Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
I finally got a new trailer/toybox last week (along with a GMC 2500 to haul it with) after 3 years of quizzing and quandry, and am enjoying the week at Whiskey Creek. A lot of you have been there for the Rites of Spring, but I'll tell you what, Whiskey Creek takes on a different tone in the fall! What quiet and solitude, plus easy access to the Big "O". The Big "O" has been recently de-whooped, and boy is it fast (and open and fairly unchallenging, but still fun - any riding is funner than the alternative!).

Whiskey Creek has added new campsites up in the back woods, which are pretty nice.

If anyone is up for a ride this weekend, come on up. Look for an All American Sport and a silver GMC Sierra, and probably a KTM out front!


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Hey Mark:
Nice finally meeting you folks, it is always fun meeting new faces!! Sorry that I couldnt get up there earlier during the week for a ride but you know how it goes... What a BEAUTIFUL new rig - CONGRATS!! At least now I know what I am looking for if we make it up to Trailfest in October. Just so you know, I didnt get 5 minutes away from your camp site and the sky let loose!! REALLY glad I wasnt on the bike :) Had a real nice visit and got a chance to get some "fresh air" away from the business - thanks for posting your "vacation" plans (just goes to show - you never know where or when you will get company when you do something like that). I wish we could of got a ride in but it was still GREAT to get a break.
You "siezed the day" big time with that outfit!!!


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999

Boy was I surprised to see you! I didn't get a chance to tell you, but when Emily and I were out partridge hunting, we were parked next to a van that looked just like yours'. When you started pulling in, I thought it was the same van, and wondered how that guy found where we were, and what he wanted. Glad it was you instead!

Sorry I couldn't get a ride in with you today. It rained non-stop all the way home and for a couple hours after we got back. My barn is full of soggy stuff drying out!

The trails were gre-e-e-a-a-t during the week, and my tracks were the only one out there. That Kawi of your's sure would've moved a lot of earth out there!

It was great to meet you finally, and do please try and make it to Trailfest. You WILL have a great time!

By the way, I wanted to ask you - how's Horshoe Lake now? I'm going to try and get out ther on a week-day evening, when the weather is more reliable. Interested in joining me?


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Yea Smitdog, you are correct on that one - someone REALLY did their homework and got EXACTLY what every dirtbiker should have!!
Hey Mark (or ANY of the rest of you wild rippers for that matter). Horseshoe is really looking great right now - LETS DO IT!!! The way I read the "trail sign" up there last time I was there, the west side of the Holton trail is now open too (someone correct me if I am wrong on that). Pick a date/time and we will do it!!
To be honest with you Mark - this rain has REALLY got me pumped for riding!! NO DUST and cooler weather makes for PERFECT riding!
By the way, I could tell by the look on your face when I was pulling in that you really "wondered" what was up :) Now I see why, the thought of someone following me back to my camp when I have my daughter with me and they potentially have a gun would give me the "willies" too!! Thankfully it was just some lunatic with a KX500 :) :) :)
Give me a shout when you wanna ride - [email protected]!


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
Yeah Smitdog, that's the one. Not the fifth wheel, although I REALLY salivated over that one! I got the 27FB model (look in the floorplan area). It's great to be able to take your garage with you!

Woodsy, we're on for Horshoe! I just get back today, and find out I'll be gone from Wednesday to Friday - and just got home! That gives me tomorrow night to prep my bike for the Color Tour (really looking tentative now because of the days out). So, we'll have to look at next week, which should be clearer.
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