My brother and I saved the house without help from firefighters! This disaster is made worse by the same Katrina government arrogance. I'll post video as soon as I can get internet service.
From my phone.
Trying to get my office up and running today, "might" have permenant power by Friday. The devastation is beyond anything I've ever seen. A fire storm is one scary thing. Preperations saved us and many people were just not prepared. 70 homes lost within a few miles of my place. Insurance agent just arived, more later.
Brian. Congrats on saving your home. We had a similar situation in 1990 with no help from the fire department. When the insurance agent comes, get his name and business card. Make sure you take photos of everything he approves and get him to sign it. Get his photograph too. A little trick that insurance companies play is to send an agent out to your property and this agent will be very sympathetic and tell you they will replace everything. A few weeks later, when you try to get ahold of this agent, they will tell you he is gone or has been transfered and they will send out a new agent.
When the new agent comes out a few weeks later, you will have already repaired some of your property. The new agent will say he can't cover that because it's been repaired and there is no evidence of the fire damage. Of course, the first agent is not available to question and none of the original paperwork can be found. That's when you show him your photos. They will send several agents out. A different one every time and each time the new agent will disallow more damage. This is a trick that they all use to reduce the size of your claim. Get photos, get it on paper and get it signed by the first agent. We had State Farm insurance and they treated us pretty good even though they tried to trick us with the different agents. Allstate insurance was the worst and they really screwed the people with Allstate over. Good luck.
Hey everyone. I'm sitting in front of our local phone company to get internet access so I'll still have to be brief. Life is very slowly returning to normal. We have power again and the family is back in the house along with most of the animals. The horses are at a friends for now. Everything we own smells like grass/brush fire smoke. I really only notice it when I go somewhere outside of the fire area but it will be awhile before we can rid ourselves of the smell.
The Governor declared a "state of emergency" 8-3-12 and the authorities used their near unlimited powers to wreak havic on the civilian population. Law enforcement attempted to blockade the area with literally hundreds of ways aroung the road blocks. They allowed vehicles to leave without checking the contents of the vehicles. This approach was outrageous. I've never heard of looters bringing stolen items INTO a disaster area, have you? Many homes that were saved by the owners themselves were then looted when the tried to get basic supplies or help from friends and relatives. My wife has a link on her FB page of the TV interview we did. We've been defending our property with our firearms on our sides with bold and persuasive warnings. Never thought I would have to resort to something like this outside of total civil break down but I did and will do what I have to do. I'll try to get some video and pics up in the next week or so if I don't end up in the pokey.
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