When that happened,the pipe hit THAT little tab and stopped it from becoming a serious leg ripper.Don't take it off.It's there for a reason.
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